Leon Greyrat: The Second Son – Mushoku Tensei OC

Chapter 17 – Birth

— Leon Greyrat —

As time passed, the leaves changed from vibrant green to a myriad of red, yellow and orange, while a cool, crisp air replaced the previous summer warmth.

It was fall.

And that meant that the expected time for my new siblings’ births was nearing.

Which was why we were currently on a carriage, making our way to my home in Buena Village.

“Why can’t you stay with us, Ghislaine? Aren’t you meant to be my swordsmanship instructor?” Eris whined.

Ghislaine, on the other hand, simply shook her head. “I was only tasked with guarding you to and from Buena Village. Besides, I will be guarding Master Sauros when he makes his yearly report of the harvest to the capital next week, so I would have been gone for some time anyway.”

Eris huffed. “Then how am I supposed to train?”

“You have Leon there with you. And while Paul, Leon’s father, is a terrible instructor, he is a wonderful sparring partner. His fighting style is unique, as it uses all three styles seamlessly. Be sure to learn from that experience,” she lectured.

“Hmph. Fine, I guess,” Eris pouted before turning to me. “Leon! Tell me about your family!” 

So loud… such a contrast to the gentle countryside.

But at least she seemed excited.

“Well, there’s my brother, Rudeus, who’s two years younger than me. Before I left home, we were equal in terms of magical skill, but I had the upper hand in swordsmanship,” I said.

She raised her eyebrow at this. “Really? As good at magic as you?”

I nodded my head. “Yes. Well… except for healing and detoxification. That’s why I’m heading back, after all. To make sure nothing goes wrong with the births.”

Well, I wouldn’t say Rudeus was worse, per se, but rather, he couldn’t cast those schools of magic chantlessly like I could. 

By casting chantless healing magic, I was also able to weave the mana to my bidding, allowing for freer control of what got healed and when, so it was much better for operations.

“But aren’t there people meant for that?” she asked.

“Midwives, yes. But they are not necessarily doctors, so if there are any health problems, I would be able to step in and make sure everyone is safe,” I said.

“Hmm… okay. And? What about your parents?” she asked.

“There’s my father, Paul. He is… well, how would you explain him, Big Sis?” I said, turning to Ghislaine.

“A womanizing scum with a tendency to get too far ahead of himself. Though, he is a good man at heart… and in bed.”

There was no need for that last part, Big Sis…

“…He sounds dumb!” Eris exclaimed.

“He is dumb. And he’s married to my Mama, Zenith. She’s a healer, and is also the nicest woman in the world,” I said.

Eris gestured to my neck. “And she’s the one who gave you that scarf?”

I shook my head. “No. That was Lilia. She used to be the family maid, but then got pregnant after Paul fooled around with her and became his wife. She’s part of the family now, though, and I think of her as a second mother, so don’t treat her disrespectfully.”

Eris nodded her head in acceptance, knowing that I was issuing a serious warning.

“And lastly, there’s Sylphy. She’s not part of my family, but she is my close friend, and we spent so much time together that we might as well have been family,” I said.

“Hmm. So she’s like a sister?” she asked.

“No… just a close friend. She also has green hair,” Eris’ eyes widened, “and it’s beautiful. If you bully her for it, I’ll be very mad.”

Eris frowned. “Fine.”

She went quiet after that, opting to watch the passing scenery as we neared our destination.

“Alright! Here we are!” the stagecoach eventually said as we reached my village.

“Thank you. Ghislaine, are you going to come visit?” I asked.

Ghislaine shook her head. 

“I will need to leave as soon as possible to reach Roa by nightfall, so I will have to refuse. Young Miss,” she said, crouching down to tussle Eris’ hair. “Please do be safe. And trust in Leon. While he is your tutor, he is also your guard, so you can lean on him.”

“I-I know that already!” Eris huffed.

“Good. Then I don’t need to explain further.”

Ghislaine then passed me a couple of bags, one for each of Eris and I’s things. 

Though the Young Miss’ was much larger… and heavier.

“I will be off now,” Ghislaine said. “Take care, you two. I will see you in a month.”

And with that, she got back in the carriage before setting off into the distance.

“Right. Then I guess I’ll lead you to my home. Follow me,” I said.

