Level Eater

Chapter 41: Begin escort

Soon after receiving the request, they hurriedly prepared themselves and were immediately assigned to escort the group.

However, Tatsuro and Ai were taken aback by the number of people who would be escorting the carriage this time.

A total of fifty-six people, most of them driving horse-drawn carriages, were crowded in front of the gate, creating a sense of oppression.

“It’s spectacular.”

“No, no, there’s no time for that.

How are we supposed to protect all these people with just the two of us?”

“Love, courage and energy—-“

“This is not a level that can be managed with such things. ……”

Zendo spoke to Tatsuro, who sighed at the carefree Ai and began to think about how to get there.

“Ouu. Are you two ready?”

“We’re ready!”

“I see, I see. Then why is Tatsuro looking so dark?”

As Ai’s smile lowered his eyes, Zendo asked Tatsuro with an air of seriousness that said he didn’t understand why.

Tatsuro replied, somewhat resentfully.

“Because there are people than I thought”

“Oh? I’ve gathered only the best craftsmen, though. Is that too much?”

“No, we’ll try, but we can’t guarantee it if the demons attack from many sides at once.”

“Can you handle a few monsters?”

“It also depends on the case, but—“

Then Tatsuro suggested the method that he thought would cause the least damage.

The first thing to do is to have the carriages go in formation, with Ai at the head of the line, who has a great ability to act on the spur of the moment, and Tatsuro at the back, who has a lot of moves and can apply them.

In the center of the room, there are people who can fight a little, and if a monster comes to the side while they are fighting in front and behind, they can defend themselves for a little while.

Ai and Zendo, who had no particular objection to the idea, accepted it, and the others started to move forward in a regular formation.

Ai rode in Zendo’s cart at the front of the line, while Tatsuro rode in the cart of a rather stout man from the adventurer’s guild called Gaz.

{“Tatsuro, how are you doing over there?”}

{“No problem, looks like you’re not busy either.”}

{“Yeah, I don’t want you to come out, but there is nothing to do, I’m bored.”}


It seems that telekinesis can be understood even from a distance, and the two of them were checking each other’s situation while keeping an eye on their surroundings.

After a while, Gaz, who was driving the wagon on Tatsuro’s side, spoke to him.

“Tatsura. There’s a bunch of Tew in the sky, can you get rid of them?”


“Yeah, right over there.”

When he looked in the direction of the trees off the path pointed out to him, he saw a flock of black bird-like demons in the sky in the distance, watching him.

“Huh, right. I’ll give it a try.”

{“Ai, I’m going to use magic on the bird on the upper right now.”}

{” ——-Hey, do you want me to do something?”}

{“No, it looks like I just need to get rid of them for the time being, so I’ll try to do it on my own.

But keep your eyes open.”}


He urged Ai to be on the alert for anything that might happen beforehand, and Tatsuro took out that wand from his “item box”.

“Ooh, that’s a pretty expensive wand.”

“Yes, it was actually expensive.”

Gaz laughed at Tatsuro, who answered with a wry smile, amused by the sudden appearance of the cane.

“Here we go now.”

He then pointed the tip of his wand towards the bird and gathered the magic power through the wand. Then, just as he thought it had a red glow, a laser shot out into the sky.

It ignored most of the air resistance and went straight for the middle of the flock of tew, and dropped a few of them there, engulfing them.

This disrupted the movement of the other birds, causing them to break line and some of them collided with each other.

Tatsuro fired three more shots at the panicking people, and after thinning out some of them, the rest of the Tew fled in the opposite direction.

“——-I’ve never seen magic like that before.

The way it was red, was it fire magic?”

“Uh… yes, fire magic.”

“I didn’t know fire magic could do that.”

“It’s the wand.”

As if to convince Gaz, who was constantly impressed, he showed him the magnificent cane he was holding in his hand.

In response, Gaz, who was not bright about magic, seemed to interpret it as such.

“So, how often do you get that kind of Tew around here?”

“Right. Well, I don’t know if I’d say often, but every now and then they come out and robbing through our stuff.

