Level Up Family

Chapter 49: Touring the Streets

After wrapping up their breakfast, Marius then prepared to leave the Fallen Star Inn as he wanted to explore the town a bit with his family. He was about to head out with Ria and his children, but as if Liola caught their movements, she hurriedly ran over and spoke.

"Hey, do you guys want to tour the city? How about I join you?"

When Marius heard this, he thought it was a good idea, turning to stare at her lively little figure hurrying about unaware of her ample chest bouncing up and down, drawing a few lustful eyes from 'seasoned' spectators.

Naturally, Marius wasn't too affected by this, as his wife Ria was ungodly beautiful. Sadly, for Marius, even if it didn't matter to him, Ria was overly passionate and easily jealous.

"Husband, we don't need her help."

Ria said in a chilly tone, not speaking anything more; her mood was not the friendly kind.

Marius sighed knowing full well of her thoughts; he made a regretful look which quickly recovered as Ria keenly inspected his mood. Without wasting a second, he glanced at Liola and replied.

"It's okay, Liola, we are fine by ourselves; my wife and I want to enjoy this atmosphere."

Liola, who had come over, gave them a good look before she smirked with an understanding look on her face as she replied, "Ah, I see, okay then please do have fun."

Following her words, Liola then turned away and returned to her post; Marius had a hint of disappointment on his face. He really would have preferred someone guiding them rather than them fumbling around by themselves, but sadly, his jealous wife wouldn't have it.

"Hmm, husband, what's with that look? Is that disappointment I'm seeing?"

Ria asked with a slightly cold tone.

Marius chuckled, and he replied, "My dear Ria, you're imagining things, now come, let us go and tour the town; we can have fun while thinking over that man's offer. Plus, I also need to see what we can do here in this world for a living; if we're sending Grevlin off to school, we'll need to at least have something to carry us by."

Ria snorted; she knew her hell senses well, and they never failed her when picking up on certain emotions, but as Marius didn't want to go into it, she decided to let it go.

Following their short scuffle, the family then left the inn, and took the streets, bypassing the human-like and non-human crowds, carriages, and others riding beast mounts as they walked by the variety of buildings, noticing that they were commerce-related.

All kinds of products and specialties were being sold, stores from famous business families, down to rising rookie merchants and even retired combatants who used to adventure to dangerous sectors of Valoria.

When they moved about, a few passerby's couldn't help but gaze at them with various looks, the women having fixed stares on Marius's face, while the young men showed looks of fascination upon seeing a beauty like Ria.

'Wow, such a handsome man, it's a pity that a skank like that has taken him!"

A jealous woman reeled as she stared at Marius and Ria.

"That bastard, how did he get such a good-looking wife? Look at those kids; I can't imagine how much work he must have put in to breed such of fine quality, che! Lucky son of a gun!"

A jealous man said as he stared at Marius with envy.

Though they heard their words, Marius and Ria paid them no mind; they merely continued about their business, idly observing the different structures.

Marius looked at the business he saw the Wilborn's entered, the same Centuarian Coach Firm, crowded with many different coaches, wanderers, and locals. However, he only looked at this once before turning his attention elsewhere.

"Look! Look! So pretty! I want it!" 

Little Rose said happily, mounted in her mother's slender arms, she pointed across the world as if declaring everything in her sight as her property.

Marius didn't mind giving his small dictator anything she wished, but as he glanced at the target of her interest, he couldn't help but feel a bit awkward upon noticing that it was a large cute doll made of some kind of fuzzy material, embodying the shape of some round and fluffy rabbit-like lifeform.

An adorable girl was currently pulling the doll in the company of her loving family, the picture seemingly no different from an innocent family touring the city much like themselves.

Marius felt a bit awkward as he couldn't just go over and take her doll; he stared at his daughter and spoke, "My darling, you can't have that one. Papa will find you a better one."

Little Rose though the smart girl was still quite young, she looked at Marius with reddish eyes as if she was about to break down into tears as she spoke, "But dadda, I... I want."

When Marius saw this, even he felt like crying, the mellowing effect of Little Rose was just too much for even his hardened heart to bear.

Ria seeing this frowned; she didn't like it when her daughter didn't it get her way. She stared at the little girl's family with a dark look in her eyes as she spoke, "I don't see what's the problem; we can just take it after we annihilate them."

Marius facepalmed as he thought to himself, 'And so, she's finally started up with this side again...'

Very much like her daughter, Ria was a dictator herself; even if normally she would act in a humble and condensing manner, it was merely because of her love for her family and she wanting them to have an enjoyable and comfortable life.

Marius himself was no kind soul, he also glanced at the family with a contemplating look, pondering how to act. But as if he saw Little Rose superimposed with the child, he shook his head and spoke with a firm look on his face, "No means no."

Ria looked at Marius in surprise; while Little Rose stared at her father with leaking eyes, she cried in her mother's bosom, causing Ria to sigh as she glared at Marius and tried to coax her.

Marius sighed at this, but he knew that this was the only choice he had. He didn't want to resort to his old methods here; even if he didn't care about his rep, he didn't want that kind of stain on their current family image.

A short while passed, and Grevlin seemed to be fiddling with a strange box, Marius was a bit curious, but at this moment, Ria, who seemed to have finished coaxing Little Rose, couldn't help but stare at a building with shining eyes.

Noticing a few glamourous clothing from behind it, like an excited little girl, she pointed her hand forward and spoke, "Husband look, there's a place with dresses, we must hurry and take a look!"

Little Rose was also a fan of pretty clothes; she pointed forward like her mother and spoke with a slightly broken speech, "Yay, so pretty! Mother, I want to look like a fairy!"

Marius saw the two of their reactions and sighed; he glanced at his remaining amount of Krills and shook his head while thinking to himself.

'I suppose this is a pain of both a husband and a father.'

Following this, Marius was pulled by the two dictators towards a crueler place for any man, as Grevlin followed behind, a bit distracted.


Sorry, it's been a while, at this time I'm flowing between a mix of good and bad health, trying to fully recover, I shall post as often as I possibly can, and once again I thank all of you who continue to support the story. I hope you all had a good day, please do keep healthy and stay safe. Here is the latest chappy, have a great reading :)

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