With Eris nodding her head, we then made our way up the dirt road, with the Young Miss looking curiously at the fields and houses we passed.

“By the way, Eris. There won’t be any stuffy noble customs that you hate while we’re there, but that means you won’t be treated with respect as much as you are in the manor. Make sure to not lash out about that, okay?” I said.

“Of course I won’t! They’re your family, so I’ll let their disrespect slide!” she huffed.

“Thanks, Eris. I appreciate it,” I said. “Anyway, you can treat this as a vacation for the most part, but we’ll still have some lessons.”

Her lips curled into a frown.

“Don’t make that face,” I chided. “It won’t be as much as usual, and even when we do them, we can work in a group with my brother and Sylphy if you want. You’ll have fun. I promise.”

“Hmph! Fine,” she pouted.

With that, we made our way over a few hills before finding ourselves in front of the house. 

It was just as pretty as I remember… though the garden definitely needed some trimming.

That’s to be expected, though, since both Mama and Lilia were pregnant, and Paul didn’t seem like the type to handle gardening.

I’ll deal with that with some wind magic after we were done packing.

From Eris’ expression, it seemed that the place was good enough to be acceptable, even though it wasn't as grand and gaudy as the manor.

Well, that’s one potential problem down.

Knocking on the door a few times, I then opened it.

“Hey guys! I’m home-! Oof!”

Only to be smothered by Mama with a gigantic hug upon my entry. 

“Ooh! I’ve missed you so much, Leon!”

Can’t… breathe…

But this warmth… yeah, I had missed this.

“I’ve missed you too, Mama,” I said, although it was muffled by her chest as I squeezed back.

“Ah, right. Come inside first,” she said, closing the door behind us as she released me from my grasp.

Looking at Mama, it was obvious that she was quite far along in her pregnancy, as her belly was bulging out much like it was right before Rudy was born.

She then turned to Eris with a kind smile. “And this must be Eris, right? Or would you prefer ‘Miss’?”

“N-No… just Eris is fine,” Eris stammered.


Why was she acting so nervous?

“Ah. Alright then. It’s nice to meet you, Eris. Leon told us about you in his letters. Hmm… he was right to call you cute,” Mama said.

“Mama!?” I exclaimed.

What the hell!?

Was she trying to embarrass me?

“C-Cute?!” Eris stammered.

Mama’s face then turned into her ‘scary grin’ before Lilia stepped into the room.

“Zenny, stop teasing your son and our guest as soon as they arrive.”

Yes! Thank you!

Lilia, like Mama, also had a bulging belly, and she was wearing a casual brown dress rather than her usual maid costume.

I thought that that look suited her, but judging from how her usual hairband was still placed on her head, this change in outfit was probably because her maid uniform no longer fit rather than her truly accepting her position as a wife.

Or maybe she just liked the maid outfit, I didn’t know.

“Leon. It’s good to have you back,” she said, opening her arms for a hug.

Accepting her offer, I placed the two bags on the floor before walking over and embracing her.

Lilia wrapped her arms around me before turning to Eris, who was still shocked over Mama’s previous words.

“Miss Eris. While I may not be as up to par with my usual abilities due to my condition, please don’t hesitate to ask me of anything,” she said.

“H-Huh!? O-Okay.”

Shaking my head, I then raised my hand to poke Lilia on the nose.

“Don’t speak nonsense. I’ll be doing all the household chores until you’re completely recovered from having my new sibling. No objections,” I said sternly.

She widened her eyes before her face deflated into a loving smile. 

“Right. I forgot how protective you were. Anyway, dinner is in the pot, so how about you tell us about your time since the last letter until it’s ready?”

“Sure,” I said, unwrapping my arms from her torso. “When is Rudy and Father coming back?”

“Oh!” Mama exclaimed. “Paul’s out doing a report on the harvest, and as for Rudy, he should be coming back right around…”

“Mother! We’re back!”


With perfect timing, Rudy entered the front door, interrupting Mama’s words.

“Huh? What’s with-? Brother!”

Running up to me, Rudy then gave me a quick hug before I was wrapped in another set of arms, this one being much smaller and softer.

“Leon! You’re back!”

Looking down at the watery red eyes of Sylphy’s, I brushed a strand of green hair off her face. “I told you I would. Did you think I would lie?”

