Level Eater

Chapter 66: Taking The Initiative

After exchanging their vows on the deserted street corner, the two immediately began their meeting.

"First and foremost, we should make it clear that our objective is not to defeat that dangerous creature called the Magic Dragon," (Tatsuro)

"If we can help without fighting, it's better that way," (Ai)

"Exactly. And second, we need to be cautious about that voice," (Tatsuro)

"That voice…" (Ai)

Ai recalled the bitter memory of when she had been affected by it. It invoked a primal fear etched into her at the genetic level. Ideally, she never wanted to experience it again.

"Magic from creatures that use sound as a medium may have low power, but they have broad effects and are hard to dodge. We should think of something to counter this consistently in the future, but since we're short on time this time, let's rely on Cardina." (Tatsuro)

"Cardina-chan?" (Ai)

"Yes. We've already analyzed the magic behind that voice, so if Cardina sets up a barrier around you the moment that attack comes, it should be possible to counter it." (Tatsuro)

"Cardina is undoubtedly strong, but can she handle that magic on her own?" (Ai)

Ai felt concerned about whether Cardina, who was only a large bird in terms of size, could handle the attacks emitted by that massive figure. However, Tatsuro nodded confidently.

"We haven't tried it yet, so I won't say it's definite, but there's a pretty high chance it'll work." (Tatsuro)

"I see. If Tatsuro says so, I believe it." (Ai)

"Yeah, you can trust me." (Tatsuro)

After discussing several other matters, Tatsuro made one final proposal.

"If it comes to a fight, how about we start by using the thing we got from defeating that golden bear?" (Tatsuro)

"If we managed to defeat that monster, we should at least be able to inflict some damage," (Ai)

"Yeah, no need to engage in a head-on, all-out battle." (Tatsuro)

Having discussed the necessary details, Tatsuro decided to maximize his abilities using the SP he got from the Bullhead and Level-Up. He focused on wind magic since the creature they were about to face could fly. By increasing his wind magic proficiency, he aimed to improve his maneuverability in aerial combat and enhance his control over [Wind Magic].

Currently, with 138 SP available, he spent 120 SP to raise "Wind Magic Level 8."

"Alright, now for the final check. Let's look at our stats," (Tatsuro)

"I agree" (Ai)

With that, they both opened their systems to confirm there were no issues and that they had not overlooked anything.


Name: Tatsuro Hasami

Class: Light Mage

Level: 30

Ki: 67

Mana: 687

Strength: 94

Durability: 94

Agility: 89

Magic: 534

Magic resistance: 518

Magic control: 542

|Acquired Skills|

[Level Eater], [Light Magic Lv.10], [Dark Magic Lv.5]

[Fire Magic Lv.10], [Water Magic Lv.2], [Life Magic Lv.1]

[Earth Magic Lv.7], [Information Magic Lv.4], [Wind Magic Lv.8]

[Mana Purification Lv.3], [Mana Regeneration Lv.3], [Mana Perception Lv.3]

[Focus Lv.3] [Universal Language Comprehension].

|System skills|

[Map], [Item box +3]

Skill points: 18


[Master of Light], [Master of Fire], [Avatar of Destruction], [Perfect Harmony]



Name: Ai Yashiki

Class: Martial Artist

Level: 30

Ki: 4155

Mana: 35

Strength: 833

Durability: 805

Agility: 593

Magic: 33

Magic resistance: 33

Magic control: 33

|Acquired Skills|

[Valkyrie], [Unarmed Combat Lv.7], [Staff Art Lv.1]

[Throwing Lv.8], [Spear Arts Lv.7], [Sword Arts Lv.7]

[Shield Arts Lv.6], [Whip Arts Lv.8], [Ki Regeneration Lv.7]

[Body Strengthening Lv.9] [Focus Lv.1], [Air Walk Lv.2]

[Universal Language Comprehension].

|System skills|

[Item box +2]

Skill points: 19


[Destroyer], [Perfect Harmony]


"My magic control has finally become the highest among the three. Ai, your magic-related stats have increased a bit too," (Tatsuro).

"Well, if I had titles, it would be 3, you know. But yeah, at a glance, it seems like there's nothing more to improve," (Ai)

"That's right. Well then, shall we go?" (Tatsuro)

"Yeah!" (Ai)

To avoid becoming too nervous and shrinking back, they deliberately acted energetically and mounted their boards. Securing one foot, the board carrying both of them took to the sky. They quickly passed over the town's outer wall and soared toward the lake.

After flying for a while, the lake came into view. Simultaneously, they saw a creature like a chieftain dragon, a dragon-like being with a majestic form, sitting in the middle of the lake, asserting its presence.

"Is that it? It looks quite big even from here. —Cardina." (Tatsuro)

"Pyu." (Cardina)

"Stay close to Ai and keep nullifying that voice's magic constantly." (Tatsuro)

"I will!" (Ai)

"Pyu!" (Cardina)

They were ready to face the formidable Magic Dragon that had taken residence in the lake.

