Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 55 – Learning About the Little Princess

Leaving the bitch behind, I pick out the Angel for the next dance. I can see servants setting up the tables for dinner. The next dance should be a faster one just for fun. Perfect for showing off her gorgeous golden hair. Isda is wearing a long blue dress and golden jewelry to match her hair. Short heels due to her growing pregnancy. Overall a cute girl I'm excited to let run my household.

When I take her hand, she squishes into my body to try whispering into my ear, "Honey, my belly feels attracted to your little sister. It's strange like my unborn children want to meet her."

"I think she is Alzi's child. So they are feeling the blood call. You basically confirmed my Mother fucked our soon-to-be wife. I'll try to get us near my little sister after dinner, which should calm them down. She likely wants to get to you and the few other unborn children of Alzi's here. Do you feel a draw to anyone else?"

"No, just the princess."

"Must all be too weak to have a larger draw. Do your best to ignore it and have some fun. I plan to make you the center of attention while my Mother and sister are talking to the Duchesses. That should get the girl to run to you. We'll have to be careful of our kids running off to find their half-sisters at these parties and when traveling the city. Alzi has a number of kids with nobles and the wealthy," I say as the music picks up for the next dance.

I have to be careful with the short girl; five kids are difficult to carry. I don't need to kill off my first kids before they are born. I focus more on keeping time than any special moves, enjoying spending time with my future family. Rarely will we have a chance to dance and have fun.

After the wedding, it will be a lot of work building up the territories of my supporters, continuing to make my name known, and leveling up everyone in my house. Several maids need a lot of levels before they will truly be useful.

Isda is like most nobles, nimble in her small heels. Twirling around and following my steps carefully. We have a larger space to work in than most do as those around us eye the golden hair flicking around in their vision, matched against my red dress.

I push her a bit faster, taking a step every beat at least, causing her to be out of breath when the dance ends with her wrapped up in my arms.

"Sorry for picking up the speed. You seemed to be handling it fine, and we drew the eyes I was hoping for. Not the greatest excuse, but we only get so many chances to show off." I give Isda a short is on the cheek before we separate. "Mother has us spread out for dinner. I'll find you all again afterward. I'll need to dance with others besides my fiancée's, but I'll try to get with you all at least once if time permits." My other fiancées and servants have started gathering around us.

"We know, sweety," she huffs out, still trying to catch her breath. Her dress is a little too tight in the chest it seems. Did she gain a few levels since getting it fit? "We'll have the wedding to monopolize your time, or the others will, at least. I don't think I'll be able to dance in a week. I'm already too tired to do another dance tonight."

"Take it easy. Pregnant women never need to dance. The kids are more important than showing off, even if I didn't do the best job showing that right now. See you all soon," I say to the small crowd. They give a small bow, and we head to our assigned tables. The servants had finished setting up the tables during the last dance. Well, most of them; a few needed to be moved a bit once the dance floor was cleared out a bit more.

Twenty long tables are needed to accommodate the crowd Mother Invited. Each table seats about twenty-five people. The number of maids needed to serve all the food and clean up will be insane. Already, they are running around in a mad dash, trying to set the tables for the nobles.

The royal table is already finished, letting Mother and my sisters sit down. I slowly make my way over to my table along with my sisters and their harems. I even find a fiancée of Arya walking over. She does have to sit at the far end, but mine aren't even welcome at the table.

"Mother, I thought that only family members were allowed at the table?" I ask as I sit down.

"Not now. The seating chart is already decided and approved by me."

"It's improper to have a non-royal sitting with us. I need actual reason to throw away the etiquette."

"It was approved by me. Now, just let us eat instead of talking about these silly things."

"Several members of my house weren't given an invitation, yet Arya gets to have her at the royal table? Why would I be quiet about that?"

One of Mother's wives interjects, "Dear, we have a free seat that little Angel would be good to bring to our table. She isn't wrong about the etiquette." This is not the way I would have preferred this to be settled. It would have been better to force the fiancée to leave the table, but it is nice to know I just need to get Mother to make decisions with her harem around to get a fairer experience.

"Fine, call that girl over quickly. Irlo shouldn't have to wait longer to eat her dinner."

"Thank you, Mother," I say, trying not to be too unreasonable. I get up and walk over to Isda's table. I don't have to walk far; Mother could only disgrace my house so much.

"Isda, come with me. You've been approved to sit with us at the main table."

"Yes, honey," she says as she gracefully stands up from her chair. She has a small smile on her face as she follows me to the end of the head table. I pull out her chair and let her sit down. I give her a little kiss on the top of her head before walking back to my chair. The second I sit down the maids come out to bring us the salad.