Her eyes widened as her cheeks flushed red before hastily let go of me. 

“N-No! I’m just… happy you’re back, is all…”

For some reason, Eris’ face changed from slight curiosity at the new people to a small grimace.

What’s with her?

Ah, she’s probably feeling left out, right?

“Anyway, this is my current pupil, Eris Boreas Greyrat,” I said, introducing the girl. “She’ll be staying here with us until we leave after Lilia gives birth and is safe.”

“Hmph!” she huffed in response.

Haa… at least said hello, Eris. 

I thought she was actually in quite a good mood when we came here, but I guess she really didn’t like the fact that Ghislaine was leaving.

Well, hopefully, once they got to know each other a bit more, they would all get along.


“This is Rudeus, or Rudy, my brother. And this is Sylphy, the friend that I told you about. I’ll take your things up to your room, so just… make yourself at home, alright, Eris?” I said.

Getting a nod from the girl, I then took the bags up to the rooms and laid out all the contents on the bed, making sure Eris’ clothes were organized and folded. 

After all, she wouldn’t have a maid to get them ready for her like back home.

I was quite happy to see that she brought along the puppy plush I got her as well, but I had a feeling she would get mad if I mentioned that.

Not wanting to leave Eris alone for too long, I quickly made my way back downstairs, only to see Eris and Sylphy locked in a staring match as I entered the main room. 

Now… this wasn’t out of character for Eris to do, but I didn’t expect Sylphy to return her glare, especially with such intensity. 

Where did that shyness go?

Rudy was also confused, but for some reason, both Lilia and Mama were looking on in amusement.

What was with this situation?

Before I could comment, Eris suddenly released a small snort before walking over to me and hugging my arm.

“Say, Leon… how about we do some magic practice?” she asked.

…What the hell was she going on about?

“L-Leon!” Sylphy said, stiffly walking toward me before latching onto my other arm. “I-I learned Intermediate-rank healing magic, but I’m still having some trouble! C-Can you help me?”

Okay… now I was really confused.

I know Sylphy had missed me quite a bit, but she had never been so… confrontational.

Ah, but then again, she hadn’t had any people to be confrontational with.

Paul then choose that moment to enter the house.

“Hey! I noticed a carriage leaving-” he cut himself off as he noticed the situation. 

“Oho? What’s this?” he said, eyes shining with amusement as he looked at the three of us.  “Haha! Welcome home, Leon… It seems you really are my son, huh?”

Haa… this was going to be annoying, wasn’t it?

— Information on the Six-Faced World —

Zenith Greyrat

Zenith is a beautiful woman with blonde hair, blue eyes, large breasts, and a voluptuous figure. 

She has a very warm and loving personality, but can also be strict at times when necessary. While she is a follower of the morals of the Millis Church, she also values the happiness of her family even more so.

Zenith was born in the Holy Country of Millis as the second daughter to the prominent noble family of Latreia before she ran away from home to become an adventurer, she later became a healer for the Fangs of the Black Wolf, where she reached the S rank.

She is a Beginner-ranked magician in fire and water magic and Intermediate-ranked in healing and detoxification magic.

— Leon Greyrat —

It had been a week since I had returned to Buena Village with Eris, and to my happiness, my pupil had really taken to the casual lifestyle away from the manor.

Since she didn’t enjoy getting pampered by the maids too much at her home and all the stuffy noble practices such as needing to be dressed up every day, Eris didn’t mind the change in scenery. 

If anything, she enjoyed it.

But I could tell some things irked her, such as how there weren’t any lanterns at night, how she didn’t have a personal bathroom, and most notably…

“Haha! You’re like an angry dog! But for your bite to have any power, you have to actually hit me~”

“Grr! Shut! Up!”

…Paul, my father.

As expected, their personalities clashed, and that was without Paul’s relentless teasing. 

Playful or not, he really knew how to get under the girl’s skin.

According to Eris, my father was the ‘most annoying man’ she had ever met, and I couldn’t help but agree.

But at the end of the day, she also respected the man for his skills, much like she did with Ghislaine and me.

…Begrudgingly, of course.

She really did find him annoying, after all.

Every morning came with a new challenge issued at the breakfast table, and a one-sided spar followed soon after. 

