Level Eater

Chapter 109: Gregory's True Nature

Elite warriors who had managed to endure the lightning attacks from the mammoth-type monster Paralaceus were repeatedly launching magical and physical assaults while evacuating their fallen comrades. However, they found themselves unable to penetrate Paralaceus's robust skin and could only watch helplessly.

Tatsuro looking at the situation below, while being cautious not to let Ennio interfere, was studying the Paralaceus.

"It seems quite tough, but if those guys managed to leave a scratch on it, Ai's attacks should work" (Tatsuro)

"Maybe, but that lightning attack, if it hits me, it won't be pleasant" (Ai)

"Yeah, it won't. Well, if push comes to shove, I can deal with that. But there might be something else going on" (Tatsuro)

"Oh, I thought the same thing!" (Ai)

As they observed Paralaceus, it appeared to Tatsuro and Ai that they were somewhat holding back while engaging the knights. This observation was possible from their aerial viewpoint, and the creature's movements seemed constrained from their analysis.

Though Tatsuro wanted to clarify this aspect, he noticed Ennio becoming restless, and the magical energy on the necklace crafted by him was running low. Left unattended, Ennio might act on his own.

Therefore, Tatsuro decided to have the knights focus on dealing with the ongoing mass emergence of the wasp-type magical creatures, Depris, outside.

Anticipating resistance, especially from the loyal and fervent beast man, Tatsuro lightly adjusted the wind magic barrier he had created to prevent Depris intrusion and started pulling the knights outward.

"What are you doing?! We are allies!" protested one of the knights.

"Sorry! I can't concentrate with the commotion outside, so I'll leave that to you!" (Tatsuro)


From above, the knights grumbled with dissatisfaction as they were forced outside. However, the beast man's vice-captain resisted to the end, planting his spear into the ground to resist being pulled away.

Raising the wind power further risked becoming an attack, and it left him extremely vulnerable from Paralaceus's perspective.

"Oh well, can't be helped." (Tatsuro)

"He's quite stubborn." (Ai)

Tatsuro then stopped the wind and returned it to its original barrier. The beast-man vice-captain, panting heavily, looked up at them with triumphant eyes.

In this way, the scene now featured Tatsuro, Ai, Ennio, the beast-man vice-captain Joaquin, Gregory the foolish—, the lord's son Bertram, and Paralaceus.

"That smug look annoys me." (Ai)

"Well, that's probably all he wanted. So, now that we have a spacious area, shall we get started?" (Tatsuro)

"Been waiting for this." (Ai)

Saying that Tatsuro and the others landed next to Ennio. After stowing the board in the item box, Tatsuro turned to Gregory.

"The one on top of that big thing is definitely Gregory, right?" (Tatsuro)

"Yeah, that's right. Don't know about the one behind, though!" (Ennio)

"I see. Well then, first things first, we need him to come down. Jeanne, start by [Adult Form] and come out!" (Tatsuro)

"Neigh!" (Jeanne)

Appearing there was a giant black rhinoceros that seemed to be at least six meters tall. With its body enlargement, the pure white horn at the tip of its nose had also proportionally grown, now sharp enough to impale several people at once. When everyone had captured its appearance, the colossal creature demonstrated unimaginable speed, charging straight at Paralaceus.

When Paralaceus reacted, it was already too late. Its right front leg was pierced through by the pure white horn, and with that momentum, it was effortlessly ripped off. Despite attempting to regain balance after losing a leg, Jeanne, now attacking from a different angle, took away its right hind leg as well.


"What kind of creature is that!?" (Gregory)

"Aaaah!" (Bertram)

Unable to maintain stability with only one leg on each side, Paralaceus, in a rather anticlimactic manner, lost its balance and collapsed, pressing its right cheek against the ground.

Against this backdrop, Jeanne returned triumphantly with both legs still impaled.

"Wow… Father, you got scared a bit there." (Tatsuro)

"Even though it was impressive before, the power is on another level now. I wonder what will happen when she uses her [True Form]"

"Neighhh!" (Jeanne)

In response to the two's astonishment, Jeanne cried out with joy thinking that not only Cardina but also her moment to shine had arrived. And speaking of the Paralaceus, it was writhing in a pool of its own blood.

Gregory, having descended from Paralaceus without being crushed, immediately helped Bertram to stand up, who turned pale at the sight of the fallen creature. With furious shouts, Gregory mercilessly kicked the weakened Paralaceus multiple times.

"You useless fool! How long do you plan to lie there, you worthless trash!" (Gregory)


"This is terrible… Attacking one's own comrade like that." (Ennio)

"The trash isn't the mammoth; it's the one saying it. …Ennio, do you think that guy who does things like that is really doing something good?" (Tatsuro)

"W-well, I don't think so… But, that Gregory, I've never seen him like this." (Ennio)

Tatsuro, who had been handling Ennio with care to avoid triggering his temper tantrums, was bewildered by this new side of him. However, it was a fact that the monster had been quite disappointing. It had been easily defeated by the peculiar creature that had suddenly appeared from Tatsuro.

Considering that Ennio was still uncertain about Gregory's true intentions.