Watching Cardina confidently flaunt her skills in mid-air, as if saying, "Leave it to me," Tatsuro and Ai smiled warmly. They increased their altitude rapidly to avoid being spotted by the Magic Dragon and began to use detection magic to figure out which of the three adjacent buildings in the workshop area Zendo and the others had mentioned was their hiding place.

They determined that everyone was hiding in the building closest to the lake. However, that particular building, likely due to its age, made a significant noise when its door was opened. They surmised that while it was a good hiding spot, it might have become a trap, preventing them from escaping.

"I guess we need to deal with that dragon before we can rescue them," (Tatsuro)

"Yeah. So, shall we give it a shot?" (Ai)

"Yeah." (Tatsuro)

Suppressing their anxiety about the possibility that it might not work, they raised their altitude even further until they were directly above the Magic Dragon.

"Tatsuro, it'll be difficult to control it while doing this, right? What's your plan?" (Ai)

"Well, I'm going to release control and do it while free-falling," (Tatsuro)

"Are you planning an unattached bungee jump!?" (Ai)

At Ai's surprised expression, Tatsuro grinned. However, it wasn't because he particularly wanted to do it. Nor did he dislike the idea. It was for a simple reason: to deal a decisive blow to that dragon, he wanted to target the head, which was the most obvious weak point, had the smallest area, and would yield the most effective result. However, attacking from the front would not be a surprise, and from the rear or the side, the dragon was too far away.

Therefore, he believed that a surprise attack from above was the safest and most reliable way to inflict damage. Moreover, even if he were to fall to the ground, Ai had [Air Walk] and Tatsuro could make an emergency landing with [Wind Magic]. That is why it was worth doing.

"Alright, here we go," (Tatsuro)

"Well, in that case, it's do or die! Let's go all out!" (Ai)

With Ai's preparations complete, Tatsuro stored away his board and stopped using wind magic, allowing gravity to take control as they began to free-fall. During the descent, they held hands and gazed downward like skydivers.

{Ai, transfer some of your energy to me} (Tatsuro)

{Got it!} (Tatsuro)

Due to the wind pressure during the fall, they found it difficult to speak, so they communicated their thoughts through telepathy. Ai channeled her increased energy into Tatsuro, who felt the surge.

"Ugh." (Tatsuro)

"Are you okay, Tatsuro?" (Ai)

"The energy I'm feeling is all from you, Ai. I'm perfectly fine." (Tatsuro)

"That way of saying it sounds a bit suggestive." (Ai)

Too focused to notice Ai's playful remark, Tatsuro smoothly fused her energy with his magic, despite the increased difficulty caused by the higher levels of both magic and energy than before.

They accomplished it quickly.

"Let's do this!" (Tatsuro)

"Yeah!" (Ai)

They extended their hands forward, unleashing fists enveloped in white flames even larger than before, measuring three meters in length.

The altitude continued to drop rapidly, with only seconds left until impact. However, there was no doubt or hesitation in their hearts.

They fixed their aim on the head of the Magic Dragon, which they could see now.

With a resounding cry, they launched fists filled with immense energy toward the head of the Magic Dragon.

Their powerful attack roared through the air, hurtling straight for the Magic Dragon's head.

The Magic Dragon tried to react by spewing ice from its mouth to intercept their attack, but their fists shattered the ice and continued onward. Their fists were sucked into the Magic Dragon's wide-open mouth, and they obliterated its head from within.

"Alright!" "We did it!"

With its head obliterated, the Magic Dragon's shortened neck spewed blood as it collapsed into the lake, dyeing the water red.

Observing the scene, Tatsuro quickly summoned his board and, with Ai, landed near the fallen Magic Dragon.

"Tatsuro, let's reassure Zendo and the others quickly!" (Ai)

"Yeah, you're right… but…" (Tatsuro)

Despite the Magic Dragon appearing unquestionably dead, even the analysis from his Dispel Magic skill confirming its death, something still nagged at Tatsuro.

However, prioritizing saving lives, Tatsuro turned away from the body. Just then, Cardina let out a high-pitched cry.

"What's going on?" Both of them turned back, only to find the Magic Dragon staring at them as if nothing had happened.


"Puyyyyyyyyyyy!" (Cardina)

In their astonishment, they both turned to the source of the voice. Cardina had faithfully maintained the anti-magic barrier around Ai, neutralizing the voice's magic attack with her Dispel Magic.

Upon witnessing this, they quickly regrouped and decided to distance themselves from the Magic Dragon. Ai carried Tatsuro and flew backward, while Tatsuro activated Level Eater before hitting it at direct range with a black orb.

"Why did it return to normal?" (Ai)

"Is it this…?" (Tatsuro)

Tatsuro looked at its' Skills with annoyance as he considered the skill that was responsible for the strange occurrence.


Level: 86

Skill: [Total regeneration] [Bite Lv.10] [Dragon flight Lv.6]

[Dragon Tail Flash Lv.9], [Ice Breath Lv.11], [Ice Blade Lv.12]

[Fear Lv.3]


[Total Regeneration]

This was the reason why it overcame even death and even twisted the laws of the world to regenerate.

Now Tatsuro realized that the strange feeling he had felt earlier was that he had not heard the announcement of the level up.

2nd Chapter for the week.


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