While Paul only played around with her, both I and Eris were grateful for that, as she wouldn’t learn too much from getting knocked out in one strike.

“Go Eris! You can beat Mister Paul!” Sylphy cheered.

“Knock him dead! He deserves it, after all!” as did Rudy.

The three had become fast friends, though Eris often found Rudy annoying. 

I chalked that up to him being smarter than her despite being two years younger, while also having revealed some of his… well, Paulness.

Good thing she punched him before I had to keep my promise with Philip.

But oddly enough, even though Sylphy was also younger and more talented, instead of Eris finding her annoying, the two became close extremely fast.

Considering they were the only other girl their age they knew, it made sense that they formed a bond, but it was still a bit surprising considering their personalities were nearly the complete opposite.

But while they didn’t fight, they did have these… moments. 

Tense moments where they would stare each other down as if they were having a competition, and all these moments happened with me in between them.

I suppose I should have expected this.

Sylphy probably wanted to monopolize me a bit, since I had been gone so long and would only be here for a month, and as for Eris, not only was her pride of not wanting to ‘lose’ making things difficult, but she probably wanted me, the only person on her ‘side’, with her most of the time while she was here.

I just needed to make sure I split my attention evenly, and luckily, since the four of us children spent most of the time together, that wasn’t too much of an issue.


With a final roar, Eris leaped forward with her sword raised, but with a smooth application of the Water God style, Paul sent her tumbling to the ground.

“Hehe. Nice try- Whoa!”

Paul barely dodged the wooden sword that was thrown at his face.

Not wanting her to get into a fistfight, I walked up to Eris, putting an end to the match.

“Nice try. That final North God sword throw was impressive. Just be sure to throw it, so the blade hits him instead of the hilt,” I said, extending my hand to the girl. “I can teach you that later.”

“Hmph. Thanks,” she said, letting me pull her to her feet.

“Do you need some healing?” I asked.

“Just take your turn. I’ll ask Sylphy to do it,” she answered.

As she went to stand with the rest of the family, I picked up the wooden sword Eris dropped before turning to face Paul, who was wearing his usual wide and confident smile.

“Well? Gonna try again? While you’re definitely stronger, you still can’t beat good old experience,” he teased.

While his words were annoying, they were also the truth.

Paul’s talent allowed him to easily pick up the sword, and then allowed him to merge all three styles with no disciplined training.

But that would only make him a pretty good swordsman, not someone who could fight on par with a Sword Saint.

No, what made him so strong was his experience from years of adventuring, time spent honing his blade in the labyrinths and dungeons of the world.

No matter how many errors were smoothed out by Ghislaine’s instructions, I still wouldn’t be able to beat his experience that easily.

But… I was close.

I noticed with the first few spars that we had, that while my Sword God techniques and basic swordsmanship had improved leaps and bounds, my Water God and North God abilities had remained stagnant.

So after a few days of sparring while focusing on those schools, as well as some nighttime training… I was ready.

“Keep talking like that, Father. It’ll only make it more embarrassing when you lose,” I said with a smirk.

“Ooh! Some tough words there! Let’s see if you can back them up!”

With that as the signal, he rushed forward, the wind sweeping his hair back as his sword blurred toward my face.

He was fast, that was for sure.

But not nearly as fast as Ghislaine.

Gripping my sword, I leaped forward with a swift step, letting the touki flow through my body and into my blade as it swept through the air.

But a clash of strikes wouldn’t solve anything.

So, using the North God’s adaptability, I let my Longsword of Silence transform into the Water God’s countering technique, sliding up Paul’s sword before leading it to the side.

Twisting my hips along with the path of my sword, I turned around to launch a devastating strike toward his unprotected chest.


But while Paul couldn’t block with his sword’s blade, he managed to move his hilt in the way of my attack.

Those damn insane instincts…

Leaping back, Paul looked down at his sword with widened eyes before they narrowed in seriousness as he looked back at me.

“I guess you figured something out since yesterday, huh?” he asked.

“You could say that,” I said. “Make sure to take this seriously.”

We then both jumped forward once again.

Our blades exchanged a flurry of strikes, some with the speed and power of the Sword God, and some with the gentle flow of the Water God, but a cacophony of clashing wood resounded throughout the yard nonetheless.

