Level Eater

Chapter 46: Slime

The gray lizard is approaching them with footsteps that are small compared to its size.

Tatsuro calmly analyzed the situation and began to think about what he should do, thinking that it was probably because of this that he hadn’t noticed that it were so close to him.

But first, there was something he had to do.


”Gaz-san! Please keep the carriage running!”


{“Ai, tell Zendo to increase the speed of the carriage!”}

{“All right.”}

Gaz did as he was told, quieting the horse and letting it run onward.

Then, understanding Tatsuro’s impatient tone, and without asking why, Ai told Zendo to increase the speed of everyone’s carriage.

As a result, the troop of carriages increased their speed.

However, the big lizard was even faster than that and came running towards Tatsuro’s carriage.

While looking behind him, Tatsuro took out his wand from the “item box”, activated the “level eater” and blew a black ball straight at the lizard.

The lizard didn’t notice it and rammed itself into the black ball.


Level: 21

Skills: 《Bite Lv.5》 《Strike Lv.3》 《Rush Lv. 3

Self Regeneration Lv. 3



While keeping the information about the opponent in mind, he starts to absorb the level.

In the meantime, in order to avoid being overtaken, he creates a gust of wind with the wind magic he just learned yesterday, and mixes it with the fire attribute to create a hot wind.


Despite the fact that he was suffering from the sizzling surface, he slowed down only a little and tried to catch up with Tatsuro.

But that’s where Tatsuro’s “Level Eater” finished the job.


Level: 1

Skills: 《Bite Lv.0》 《Hit Lv.0》 《Rush Lv. 0]

《Self Regeneration Lv. 0》


(Okay, now all I have to do is…)

After swallowing the black ball in his mouth and receiving the level, Tatsuro manipulated his current magic to switch from hot air to flame wind.

The lizard, which had no level or skill level, had no way to protect itself from it and fell to the ground, charred whole.

At the sight of that, he skipped the reminder to tell Ai that it was over.

{“Ai, this one is finished—“}

{“There’s another demon over here! I’m going to stop the carriage. Are you okay?”}

{“There’s another one!? It’s okay. I’ve already defeated this one…that….is…why……}

The burning smell of the giant lizard lured more demons to this place.

It was a group of blue-black slime about a meter long, not the smooth form seen in video games, but a sludge-like liquid that flowed incessantly and stained the cobblestone pavement as if its surface was baked.

They were dragging their bodies and swallowing the carcasses of the giant lizards in groups.

{“There’s another one here! What kind of demon is that over there?”}

{“Disgusting slime!”}

{“The same one─────”}

The moment he was about to tell Ai that it was the same one. The screams of the artisans, who had slowed down their carriages to stop, echoed from all around.

{“What’s going on?!”}

{“This is… we’re surrounded by a bunch of slime!”}

When he used dissolving magic to search the entire area, he found the same slime reaction here and there as the one in front of him.

{“What do we do now?”}

{“Ai, destroy them individually! I’m going to support the others!”}

{“Copy that!”}

As soon as the telepathic conversation is over, Tatsuro creates a widespread wind of flame that burns the slimes that have finished eating in front of him and are coming towards him.

They were dying, squirming in pain, though no one could hear their screams due to their lack of vocal organs.

However, two of them persistently survived and came towards Tatsuro while being torn to pieces.

”You’re so persistent!”

He immediately switches his magic and launches lasers from the tip of his wand at them

[“Level: 28 you leveled up”]

“Well, thank you”

When tatsuro confirmed the death of all the slime in front of him as if he had no time to spare, he extended the range to the limit so that the magic could be thin and wide and cover the entire erea of the carriages.

Due to the overall thinning of the concentration of magic, it was no longer possible to get detailed information, but he could still figure out where the people and the slimes were.

As soon as Tatsuro confirmed this, he produced thirty red light balls, smaller in size than usual, and sent them to follow the others.

“Guu, You know, sometimes things get a little stubborn.

While using magic to obtain information, he remotely controlled the light and fire magic light spheres, a feat that made his head hurt, but he persevered and continued to use them.

The center of the line was filled with people who were capable of defending themselves, so Tatsuro thought he could still hold his own and attacked the slime with the light spheres he had sent elsewhere.

However, he found that some of the slimes could not be defeated by that alone.

So, with his aching head intact, Tatsuro began to move as well.

”Gaz-san. They’re gone here, so you can take care of the rest.”

”All right. Help the others!”

”Yes, that’s my job!”

With that, Tatsuro set out to defeat the reluctant slime.

At the same time, Ai was wielding a tower shield against the slime in front of her.

This is because these demons are extremely resistant to cutting and poking, and crushing them with something that has a large surface area is currently the quickest way to get rid of them.

“Aah mou, It’s crawling! —Haaaa!”

《Skill: Shield Art Lv.3 has been acquired.》

The slime was crushed to death with a thumping sound.

But the ones she crushed halfway absorbed the other dead ones and returned to normal, so it was only a matter of time before she could kill two of them with one attack.

”I guess magic is more effective in situations like this!

《Skill: Shield Art Lv.4 has been acquired.》

Unable to defeat them all, she used her shield to collect all the slimes that came near her and sweep them away into the distance.

By doing so, she was gradually reducing their numbers. If she maintained her current state, she would eventually be able to annihilate them. Ai had judged so.

—–However, that state of affairs was about to collapse.


The slimes in front of her stopped coming towards her and started gathering in one place.

Then they began to vibrate finely, and step by step, a high-pitched sound like scratching a blackboard echoed through the air.

“—–Guu?! Aahhh—-“

”OI, what’s going on?!”

Zendo, who had been watching anxiously in the distance, shouted out to Ai, who was kneeling before the sudden, deafening sound.

However, Ai had no time to respond to his voice.

She couldn’t stand up properly because she was struggling to hold her head with her left hand while using the tower shield in her other hand to block the attack.

“This is crazy”

For the moment she seemed to be holding on, but by all accounts she was nearing her limit.

There was no time for hesitation, so she lifted a heavy jar full of the finest salt from the back of the truck.

One of these bottles was worth enough to play with and live on for a while, but Zendo started running without hesitation.

“You, what are you doing—!”

He came to Ai’s side who threw a bottle at the slimes that were making a deafening noise in groups.

It hit an individual in the front row, and as that individual swayed backwards from the impact, the sound stopped.

─ Ah ha …… ha …… ha …… ha, t-thank you, grandpa …….”

”That can wait! We’re withdrawing for now!”

”Yeah. ……”

While lending a shoulder to Ai, who was in no condition to fight, Zendo aimed for the rear. However, the slimes were not going to let that happen.

The slimes began to make that noise again, and the other slimes began to gather around Ai as she fell to her knees in agony.

Zendo was not as bad as Ai, but the sound was too much for him at such close range, and he bit his teeth as he dragged Ai towards the cart.

—But at the end of the day, they’re surrounded.

”God damn it!”

With that, Zendo tried to stand his ground to protect Ai.

He was planning to attract one of them here and buy some time until Tatsuro would come.

But Ai grabbed his sleeve and stopped him.

What the hell, thought Zendo, but Ai smiled at the situation and pointed to the sky.

( In times like these, you definitely come around. Tatsuro)

When Zendo turned his eyes in the direction she was pointing, a laser fell from the sky and burned all the slime that surrounded them.

chapter 47

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