Level Eater

Chapter 99: Conversation with Ennio


This man had developed a severe hereditary condition. Among the beast men, it's an extremely rare condition, often referred to as one in a million.

When it manifests, deep-seated genetic information interferes with normal genes, resulting in a more primitive, beast-like appearance. It's said that as the severity increases, strength may grow, sensory organs become more sensitive, and intelligence levels decrease.

However, most cases are mild, causing increased hairiness or irritability. Still, Ennio's condition was exceptionally severe, unlike any in the past few centuries. Consequently, he lacked self-control and, when throwing tantrums, continued to rampage until exhaustion overcame him.

Hence, the bandits here treated him cautiously, avoiding getting too close, as if handling a ticking time bomb. The reason why Tatsuro's group was noticed this time was largely due to his sharp sense of smell.

But one of those who had barely kept Ennio company was dead, and the other, currently engaged in undercover work with the son of the local lord in Lyadas. The anti-magic users had absolute faith in their magic, so even though Ennio was running around everywhere, they didn't suspect intruders. Furthermore, he was currently confined to the mansion's grounds while having a tantrum.

So if Tatsuro's group were careful with their detection spells and they could do something with Ennio, they could roam the gardens without being discovered.

In this situation, Tatsuro's group engaged in conversation with Ennio.

"What are you guys doing here?" (Ennio)

"Oh, right. We're making a secret base under the mansion at Iyaruki's request" (Tatsuro)

"A secret base?" (Ennio)

"Yeah, a se-cr-et base" (Tatsuro)

"I know what you mean, a secret base, right?" (Ai)

"Yeah, yeah… that's it. Hehe," Ennio chuckled.

Avoiding excessive corrections to prevent him from throwing a tantrum, Tatsuro sent a glance to Ai to signal her to stop correcting him. Tatsuro then explained the concept of a secret base again, simplifying his explanation.

"Um, well, a secret base is like a special place that only your friends know about, you know?" (Tatsuro)

"???" (Ennio)

"I don't think he gets it" (Ai)

"…Yeah, I tried to make it easy for kids to understand, but it seems that's not working." (Tatsuro)

"Uh, I think we're going to have a lot more friends in the future." (Ai)

"More friends? Why?" (Ennio)

"Oh, Ennio and his gang are strong, so they're going to ask us to be their friends. It means Ennio will have more followers." (Tatsuro)

"Followers! I know that! That's someone with lots of followers, right?" Ennio enthusiastically replied.

Although Tatsuro internally thought that having many Iyaruki would be troublesome, he interpreted Ennio's statement as if Iyaruki had many followers. He decided to go with that angle.

"Yeah, those followers. Ennio, do you want more followers?" (Tatsuro)

"I want them!" (Ennio)

"Exactly! But if you have too many followers, your room will get cramped, right? Ennio wouldn't like that, right?" (Tatsuro)

"I don't like cramped spaces!" (Ennio)

"Right. So, Iyaruki asked us to build a new home for you so that even if you have more followers, it won't get cramped." (Tatsuro)

"Iyaruki did it for me?" (Ennio)

"Yeah, that's right. It's for Ennio." (Tatsuro)

Ennio seemed to like the idea very much, as he smiled and jumped around with excitement. Seeing his reaction, Tatsuro started to feel a twinge of guilt for deceiving him, even mentioning the name of the deceased.

However, for now, I prioritize returning as soon as possible and tell myself to endure it.

"Huh? But I didn't hear anything like that? Are you really feeling that way? What? Oh, I said it, I said it. Mm, it's suspicious! At times like these, bring out the evidence!" (Ennio)

"Evidence? Oh, right… I know some really difficult words!" (Tatsuro)

"That's right! Ennio is amazing!" (Ennio)

"Oh, that's incredible!" (Tatsuro)

"So, where's the evidence?" (Ennio)

"It seems like he's not fooled at all." (Ai)

"Darn it. I thought he'd forget…" (Tatsuro)

Trying to get through it one way or another, Ennio, who may have a naturally stubborn personality, extended his large hand with sharp claws, demanding evidence.

So, Tatsuro thought about what to do and, in desperation, searched for Iyaruki's item in the [item box] and showed the separated ring.

"This is Iyaruki's ring. He said if you're asked about it, show this." (Tatsuro)

"Huh? Sniff, sniff. It's definitely Iyaruki's!" (Ennio)

"Amazing, you can tell just by the smell." (Ai)

"Hehe, Ennio is incredible!" (Ennio)

Without touching the ring placed in the palm of his hand, Ennio brought his nose closer to smell and seemed convinced.

When Ai praised him, he proudly puffed up his chest.

To be honest, Tatsuro was worried that he might be seen as a thief, but it seemed that he had no such thoughts, and he was relieved.

"So, is it really true? Is this going to be Ennio's room?" (Ennio)

"Yeah, yeah. I'll make a big one, so can you wait inside the house? Actually, I was secretly planning to surprise Ennio by making it, but don't you think it's a bad idea if Ennio finds out?" (Tatsuro)

"Huh!? You're right! You make a good point!" (Ennio)

"Oh, I see. Thank you." (Tatsuro)

Gradually getting used to this conversation, Tatsuro decided to push Ennio out in good spirits. Ennio, feeling somewhat restless, looked around and was thinking about what the room would be like, intending to follow those words.