As our violent duet continued, I was able to notice some parts of my swordsmanship that could be improved.

By turning my blade ever so slightly, it cut through the air a step faster.

My steps that would pound against the ground, turning up grass and dirt, became more subtle and controlled, turning into a graceful footwork that allowed me to race across the ground without giving away my next move.

And I could feel it. 

Touki was flowing through every movement like the smooth, yet rapid flow of a stream compared to before when it was like the choppy, uncontrolled waves of the open ocean.

Was this some kind of enlightenment?

It felt… amazing.

I unleashed my sword in a downward strike, while Paul’s blade ripped through the air horizontally to meet it.

But that was a feint.

Loosening my grip, I let our swords clash as I dipped my body close to the ground, letting Paul’s sword pass overhead, pushing down my blade as it easily overpowered my lightly-held sword.

Regaining my grip, I then twisted my body before landing a strike on his open side, touki flowing through my blade to give the strike more power, but not sharpness.

I didn’t want to kill my father, after all. 

That would have to wait until he cheated on Mama and Lilia.


He was launched back, and with me quickly getting to my feet, I placed my sword against his neck before he could recover.

“It’s- Haa- my win,” I said through laboured breaths.

Damn, I was sweaty.

Generating some water to wash off my face and hair, I then returned my gaze to the man.

Paul’s surprised face quickly turned sour, twisting into a resigned pout.

“Yeah. You did. Nice… job,” he said through gritted teeth.

He must have been pretty upset to have lost to his eight-year-old kid, and likely a little ashamed too.

As he should be.

But… he’d bounce back. 

Mama told me he was always conceited until he almost lost, or needed to be saved, and then he would train until his confidence was healed, and his abilities were increased.

Turning to the family, I revealed a wide smile while raising my sword as everyone bursts into cheers.

“Amazing Leon!” Sylphy exclaimed.

“Nice job, brother!” Rudy nodded.

“Hmph! How does it feel getting beat by your own son, Paul? Haha!” Eris laughed.

Even Mama and Lilia were wearing wide smiles.

“Well done, Leon. I am sure once he’s done sulking, he’ll congratulate you.”

“That’s my boy! And Paul! You have your patrol to do, so get up!”

Turning back, I watched as Paul’s pout deepened. “No one said I was cool when I won. Even my wives abandoned me…”

…I was going to cheer him up, but maybe he deserves to be a bit depressed.

I mean, how shameful can you be?

Mama turned to him with a smirk. “What? Are you that upset you finally lost? I told you your overconfidence would come back to bite you one of these days- Huh?”

She was interrupted as a trail of liquid dripped down her leg.

What? She didn’t… have an accident, right?

No… that was-

“Husband. Get up and go get the midwife immediately. Zenny, let’s head inside. Leon, come assist your mother,” Lilia commanded, quickly taking control of the situation.

It seemed it was time for me to greet my new siblings.

— Leon Greyrat —

I was now a big brother to two baby sisters.

Yes, two.

I don’t want to recount the details, as it was pretty gross, but shortly after Mama’s birth, Lilia’s child decided it was time to enter the world as well.

I guess she didn’t want to fall behind her sister, huh?

Mama’s birth was a bit troublesome. 

It was a breech birth, as Lilia and the midwife called it, which was when the baby’s head wasn’t the first thing leaving the birth canal.

So, due to my healing magic and small but strong hands, I had to help guide my new sibling safely into the world.

While it was stressful, my efforts proved fruitful, as a healthy baby girl spat out some amniotic fluid before letting out her first cries.

I… did not want to experience something like that again. 

Ever. Again.

And then, with everyone celebrating the new life, Lilia went into labour a few moments later.

While we were surprised, there were no complications, and with the midwife now playing her part with a normal birth, and Rudy providing a constant supply of warm water, a second baby girl entered this world, once again, with my hands holding the new life as she breathed her first breaths.

In both births, Paul was useless, being relegated to moral support and acting as a hand to squeeze. 

But knowing how hard Mama squeezes… and how pale his hand got… well, I didn’t envy him.

Eris and Sylphy, however, while not being in the room since we didn’t want to overcrowd, did bring us fresh blankets and towels, so I’d be sure to thank and praise the two for their help later.