“I see. So… have any people been harmed?”

“I haven’t heard much about that, but I did hear about a guy who tried to chase off a guy who was robbing his stuff and got poked in the neck and died. ……

Another guy got his eye taken out.”

Gaz told him bitterly that he remembered something he didn’t like.

When Tatsuro heard this, he felt relieved that he was able to get rid of it early.

{“Ai. The one you just saw is called Tew, they’re not that strong but they seem to be troublesome, so let me know if you see them.”}

{“Haiyo—Oh, I found an Imomu! Teii.”}

{“Are you okay?”}

{“No problem, Imomu is no match for me now.”}

{“But don’t let your guard down or you’ll get hurt.”}

{“I know! You be careful too.”}

{“Yeah, I got it.”}

After finishing the report, Tatsuro returned to his post to see if anything else was coming.

In the meantime, Ai, who accurately popped the head of Imomu, who was 30 meters away, with a kunai made by Tatsuro, was impressed with her status and skills, thinking that she had become stronger.

And Zendo, who had seen such a daring feat, was once again convinced that it had not been a dream.

“Hey, Grandpa. Are there many of those guys around here?”

“I’m telling you, they’re not just around here, they’re everywhere in the world.”

“I didn’t know they were so common.

I mean, do you know what they’re called anyway?”

“Oh, their name.

Something with shu, shuga, shuge……..Sorry, I don’t remember……”

“I-it’s okay, it’s okay. I don’t care if they are called Imomu or not.”

She managed to quiet a depressed Zendo, who thought that his theory of being a geezer was finally gaining traction, and Ai contacted Tatsuro while remaining vigilant.

{“Tatsuro, do you know what the real name of Imomu is?”}

{“Imomoo’s name? I don’t know, but what does it matter?”}

{“Well, I asked grandpa and he forgot about it halfway through, so it’s kind of bothering him.”}

{“Oh, I see. I’ll ask Gaz about it.”}


Tatsuro stopped his telepathy talk and asked Gaz as casually as he could.

“Speaking of which, there’s a big caterpillar-shaped demon, you know, green with black and white dots.”

“Oh, you mean that thing?”

“Yeah, that thing……eh what?”

And when he looked in the direction of Gaz’s words, he saw Imomu about to emerge from a gap in the trees.

He immediately took out his staff from the item box and used the lowest level laser to kill it quickly.

It seems that the Imomu is not a particular threat to Gaz, and when he saw Tatsuro move, he cut his gaze to the Imomu and tried to remember its name.

“I believe his name is—-. that’s tight. His name is Schbergfangus!”

“What kind of tough name is that? It’s just a big caterpillar!?”

He seemed to understand what Tatsuro was saying, and Gaz also told him why after prefacing it with, ” I suppose so.”

“When I was still young, he was a demon called Dede.”

“Dede is good, it looks like a Dede. Why did they change it?”

“Well, a few years ago they found out that Dede was a juvenile form of a demon called Schbergfangus.

Then they discussed whether to call it Dede or Schbergfangus, and they decided on the latter.”

Well, Tatsuro thought about the mindset of the people who made the decision, saying that they must have been afraid to name a strong person after a weak person.

However, that makes him wonder what the thing’s growth form is like.

“So, what kind of demon is this Schbergfangus?”

“Well, I’ve never seen one before, but according to the demon biologists, it’s a terrifying insect dragon.”

“That guy has a piece of work. ……”

The only thing that came to his mind was a dumb image of Imomu in its original form, with wings and an extended length.

“Well, it seems that the chrysalis period is about a hundred years, and during that time most Dede, or rather Schbergfangus, are eaten by other demons and die.”

“…… Ah, so that’s why people didn’t notice that it was the Schbergfangas.”

“That’s what I’m saying”

After hearing the sad reality of the situation, Tatsuro felt that he could be more gentle the next time he met Imomu.

Of course, if they were enemies, he will defeat them.

When he told Ai the result, she said, “It doesn’t suit them, so it will be Imomu from now on,” and the harsh name that Tatsuro and the others learned was no longer used among them.

chapter 42

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