"Gre… Gregory! That thing is weak! It's beyond pity, don't you think!" (Ennio)

"What…? Weak? Pitiable? Hahaha, what are you talking about? Haven't you been doing the same to humans all along? Don't act like a good kid now, Ennio." (Gregory)

"That was because they were bullying us!" (Ennio)

"Well, well, is that what you're saying? How naive. That's why it was easy to deal with idiots like you. Thanks for everything, Ennio. You being an idiot really helped." (Gregory)

Unable to guide his thoughts easily due to the expired contract, Ennio, who seemed to have become unnecessary, was bluntly dismissed by Gregory.

"W… Wait, all this time, you were lying to Ennio? Everything?" (Ennio)

"Lying? I never told you the truth once. I just gave you food because you were useful. Oh, by the way, did you know? The food you always happily ate, what do you think it was?" (Gregory)

"It's not food! It's a meal! Don't treat me like an animal!" (Ennio)

"Hahaha, is that a meal? That's leftovers that the underlings left behind. Hahaha, yes, for someone like you, a useless guy that was a meal. Hahaha!" (Gregory)

"What is this guy…?" (Tatsuro)

"Unbelievable…" (Ai)

"Leftovers…? Disappointment?" (Ennio)

As the meaning of the words was rapidly spoken and the term "leftovers" was not immediately understood, it took some time to digest. In short, the food that everyone had always said they had shared with Ennio was simply scraped-up leftovers that were sent to him.

It's like feeding a livestock.

When the realization finally dawned on Ennio, bottomless anger surged, far exceeding the tolerance of the necklace that Tatsuro had enchanted.

"Gizama Yogo!" (Ennio)

"Calm down, Ennio." (Tatsuro)

"Grr…" (Ennio)

At the moment when claws started extending from Ennio's fingertips, signaling a complete transition into a combat stance, Tatsuro, aware that Ennio's consciousness was on the verge of slipping away, boosted the life magic to its maximum with light magic, directly administering a calming spell. Ennio's anger dissipated, and he stood there with his mouth open, staring blankly.

"You've been blatantly provoking Ennio since earlier. What's your intention?" (Tatsuro)

"Yeah, do you understand the current situation? There's no ally here to protect you" (Ai)

"Tch, you can use life magic too. How many types of magic can you use? You're not really a human, are you? What race are you, tell me!" (Gregory)

"You don't listen to my side of the story but keep babbling about what you want to hear." (Tatsuro)

While not as angry as Ennio, both Tatsuro and Ai were equally disturbed by Gregory's behavior. The reliable magical creature was injured, and the external Depris were likely a result of Gregory's actions, but even with that, the situation didn't call for such boldness. And in the background, Bertram, shaking with a pale face, had no combat capability.

In this situation, why was he so confidently confronting them? That aspect unnerved Tatsuro.

"Well, you can thoroughly research everything after it's all over. I'm looking forward to examining what's inside you." (Gregory)

"So why are you so overconfident? I might just blast you away." (Ai)

"Hahaha, a feisty woman. Why am I so confident… well, that's obvious. There's no future where we lose, after all!" (Gregory)


While Tatsuro and Gregory conversed, Joaquin, who had been slowly approaching from behind, was suddenly hindered by numerous needles erupting from the ground. The needles, emerging from the ground, gradually revealed their forms—a dog-like creature with fur of earthy color and needles on its back.

It was slightly less than two meters in size, with needles erect, attacking Joaquin.

However, with each step he took closer to Gregory, more needle dogs were added, and now Joaquin found himself facing a total of twelve at once, his feet pinned to the ground.

"Was he overconfident because of that thing? No… That's not it." (Tatsuro)

"Is that so? It seems troublesome with their numbers, though." (Ai)

"But with just that many, Ennio alone should be able to handle them somehow, right?" (Tatsuro)

"Maybe if they don't pull anything unexpected." (Ai)

Torn between whether to act against Gregory, whose intentions were unclear, the opponent took the initiative.

"Paralaceus! Get used to that body quickly, you piece of trash!" (Gregory)


"What the hell!?" (Tatsuro)

"What!?" (Ai)

As Gregory kicked once again and issued commands under the contract, Paralaceus's body began to tremble, and all of its eyes widened. Although Tatsuro quickly erected a wall of earth in anticipation of a lightning attack, there was no impact.

Feeling dubious, Tatsuro probed with dispel magic. Paralaceus's body, squirming like clay, was changing its shape.

"That's it! That's good!" (Gregory)

"Fwoooosh. Rooooaaar!"

Besides a satisfied smiling Gregory, the barely alive monster from before was gone. In its place stood a humanoid figure, about ten meters tall, with a face resembling the previous mammoth-type creature—an odd creature.

Tatsuro dispelled the earth wall to secure visibility.

"It transformed, huh." (Tatsuro)

"Also, its wounds are healed. Whether it's a regenerative ability or a one-time benefit from transformation is the question." (Ai)

"Indeed, I hope it's not like that magical dragon's regeneration." (Tatsuro)

"I agree." (Ai)

Thus, Tatsuro and the others confronted the mammoth giant, staring back at its fierce gaze.


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