But yes, both baby girls were born healthy, and I got to witness the beautiful faces of new parents once again, but this time, I joined in as well.

They were just so… so small! 

So cute! So wonderful and beautiful!

I promised yet again to be the best brother one could ask for and make sure they would grow up happy and healthy.

That… was absolutely my most important promise from now on.

Norn and Aisha were their names, with Norn being Mama’s girl, and Aisha being Lilia’s.

Not that it mattered, though.

They were both my dear sisters that I had sworn myself to protect and care for, and I wouldn’t treat them any differently from each other.

With both of the cuties sleeping soundly in their bassinets, and Mama and Lilia resting on the bed after having Rudy, Sylphy, and I heal their soreness, I decided to reveal my gifts to my new sisters.

“Mama… Lilia… I got something for the two,” I said, holding the two stuffed animals behind my back.

Eris turned toward me with interest. “Is it ‘that’?”

I nodded. “Yes, it is.”

Everyone else just looked at me in confusion before I pulled them out, revealing a brown bunny in my left hand, and a blue owl in my right.

Both of the mothers’ eyes widened in surprise.

“I just thought… you know… since I had the money-”

“It’s wonderful, sweetie! Here, can I see them?” Mama said, interrupting me.

Handing the bunny over to Mama, and the owl over to Lilia, I was about to go back to the door before I was pulled into both of their embrace.

“It’s a very nice present, Leon. Here, let’s give it to them. Does it matter who gets which?” Mama asked.

I shook my head no.

“Well? Do you want to give it to them?” Lilia asked.

Growing a small smile, I crawled over to the bassinet, where the two babies were wrapped snugly in a bundle of blankets.

Hesitantly, I took the two stuffies, laying the bunny next to Norn, and the owl next to Aisha.

“Hehe. They’re almost as big as them!” Sylphy said, looking at the two from over my shoulder.

Indeed, it almost looked like there were four newborns cuddled together. 

As I wanted their new toys to last for a while, I didn’t care if the stuffed animals were a little big, since they would grow into them.

Eris popped her head over my other shoulder, looking at the two with veiled interest before muttering, “Hmm… babies are pretty small, huh?”

We watched the two sleeping babies in silence for a few moments before Mama spoke up.

“But Leon… didn’t that cost quite a bit? Even we didn’t get anything like that for Rudy…”

I shook my head. “Don’t worry about it. It… wasn’t that much.”

That was a lie. 

And seeing how Lilia gave me a knowing smirk, it wasn’t a very good one.

But if it made my sisters happy… well, the price truly wasn’t that much.

“You’re already a siscon, huh?” Rudy said from behind me. “I can’t believe you’ve already given them a present, when all you’ve done for me is ruin Roxy’s used panties.”

He shook his head in a joking manner but quickly realized the awkward silence in the air, and consequently, his slip of the tongue.

“…Rudy? What exactly are you talking about?” Mama asked.

“Rudy…” Sylphy said with disappointment.

“Hmph! I had a feeling you were like that!” Eris huffed.

Lilia, meanwhile, only sent him a sad smile. “Sorry, Rudeus. I won’t be able to save you this time.”

Brother… you’re a bit stupid, huh?

That must be the Paul in him.

Speaking of… where was the man?

Getting to my feet, I then looked out the window, only to see Paul swinging his sword in the yard.

Oh… I guess Mama was right about him training after getting embarrassed.

Well… good for him, I guess.

But… shouldn’t you be with your family right now?

— Leon Greyrat —

My baby sisters were now a week old, and much to my relief, they were normal, unlike Rudy was when he was a baby.

It wasn’t like I hated Rudy or anything. 

Despite his… eccentricities, I loved him deeply as a brother. 

But with his advanced maturity, I didn’t have many chances to act as an amazing older brother or dote on him… which might also be due to me being two when he was born.

Anyway, Norn and Aisha were normal, and as a result, they cried. A lot.

When they wet themselves, they cried. 

When they were hungry, they cried. 

Even when nothing was happening, they cried.

But I understood them, to an extent.

Thinking back to my time as a baby, even though I didn’t cry much, I remember how everything was new and a bit scary, even with my Miko-granted knowledge.