I give Isda a small smile to hopefully help the poor girl relax at the new table. She finds herself surrounded by royalty and has no friends. She's a nice girl, so she'll have no problem talking to the women around her. Not that the table had much discussion during the first course. My demand caused a strange atmosphere.

Most eyes turn to the birthday girl most are seeing for the first time. I get a good look at her greenhorns, her tail flicking around behind her as she picks at the small salad portion in front of her. Mother personally wiping the dressing off her cheeks.

I have to admit it is very cute, making me wish I could immediately have Alzi get me pregnant instead of having to work my ass off to catch up to my stupid sisters.

I bravely ask my new sister, "What are some of your favorite things to do, Irlo?" It seems to catch the little girl off guard, her head turning as she tries to figure out who talked to her. All the sisters listen in, trying to find out what my Mother's new favorite daughter likes.

"Dear, your sister Elora asked what you like to do in your free time. Why don't you answer her?" Mother encourages, pointing in my direction. Irlo follows the Queen's finger and stares right at me for a few moments before she opens her mouth.

"Chasing butterflies, and hide and seek with the maids, the garden is really pretty, and tag, OH and I like watching Mommy practice her magic. The fire is SSSOOO pretty, different colors mixing!" Streams out. The last item makes all of us hate her a little bit.

"Yes, the Queen has wonderful control over her magic. It's always a treat to watch her. Tag would be great to play. I haven't run around the grounds for fun in quite a while," I answer back, trying to keep my jealousy out of my voice. She is just a one-year-old girl who doesn't get a chance for the throne.

Her head turns to the side with my response, "The grounds?" she asks. No way does Mother let her run around the castle playing tag. I got yelled at for walking too fast on multiple occasions! Fuck how is the Queen going so soft on this girl?

"Do you play tag in the castle?" Adesala asks quickly, getting to the bottom of what we all want to know.

Irlo can't answer right away as Mother starts to feed her. Well, at least she has to eat her greens like the rest of us, though having the Queen feed her in front of hundreds of the most important people in the Queendom is worth the pain.

"Yes!" She spits out, not finished chewing what Mother fed her.

"Irlo, what did I say about talking and eating. You need to have your manners for these events."

"Sorry, Mommy."

I don't think any of my sisters registered the following conversation. Any of us would've been sent out of the party, even if it was our birthday party, for that act. On top of being able to run in the castle halls we're all trying to contain our anger of the lectures we've received while little Irlo gets a soft voice. We all worry about asking more questions, not sure if we can handle the cute little girl's extreme privileges.

Near the end, Lyrei, my oldest sister, finds a question that won't have us puking up blood at the unfair treatment. "What is your favorite color Irlo?"

"Green!" She exclaims, wiggling her tail and letting her wings out. "See!"

"Yes, that is a very pretty emerald green."

The answer is a little vain, but what child isn't a little vain. I should try finding out Alzi's Mother's and father's scale colors. It would be interesting to know if she is passing those colors down or if she can make any color for her children.

The first course is basically done; Irlo is likely the only one with some vegetables left on her plate. The maids start cleaning up while Mother walks Irlo out to the stage to give a little speech while the main course is prepared. When they reach the middle of the room, Irlo finds herself on the Queen's shoulders; the shock can be seen on every face. Mother ignores this and continues like this is how she does every first birthday party.

"Welcome, everyone. I'm glad so many people could make it here. This is likely my last child during my reign. I've just about reached the seventy-year mark and will soon make room for the next Queen. Four of my daughters are currently fighting for the position. I wish them luck. But today is about my youngest. A cute little dragonkin. It was a happy surprise when I found myself pregnant again, this little ball of energy wasn't planned by me. The Goddess obviously has different plans, and I welcome them openly. She's brought much joy to my life. I'm happy to host her first event today. Bringing so many of my loyal and hard-working subjects for a night of fun. I wish we could do this type of event more, but the travel and the many hours you all put in to protect your lands in your absence is too much to ask often. So I have prepared some different activities for a normal birthday party. My daughter asked for me to do a bit of magic and I thought it would be a wonderful idea to do so. It has been far too long since I've last shown off. So please let this Queen have a bit of fun tonight at my daughter's request. Now, let's get to the main course!" She ends. Walking back to the head of the table with Irlo still on her shoulders, wearing the biggest smile I've ever seen on the Queen.

We all need to lower our hate for our new sister; she just earned us a beautiful show tonight. One that we'll all be staring at carefully, trying to pick apart her mana usage to improve our own. My main affinity may be strength, but I still have a bit of the standard fire to work with.

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