Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 48 – The First Family Dinner

"I want to thank everyone who came up and introduced themselves to me. You all have potential. Unfortunately, there are a limited number of spots, but as I grow in wealth and influence, I'll have room for more wives and a need for more servants. I'll keep you all at the top of the list if you are still available at that time," I shout out when I finish up with the last girl. Turning to my new wives and servants, "To you all, thank you. All of you are special. You could've found a wife or job with any family, yet you chose mine. Thank you. We all need to work hard and work together. You'll be the core of my house and, in the future, running our country. After dinner, I'll try to spend a bit of time with you all. I have the wedding already planned, and your families should have the details already. The Queen has confirmed she'll be there, so everything is set. I need to mingle with the elders of your families before dinner, but I encourage all of you to get to know each other a bit better."

My first stop is the Duchess, but when I greet her, she just gives me a silly smile before waving me on. Her belly is just barely showing like the angel. Did they get pregnant around the same time? Ashlyn really did make the brothel soar with Alzi and Yuki there. I wonder how she'll do when she loses Alzi. She is probably fine; Ashlyn's a smart girl. I'm giving her my cousin to replace Yuki, so she'll have some breathing room, enough to find a new pony to show off.

I bounce around the room, trying to greet as many of the nobles as I can before dinner. But I only had half an hour. I'll try some more after dinner. I may need to just hit large groups after I spend time with my newly formed harem.

I get to sit at the head of the table. Duchess to my left with her family. Countess Esmeralda to my right. I was surprised to see her here, I thought just Quintella would show but I'm happy to have the head of the family here. Can never have too much support. With everyone sat I finally can say it out loud. We can finally aim officially for the throne.

"A night filled with speeches," I say, standing up to be seen better at the long table. My wives and servants sit at the far end. The heads of the families with their wives sit in between me and them. Two tables to either side hold the people I didn't select. The room isn't long enough to let them sit with us. "This should be the last, and it is the most important. The reason we are gathered here. What has brought us together? We are here to set the future of the country. To enact our will. We all wish to see our country prosper, and to do that, we must let our people grow. We need all to see their life improve by the hard work we put in. As their lives improve, so will ours. Our children will have access to stable lives that they can launch off from instead of scrapping something from the waste we leave behind. Our country will be strengthened. Able to defend itself better. There would be fewer empty chairs at our tables, fewer lost limbs, and no haunted dreams of the battlefields. My sisters say similar things. Talking about the commoners, what they need, and how to give it. But they've long since stopped talking to commoners. Their circles are completely nobles and the powerful adventurers that serve them. If one of them showed they truly cared for our people like I do, I wouldn't have this party. I would be fighting to have you back them instead. But they don't care. They care more for their luxury and comfort. For that reason, I'm..."

"The Royal Highness, Queen Yumanea Elagwyn. Please stand to greet her." echoes through the ballroom, freezing my speech. My whole body stiffens. Nails digging into my palms to keep them from launching things at the door.

This is my party she has no right to be here. Interfering in my race is problematic. Everyone quickly stands, giving each other confused looks as the large doors open to reveal the Queen.

She's wearing the crown over her blonde hair. A deep red dress showing off her stupid power. Even her heels challenge my size. All her jewelry is gold. More cleavage and a tighter dress, showing how fast her body recovered from her last pregnancy. Why is she humiliating me? I'll make her Alzi's toy when I get the throne. A friend shared that Alzi was able to get a maid pregnant while the maid was already pregnant. Mother careful; you may just become a breeding whore for Alzi.

"Please sit. Sit. I just heard about a fun little party in one of my ballrooms and thought I should spend some time with my subjects. My baby girl has been taking up too much of my time lately," she says as if she didn't just have an official announcement for us to stand. A silly little smile, like she is just here for some fun. Bring the ceremonial crown down here. That thing rarely ever leaves the throne room.

"Thank you, Mother, for visiting. It's a pleasure to host you at this humble gathering," I say with a short bow. Esmeralda has to shuffle down a spot, making room to the right of Duchess Fluvis so the Queen can take the head of the table. Not being able to finish my speech means the Duchess is still over me.

"This feast does look great. I believe you were giving a speech. I'm sorry for interrupting. You know how people get nervous when I ask to be announced. They didn't think to wait for you to finish. Please finish," she says with a stupid little wave like I'm a child telling my dolls about my day during a tea party. Well, I think that is what it would look like, I never got any dolls. Just swords and bruises and a few broken bones. Oh, and the mana poisoning to 'test' my perseverance. Which I think she forgot was found to be really fucking high.

