Library of Rain


“All right, Ise, you can let go now.”


Sunrise shook her head. 


“No, you might try to escape again.”


“When did I ever escape you?”


“When you first left me here.”


Rain didn’t know how to answer that. She had left Sunrise behind when she first met her, but that had been because she was worried about hurting her. Apparently, Rain had hurt her in a different way. 


If that was the case, then there was only one thing to do. Rain turned to look Sunrise full in the face. Or as much as she could with Sunrise trying to meld with her arm.


“I’m sorry, Sunrise. I thought what I would be doing would be dangerous and didn’t want you to get hurt, but I should’ve asked you.”


“You won't abandon me?”




“Okay then!”


Why did Rain feel like she had been led into a trap?


Mr. Markson chuckled at Rain and Sunrise.


“I’m glad little Ise will get her wish. And this is perfect timing. I’ll be moving to an office in the Mid Ring after today and leaving a guard here to protect this warehouse. The wife is terrified of the Merchant Killer getting me.”


That brought Rain back out of her pondering.


“What about the Merchant Killer?”


“Oh, have you not heard about the Merchant Killer?”


“I have, it sounded like you knew how to track his whereabouts.”


“It's less tracking and more that he’s slowly been moving around the Low Ring. He won’t be anywhere near this place for a few weeks as long as he keeps moving at his pace, and by then, the guards will have caught him. But the missis does worry, part of why I love her so much.”


“Can you show me on a map where he’s been?”


“Of course. Let's stop standing around and go sit down.”


“Ise, you need to let go so I can talk with Mr. Markson.”




Rain considered what it would take to convince Sunrise to let go, then gave up and awkwardly shuffled after Mr. Makrson, who, for his part, was very obviously trying not to laugh. 


They entered Mr. Markson's office, and Mr. Markson sat behind his desk.


Rain noticed that the office had more furniture than when she had first met Mr. Markson. She was starting to see what it might have looked like before he hit hard times.


“Feel free to have a seat if you can figure out how in your, ehh, current situation.”


There was no doubt now. He was enjoying Rain’s predicament.


She gave him a flat look. 


“Thank you for the hospitality.” 


He chuckled before fishing out a map of the city and pointing to a spot on the northern side of the Low Ring.


“This is where the first victim was found. The next was here, only a few streets to the east of the first. Then here, here, and finally here. As you can see, he’s been moving slowly around the city. If he keeps up at that pace, it will be a couple of weeks before he reaches us in the eastern section of the ring.”


Rain agreed with Mr. Markson’s analysis. But she was still glad Ms. Markson was forcing him to move.


She started rubbing Sunrise's head. Hopefully, Rain could get Ise relaxed enough to peel her off.


“Are these the only places He’s attacked?”


“They're the only ones that people are certain are him. There has been speculation that he was responsible for the attack on the Rothford Trading Company, but I’m not convinced. He had another victim more than a dozen streets over that night, and he only kills one person a night.”


Maybe Mr. Markson’s predictions weren’t so great. Hornet had definitely attacked the Rothford Auction House. Rain was the one who sent him there, after all.


Rain gave up on the head massaging. It wasn’t working. If anything, Sunrise was holding on even tighter. Rain was starting to lose feeling in her left arm. Maybe she should try tickling? Rain had seen other kids tickle each other back in the pens, and she was pretty confident it would get Sunrise to let go. The problem was that she had never been included in those games and hadn't gotten any information on the topic from her past self, so Rain had no idea how it worked.


“Well, I’m glad you’re moving away anyway.”


“Thank you for your concern. Surely this grim business isn’t what you were waiting here so early in the morning to talk to me about, was it?”


“Oh! No. I have a list of things I need made and was hoping you could help me get them. The list is just here… in my pocket.”


Rain realized that her list was, of course, in her right inner coat pocket. Unfortunately, she couldn’t reach it right now because her left arm was presently occupied with other things. 


Rain tried to awkwardly reach around with her right arm and fish through her right breast pocket for the paper she had prepared. It took some effort, but eventually, she got it out with a triumphant grin.




“Let's have a look.” Mr. Markson took the list with a grin of his own. “Hmm, this is interesting, but why do you want someone to build a fake door?”


“Oh, that. I don’t just need the door made. Would you be able to smuggle that door to a dead island?”


“I take back my last question. I don’t want to know.” Mr. Markson tapped his chin. “I think I know someone who could do what you’re asking. Which island do you have in mind?”




“Ahh, that makes more sense. Though, I still don’t want to know why you would need this there. But if this is something you want, I can take the costs out of your share of the monthly profits.”


“That's fine, but I need to see the door before you ship it.”


“Give me a few days, and I’ll have everything ready for you.”


“Okay, where will you be.”


“Ah, right, my new office is right here, not far from my home in the Mid Ring.” Mr. Markson said, pointing to a spot on the map that was still lying out. “it already has a sign out front. Look for the Markson Trading House.”


“Alright, I’ll see you soon.”


“Of course, have a wonderful day.”


Rain shuffled around with Sunrise and started heading towards the door when Mr. Markson spoke again. This time, his voice held no trace of humor.


“Rain, you take care of her, you hear me. And Ise, if you ever need a place to go, my doors will always be open.”


Rain answered for both of them because Sunrise didn’t seem interested.


“I knew there was a reason I liked you.”

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