Life as a Royal’s Breeding Partner

Chapter 46 – Meeting Nakuma

Lunch with Mai was great. I guess Yuki was catching up on sleep as she didn't make an appearance, or maybe she wanted to give me some time alone with Mai? I'll have to give her a bit more attention tonight, I was a little grumpy with her the past week or so.

Today, I'm a masseuse, so I make my way over to the front counter after lunch. Despite not needing to make extra money, Mai still went to help set up the lounge.

I get behind the counter and begin what will likely be a short wait for my first customer. Despite being just one month along, two, if you factor in my faster pregnancy, I'm past the bump stage. The first thing I need to do once I'm out of here is learn how to control the number of kids. The past few pregnancies have just been getting bigger, and I don't think I'll be able to handle any larger, even with my tattoo helping. I'm going to be in labor for days, pushing out all these kids just to never see or hold them.

The door interrupts my planning as a kitsune? Opens the door. Wait a multicolored kitsune. Isn't that Yuki's friend? Why is she walking straight at me with a perverted smile? Mai dared to compare this girl with me! I'm not straight-up perverted like this; I'm just not afraid of sex and nudity! Please don't want a massage. Yes, she is likely just fishing for a thank you from me.

"Hi, I would like to get a massage," The Crazy Kitsune says, shattering my dream just as it manifests.

"A gold coin, and we can head back right away," I say with a smile. Yuki's friend can't be that bad. I was overreacting; surely, this girl wouldn't do anything weird with me.

"Ok, here you go. Your curves are great. How far along are you? I haven't been able to spend much time with pregnant women. They and their wives always chase me away." What is she doing that causes her to get chased away? Yuki, please give me a sign you're watching out for this poor little slave.

"Two months accounting for my passive. Now, this way, just a short walk here." She immediately moves through the door. I need to limit my time with her. Mai warned me about her experiments. Is she going to try to take advantage of my collar to force me to participate? "Oh!"

"Sorry for surprising you, just your ass is beautiful, and I wanted to see if it was muscle or not. You must have some strong legs."

"Yes, you'll find all the girls here have strong legs. Sex is a surprisingly good workout, and many do a bit of dancing as well." Shit, this girl is bold. "Here is the door," I say, holding it open for her, but she is standing waiting for me to go through it so she can continue watching my ass! I know it is beautiful but this is a bit much. "Please enter, I'm instructed to hold the door for the client."

"Oh, I see a bit strange, but I'll enter then." We finally get into the room, and I get a chance to see her backside, and well, I guess we both have a great ass.

"Would you like to have a bath first?" I ask the standard question.

"Ooohhh, I didn't know that would be an option. Yuki should've told me more information about this." She wastes no time using magic to strip and walk straight into the bath. This stupid girl, I'm supposed to strip the client so I can feel her up a bit! I'll just be extra thorough cleaning her.

Quickly grabbing the supplies, I start on her strong back. It isn't the back of a warrior but a mage. Her tails were soft, but I prefer Yuki's; this girl's tails wander too much, feeling up my breasts and ass.

I eventually get to her front and her stupidly large tits, which felt great in my hands. My hands just sink into their softness. Her nipples and areola were large and deep pink. I could imagine how good they would feel in my mouth, little milk coming out. Yes, the first chance I get, I'm making this girl pregnant. As a thank you for helping Mai, of course.

Her stomach is similarly toned like her back, her legs the standard strength from years of travel. I did risk a quick feel of her pussy; her large labia would be amazing to spread with my dick. I finish up quickly after that and direct her out of the bath.

"I know you're interested in me, Alzi, but Yuki has forbidden me from having sex with you. So get mad at her; I would love to fuck you," she says casually as she once again uses magic to skip a step. Her magic dries her off completely just as I grab the towel.

"Oh, that's too bad. Your body is amazing. I would love to explore more of it. Well, then, would you like to use some oils during the massage?"

"Yes, that sounds lovely. I haven't had a full-body massage in a very long time. I could use the pampering," she says, getting up onto the table.

I quickly grab the oils and get to work on her strong legs. They prove her time traveling, stiff and sore, as if she was running for a month straight. I guess it is a good thing we didn't have sex; this girl needs a lot of work. I slowly make my way up her fine legs. When I reach her inside thighs, I'm careful to keep it professional and not in a professional brothel whore way. I wish I could tease her pussy again, but I skip it and move to her ass, then tails. I wonder if Yuki is willing to do a threesome with this girl? I think all that fluff would be a lot of fun. The cuddles would be amazing.

Her back is just as stiff. This girl must have come from far away to have worked this much stress into her muscles. When I finally get to turn the kitsune over, I have to work my way up to the tantalizing treats that are her soft tits. The second I flipped her over, she fell asleep, and a bit of drool coming out of her perverted mouth. With my target asleep, I decide to sneak in a little suck on her nipples. I need to test if they are as good as I imagine. They are.