"Yes, you are the most important figure for our country. It is only natural that they don't make you wait," I say with a smile plastered on my face. "As I was about to say, that is why I will be aiming for the throne with your support. Together, we can continue this strong trajectory our country is on so that everyone in the country can continue having their lives improved."

What a pitiful end. I could feel the loud applause I was going to get before. They were excited with me. Now, they question if I have even a chance. Is my mother going to get in our way? She will, that much she has proven, but I'll push past it. I'll force the others to see what I can do. They'll have no chance to doubt me. Keep digging your hole, Mother. I'm happy to toss you in.

"Oh, sorry, honey. I didn't realize this was the party for that. I've been too distracted lately. I wish you the best in your run. It'll be hard overcoming your older sisters, but you've shown that you work hard with the odds stacked against you."

Sorry my ass, there's no need to lie. Everyone here knows you knew what this party was for. Just move on and enforce your will on me like you always do. Everyone waiting for you to take the first bite. That should've been me. The first time I get people to wait for me to eat. First time I can be equal to a Duchess.

All eyes are on the Queen, waiting for permission to eat. She looks over the dishes, wondering where to start. She chose the Uakari-Rabbit I hunted last week. I got lucky and found a pack of six that I was able to trap and kill. Prepared as the first course, the part that would start my run. I have to give it to her, she knows how to choose. I quickly take a bite after her, trying to place myself somewhere near the top. Likely looking pathetic in my attempt.

Most of the hall is silent. I'm not sure what to talk about with the Queen here. She just enjoys the meal prepared for my allies with a small smile on her face. The food was cooked perfectly. I took on jobs for three weeks to earn the money to have the royal chief cook this meal. If the Queen was going to be here, I should get my money back.

Take a deep breath, girl. Happy face, don't let her bring you down. You have some great wives now and the Duchess is still giving me a small smile. As long as she stays, the rest will give me a shot.

"Esmeralda, I'm surprised to find you here. It's been centuries since you last chose a side in this race," The Queen asks, adding a sound to the silverware clacking against the plates.

"Yes, well, I think the Princess here will have some surprising backers come into her camp. My wife here is extremely friendly with her, so I thought I should check her out. I do need this country to be stable. It makes my life a lot simpler."

"I see. Yes, that is true. What about you, Duchess? You are newly minted and backing the newest entry."

"Yes, well, she came up to me with a good deal, and she has worked hard since her first mistake. I haven't seen those thoughts arise again, so why not go for a long shot? There is no reason not to give her a good chance. Even your newest daughter would normally be allowed a chance to run, so why stop one that is. That is so enthusiastic about trying, about helping the people."

"Sorry if it seems I'm stopping her from running. No, I'm just wondering what brought everyone together. I get rumors about what my other two are talking about, but I haven't had the same chance with you all, so why not ask directly."

"Mother, all you are supposed to get are rumors. We run campaigns while you run the country. Once a winner is selected, they start running the country, and our campaigns stop."

"Oh shush, I've asked these types of questions to my other daughters as well. I am running the country, and I will continue to. But I can see I'm making things awkward here, so I'll take my leave. I wish you luck, my child. Work hard. You have a lot of work to catch up on."

"I know, Mother."

With that, she promptly gets up and leaves. I'm not able to take my rightful spot still as that would be saying I'm equal to the Queen. The atmosphere is still strange when the Queen leaves. We just continue to eat, struggling to find a conversation.

"Princess, I made a little deal with your future man. I do expect you to agree to it. I am going to support you openly this time for you. I think this is a fair deal. A number of things happened a few weeks ago, and well, it ended with her bargaining for some help from my family. The deal was that for our continued help, she'd get my wives pregnant when I ask. With us firmly in your camp, that should be fine, right?" Countess Esmeralda asked to break the silence.

"That seems like a small price to pay for your open support Countess. I'm happy you've found a solution for kids. Quintella has told me how much some of your wives want a kid."

"Yes, it has been a pain point for all of us. Quintella will also be going out less as her pregnancy progresses. I'll be the one to take her place normally, but sometimes it will be my first wife."

"Of course, her and the child's safety is a priority. Thank you for giving me your time."

"Oh, Quintella, you're pregnant as well?" the Duchess interjects. Congratulations. I'm guessing the news was shared at the last gathering. Sorry for not joining you all at the table. I had just gotten pregnant myself, and it was easier for the maids to watch over me in the stands." This helps keep the conversation going. I can hear the other two tables begin talking, lightening up the mood.

"Thank you. We heard about yours as well. It's funny that the Princess has found the one girl who makes even us seem fertile." Esmeralda continues.

"It is interesting. Princess, your harem will need to be careful, or it will look like the maternity ward." The joke earns the Dutchess a good laugh across the table. Good, Mother didn't ruin the party.

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