"Well then, Ennio go back! I'll leave everything in your capable hands." (Ennio)

"Top-notch. Leave it to me!" (Tatsuro)

"Yeah! By the way, why is that person hiding over there? Iyaruki said to kill him if he comes out, right?" (Ennio)

"…I was asked by Iyaruki to do that. After finishing this room, I'll take him to Iyaruki." (Tatsuro)

"Oh, I see! I thought he was a thief and got it all wrong!" (Ennio)

"Don't worry. We were asked suddenly, so we hurried over here. It's a coincidence." (Tatsuro)

"That's right! You're not bad either! Hahaha!" (Ennio)

Even though his language was childish, his laughter sounded like that of a fierce beast, and Tatsuro had no choice but to smile wryly. However, just when he thought Ennio would finally leave, he didn't seem to be in a hurry to turn around, which irritated Tatsuro.

"We are good now? We need to get back to work." (Ai)

"…Is it okay if I stay here?" (Ennio)

"Why?" (Ai)

In response to Ai's question, Ennio spoke with his ears drooping like a scolded puppy.

"Ennio, I've never talked to anyone like this before. It's fun. I want to talk more!" (Ennio)

"…Don't you talk to Iyaruki? You two are close, right?" (Ai)

"Iyaruki and Gregory are both shy. They only talk to me when there's something they want me to do." (Ennio)

"That's…" (Ai)

Just being treated as a mere tool. Tatsuro stopped Ai from speaking those words by covering her mouth with his hand and shook his head.

"I see. But I think it would be more surprising to see it once it's done. Don't you think so, Ennio?" (Tatsuro)

"I think…" (Ennio)

"So, can you be patient and wait at home? I'll make something amazing for you by tomorrow morning." (Tatsuro)

"Okay…" (Ennio)

"Ennio is a good kid." (Tatsuro)

In response to his lonely expression, Tatsuro couldn't help but let those words slip.

"Ennio is a good… I understand. I'll be a good boy and wait! But will I never see you again?" (Ennio)

"I don't know. We're traveling, so we'll be far away from here soon." (Tatsuro)

"I see… In that case, should I make you guys Ennio's top henchmen?" (Ennio)

"Henchmen? Spare me from that." (Ai)

"Yeah, that wouldn't be equal, right? If you want to enjoy conversations, we need to be on the same level." (Tatsuro)

Just when he thought he had said something good, Ennio's expression suddenly twisted, and he became grumpy.

Realizing that this was a bad situation, Tatsuro impulsively blurted out "Friends!"

"Grrooo…? Friends?" (Ennio)

"Yes, friends. How about that?" (Tatsuro)

"What are friends?" (Ennio)

"It's the term for someone with whom you can have fun conversations and play together like we did earlier." (Tatsuro)

"Conversations… playing… friends! That's it! That's good! I want to be friends!!" (Ennio)

Ennio's grumpy face disappeared, and he happily bounced around. However, they couldn't quite manage to smile because they were more concerned about the fact that he didn't even know the meaning of the word "friends."

Perhaps for this reason, Tatsuro decided to create a small iron sphere from a piece of iron ingot he took from his [item box] and infused it with a mixture of magic, both elemental and life magic.

"Ennio, as a token of our new friendship, I'll give you a present." (Tatsuro)

"A present? What is it? Smell it, smell it! It's my first present! Is it something to eat?" (Ennio)

As Ennio received the small iron sphere with a diameter of about one centimeter, he rolled it on his hand, brought it close to his nose to smell it, and moved around busily, bringing smiles to Tatsuro and Ai.

"No, it's not that. It's a mysterious sphere with a special enchantment to help Ennio be an even better kid." (Tatsuro)

"Mysterious? Is it amazing?" (Ennio)

"Yes, it's amazing. Because you're our friend, it's special, right?" (Tatsuro)

"Special… It sounds nice!" (Ennio)

"What is it actually for?" (Ai)

"In reality, when it senses Ennio's anger, the magic I infused into it provides a calming effect to the owner until my mana runs out." (Tatsuro)

"So, you used [Curse Magic] for it, right?" (Ai)

To this comment from Ai, Tatsuro nodded silently. In response, Ai also nodded back, and her perception of Curse Magic changed a bit to the positive side.

"So, it's really time to go" (Tatsuro)

"Ugh, I got it! When we meet again, we'll play a lot!" (Ennio)

"Yeah, let's play a lot!" (Tatsuro)

"Definitely!" (Ai)

With that, Ennio waved to the two of them. It seemed fresh to him, and he happily waved his hands as he left.

"He was an interesting kid, don't you think?" (Ai)

"Yeah… probably. If it were us, even if Ennio were to misbehave, we could probably handle it. And if we had met in a different place, we might have truly become friends." (Tatsuro)

"Huh? What are you talking about, Tatsuro?" (Ai)

"Hmm? What do you mean?" (Tatsuro)

"I became real friends with that kid. What about you, Tatsuro?" (Ai)

Faced with the genuinely pure eyes of Ai, Tatsuro couldn't help but break into a smile.

"Haha, you're right. I definitely did!" (Tatsuro)

And so, as promised, Tatsuro quickly built a room for Ennio underground and then promptly headed back to the surface with the merchant Gillian.


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