She ends up being so out of it I have to give her a little flick on the nose to wake her up.

"Shit, you didn't take advantage of me in my sleep?" she says with a look that tells me I should've done more in her sleep. Next time.

"Of course not, my Lady, I would never take advantage of my clients."

"Oh, are brothels really that well-regulated here? Well, I should get going. I've got a busy day," she says, her clothes magically appearing back, and she disappears. Did she teleport or just make herself invisible to stare at my ass some more? Probably stare, so I walk back, making sure to wiggle my ass a bit more than usual. She confirms my thought when she gives my ass a slap when I get behind the counter. A Few seconds later, an invisible force opens the door. Sorry whoever walks in next, I'm too horny to not have sex. Though I doubt they'll mind.

*** Princess, Evening ***

"Your Mother, the Royal Highness, is here to see you," my maid informed me. I was going over tomorrow's plans again, but you can't exactly ignore the Queen.

"Let her in if you could give me some time, please," I tell my two maids. I smooth out my dress and stand up to welcome my Mother in. The first maid opens the door for her and then leaves so we can talk in private. I deliver a small courtesy and offer the Queen a chair. "Please sit, Mother. I'm happy to see you. You've been busy with my little sister lately, so it's been hard to get time with you."

"Yes, well, she is a cutie, and she came too late to fight for the throne, so I need to give her some benefits." Sitting down in the chair. Her back is perfectly straight, legs are crossed without showing a thing under her short red skirt. Her long blonde hair tied in a high ponytail showed off her pointed ears. Her chest trying to burst through her top, showing even when I take the throne, she'll have the real power in the land for another decade at least. It is the best way to transfer the power, make it so the previous Queen can enforce her decision over her kids. I had hoped she would continue the conversation, but she seemed content to just sit perfectly and make me sweat over nothing. Time to go fishing.

"How is she doing? She is coming up on her first birthday in a few weeks, right. I'm sure she can already use a sword."

"Oh, she is great; her little wings are so cute when she tries to fly. Her muscles are much too weak to support her tiny body. Her tail always gives away her thoughts. She gets so flustered when I guess what she wants correctly. You should visit her some, I think you would get along with her well." Why is this younger sister getting spoiled rotten? I was already running laps at her age! Swinging a sword before the sun rises and studying the origins of mana by candlelight. Huh, at least I know I won't have to defend the throne from her when she comes of age.

"I've been busy lately as well. But don't worry, I've already blocked out time for her birthday. I hope I can bring my future wives with me to it. I think they would all love to see her as well."

"The invites have been sent already; most likely, they will all have an invite. I did see the invite to the wedding; I'll be able to make it, so do take that into account."

"Already planned out. I'm glad you'll be there. The first wedding is important. Would you be willing to walk me down the aisle?"

"So you do plan on running for the throne. Is that what tomorrow is about?"

"Yes, I've confirmed all the positions I need. I've got enough support." Don't you dare deny me, Mother. I've worked too hard for it to end here without a chance to fight.

"Is a man going to be at the wedding?"

"No, but I have confirmed someone who will join. They will just take a few more months to join."

"Duchess, that will provide support?" a small frown appearing.

"Yes, I wouldn't dare ask without that. Duchess Fluvis."

"Just one? I guess your elder sisters already have the rest. Very well, I'll let you. But I expect you to marry a man soon, or I'll force you out."

"I won't have a man. I've found a powerful herm to fill that spot."

She pauses with this information. Does she know who I got? Wait, my sister has wings and a tail like a dragon. Shit, did Alzi already fuck my mom! Why did a brothel whore get my Mother pregnant, hell why did she get to have sex with her!

"I see, that is acceptable. Has she had kids already?"

"Yes, she fathered some and mothered some. That is the delay, actually. She is currently pregnant, so I'll marry her after that."

"I guess that is acceptable. Be careful going forward. Getting me mad won't help you," she warns, getting up to leave.

"thank you, Mother. I never meant to get you mad. I was just young and made some mistakes."

"Doesn't change what you said."

"My sisters must have done similar things. Why am I getting punished for being younger? They aren't angels. I've been working my ass off to help our people for years now. Yet all you can bring up is my one mistake."

"I obviously remember your accomplishments, or I would have denied you the right to fight," she tells me while walking out. Bitch, I've heard the stories of my sister when they were younger. They made bigger mistakes. Losing people's lives over their stupidity. Why is mine the only one brought up? Hell, I know they didn't have to ask you for permission to run or have you starting useless meetings talking about my little sister.

"Your Highness, are you ok?" a maid says after closing the door behind my Mother.

"I'm just annoyed. Please continue where we left off." When I take the throne, I can push her down on the bed and show her she should've been more worried about her other daughters.

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