Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 61 – A Noble Reception

*** Yuki after the massage ***

It was nice being intimate with Alzi; I'm a little sad I can't be on the receiving end. Damn, Princess, I was just a few months away from my first kids. Now it's going to be a few years likely.

"I'm here, my love! Ready to fuck me?"

"Nakuma, you know I called you here to go over what you've found about the assassin's guild," I say with a sigh. This damn girl is more focused on sex than even Alzi is.

"Doesn't mean we can't start with something fun," she lets out, collapsing on my bed.

"Spill it, you found something troubling."

"Of course I did! What do you think would be in the guildhall? Fuck they keep three bitches of my strength there at all times. The damn bitches don't have anything better to do. I can assassinate one. I think you can get the other. But the third kills us both with all the assassins supporting her."

"They have to have shifts. Get one during the shift."

"No, they don't leave till the other comes. All that does is mean we have to kill four instead of three."

"Can't you kill the first without being found out? Then we just need to sync up the last two kills. Has the handler given you any information?" Fuck, why couldn't they have they have the information at the branch. It would simplify this process a lot. Plus, we have to worry about them tracking that attack back to us.

"She's how we get in. I may be able to keep it hidden for long enough to get to the third, but not good enough to count on it."

"Do you have the layout? We'll have to make a few trips then and set some traps down." She hasn't done as many assassinations as I have. She prefers just to go and kill them in a fight. It's a bit faster but a dirtier method. Some would call it more honorable, but I had a career outside of killing to keep up.

"Yes, here's the map: another basement, this one in the center of the city through the sewage. We've got a few entrances. There is an entrance for HQ employees that we'll use for the actual attack. Any setup work will need to happen through the other entrances, not that I think we can do any. We can't go through the employee entrance twice without getting caught," Nakuma says, tossing some paper in the air. I quickly move it to my table to study.

It has two levels. The bottom is for the management and top assassins to hold up. The floor above is for the handlers, mission assignment, and collection. If we only go for information, we'll need to get to the second level. The employee's entrance is still on the first, near the stairs, but I'm sure that stairs will require a bit of work to open. Getting down without detection is hard. I see why she wants to kill a few people first.

"What is needed to get down the stairs?" I ask.

"Passcode. I can just teleport us past it, but we only have ten minutes till the detection spell finds us."

"You can't hide us from it? How about just me, then just anchor me to you and pull me out if trouble arises or I get the information?"

"Sure, until we have to open the door to get the records. It isn't a filled contract yet, so they should still have the paper. That door is enchanted with a few dozen locking and detection wards. All of which alert the three bitches on guard. Too much to block, dispel, and keep us hidden. Few likely alert the off-duty guards as well, so I would have to intercept that as well."

"I can do some of that. I am just a class behind. Sure, my latest is a bit useless for skills, but it gave me plenty of mana to work with."

"Trust me, I know. I don't know why you hide them. That whore Alzi even touched them without knowing their true glory! Why don't you pop them out and show me how much you're working with."

"Be serious, Nakuma. I don't need to attract the attention my true size would get."

"Fine, yes, you would help, but it still is too much work. One mistake, and we're dead. Hell, even without a mistake, we could die."

"Ok, so we have to kill three with only two people. How well can you fake them being alive? We could kill them together one at a time," I may need a few days to come up with a plan—all this, and we just figured out who paid for it; no revenge yet.

"Not long enough; we still just get two."

"Ok, it looks like we'll be poisoning a few people then. Give me some time, and I'll figure something out." They may not try hard to figure out who attacked their branch, just blaming it on attacking someone they shouldn't have. This attack is going to have them pausing everything to find us. We may have to destroy the entire network to have some peace and quiet around us after this heist.

"Fine, can I sleep with you?" Her perverted face coming out.

"Will your hands stay honest?"

"No," she says with a deflated tone.

"Goodnight Nakuma."

She poofs out with a little hmph, leaving me with a plan to make. I do have access to a good battery now, alchemy is always better when you can have a bunch of extra mana around. Alzi even has the perfect affinity for it; just a bit of life affinity in a sea of unrefined mana is the key to some of the best poisons you can find.