It might be this understanding that made me able to calm them down quite easily, though my magic also helped.

You see, with healing magic, while it focused on healing injuries, it also had applications of calming down the patient. 

After all, if you healed a large wound, it wouldn’t really matter if the patient died from shock a moment later.

And so, I used this application to it’s fullest, helping my baby sisters remain calm with all the new sensations in this big, scary world.

It was also due to this understanding that I didn’t find their cries annoying.

Instead, I just found them endearing. 

I wanted to cuddle them and make them feel better out of love, rather than doing it just to quiet them down.

Though I couldn’t say the same for Paul…

This was his second time having children. 

Third, if you count me when I joined the Fangs of the Black Wolf. 

And while I understood that Rudy and I weren’t exactly normal, I still expected him to be a bit better after all this time.

But Paul was Paul, I suppose.

Luckily, Lilia was able to show off her housekeeping abilities, Mama always had that loving touch that babies would crave, and Rudy was surprisingly skilled at taking care of our sisters, so the four of us were able to easily fill in.

But yes, my sisters were healthy, they were also very cute, and things were good.

Speaking of Paul, he had trained extra hard into the night for the two days after my sisters’ birth until the third day, where he then defeated me in our spar.

He went back to his usual routine of only light morning training after that.

It was exactly as Mama said, once his pride and confidence were renewed, he went back to doing the bare minimum to keep up his current skills rather than aiming to advance them.

How disappointing.

But I guess he was retired, so I shouldn’t have expected much else.

Anyway, while my swordsmanship had improved ever since my victory against Paul, or more specifically, after my ‘enlightenment’, I was still not better with the blade than my father.

I suppose my sudden improvement having caught him off guard was the only reason for my win.

But I didn’t mind.

I was still young and had lots of time to improve as well as experience to gain. 

I wonder what Ghislaine will think of my new abilities though… I hope she’ll be proud of me.

And I wasn’t the only one to improve my swordsmanship.

Eris and Rudy proved to be good sparring partners, as both were close in abilities and as a result, they had both grown a noticeable amount in my time here.

Well, Eris was a bit better, but Rudy was closer to her compared to the likes of Ghislaine, Paul, and I.

Eris was stronger than Rudy, had better instincts, and at least in terms of the Sword God style, had better technique.

Rudy, on the other hand, was more patient, and with his training in the Water God and North God, more adaptable. 

And since he had been sparring with Paul for a while now while Eris used most of her time building her foundations, he also had more combat experience.

“Why are you slowing down!?” Eris yelled.

“Because you’re scary, Eris,” Rudy explained smoothly.

“How pathetic!” she exclaimed before continuing her assault.

Well… yeah, they were doing fine.

But we weren’t the only ones practising the sword.

“Try not to overstep. Okay, Sylphy? It messes up your balance and makes you easier to hit,” I said, lightly tapping her leg with my wooden sword.

“Sorry… I just don’t think I’m cut out for this,” she pouted.

“I agree. You’re definitely not a swordswoman.” Her pout deepened at my words. “But this training isn’t for you to learn swordsmanship, but rather to hone your battle instincts. With chantless magic, you’re able to fight in close combat, so you should learn how to.”

While it would be better for her to fight at range, of course, the world wasn’t so kind as to play fairly like that.

“I understand, but… I don’t plan on adventuring or anything. Why would I need to know how to fight?” she asked.

“Because you might need to defend yourself. Especially since you’re so cute and talented,” I explained.

It wasn’t a lie or an empty compliment.

In this world, monsters weren’t the most dangerous foe, but rather, people were.

Kidnapping, assassination, mugging… all that nauseating stuff.

And a girl like Sylphy would definitely be a prime target, especially when she grew up into the beauty I expected her to be.

“H-Huh!? U-Umm, thank you, Leon. L-Let’s continue!” she exclaimed.

Ha. So she was embarrassed, huh?

I guess I did say some embarrassing things, so it was only natural.

“Alright. It would be better to not close your eyes, though,” I teased.

And with that, our little spar continued.

Hmm… once she got a bit better with combat, I think we could move onto magic-based sparring. 

Roxy had mentioned a class like that in Ranoa, and I was interested in how chantless magic could be used in a fight.

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