*** Princess at the reception ***

Weddings are the one place the organized dances fall apart. Wine flows a bit too much for the fine movements dancing requires. I mean, as soon as I enter, an entire barrel thrust in front of my wives and me. All of us had to drink quite a few glasses to finish it, well, besides Isda.

She'll have to find a few other pregnant girls to shield her from the drunk antics that the rest will be participating in. She did cause her wives to drink a few more glasses than we would otherwise need. At least walking straight wouldn't be hard; it was simply not going to happen tonight.

Even the Queen was drinking with little thought about tomorrow or how she presented herself before her loyal subjects. Countess Esmeralda was likely the reason; it seemed she was goading her into some drinking game in the corner. Good; she'll behave when she's drunk. Plus, The Queen has a royal physician to relieve her hangover in the morning.

Glasses, bottles, and barrels lined the walls. Even some of the Duchess's creations made their way to the party. Speaking of that beautiful elemental, here she comes to take poor Isda away.

"Hi, Fluvis! Coming to save Isda from the fun?" I call out.

"No, your Highness. I'm here to save her from the evil that will happen. The pregnant woman had already found a safe corner to sit in. Come on, Isda, relax while the rest of you turn tomorrow into a raging headache."

"Don't act all high 'n mighty 'cause you got knocked up. I've heard about your wedding night!"

"Quiet, I don't wish to be reminded of that mistake."

"Hehehe, it didn't sound like a mistake to me," I say as I bump into a table. No, that one moved into me. I swear, someone must have been playing a trick on me.

Whatever, the Duchess actually stripped at her reception and consummated her wedding in front of the guests—a bold move, one that I may have done if Alzi was here. It wouldn't hurt to show off my capture. Mother would certainly be annoyed watching me fuck the father of her spoiled brat.

"We all think those are good ideas with enough wine. Now enjoy your time, Isda dear, come. Trust me, you don't need to be near whatever happens next."

"Thank you, Duchess. I'd be happy for the company," she says, practically running to her side. My wife is already running to another woman! She's lucky Fluvis wants into my harem.

"Ok, girls, let's do a little dance!" I shout out. The band always plays something fast; drunks don't care how it sounds, just that it moves.

The most common dance move was taking another drink of wine, followed closely by stumbling into someone. Each song left everyone's clothing more damaged, sleeves ripped off, breasts popping out of the thinning fabric.

Everyone's harems finding a space so they don't get taken advantage of as the party continues. And I do take advantage of the stumbling to feel my wive's assets, not because I'm totally wasted, unable to tell up from down.


I'm not sure how much later it is; I've long since lost track of how much wine I've had—not that I ever had a count. At some point, the Queen switched her dress or ripped it, as it is now sleeveless, hanging onto her mounds with just a few strings.

Mine was in a similar state, and by that, I mean past the holding on for dear life part and onto the girls out part, proving why men, outside of a groom, aren't welcome at royal weddings. Alzi'll need to be pregnant when we get invited to weddings; otherwise, the whole party will be walking away with quite the gift from me.

As the wine started to dwindle, families began making excuses to leave and relieve the burning desire they all felt; I wasn't the only one with her tits out after all. Slowly, just my family and the pregnant woman were left behind. The Queen and Esmeralda were also hanging out in a corner, kissing a little.

Though most of my wives were passed out, Isda collected them into a little pile. Only me, Vanya, Geta, and Isda were left standing. With the room basically cleared out, I decided to help Isda have a bit of fun. She was stuck in the corner, unable to feel her wife's wonderful breasts.

"Hehehe, Issdddaaa, come... here," I say gracefully, "Feel how pow, powerful your wife is!" I stumble towards my little angel. I already mentioned I wouldn't be walking straight tonight.

"Dear, we need to help your other wives get to bed first. Really, I think you should go to bed too; I told you not to have the last ten cups of wine. Each one was promised to be the last, yet you kept finding more," she scolds me. "Now, quiet down and follow like a good girl."

"I'll give you some help," Fluvis says, standing up beside her.

"No, I can go a bit longer. Come on, let's have some fun," is the last thing I say before falling into my guardian angel's arms. Hopefully, I didn't knock the poor pregnant woman down; she's a bit small.

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