Legendary Broken Player - VRMMORPG

Chapter 40 - 40 - The Hidden Source of The Moonstone

Chapter 40: Chapter 40 - The Hidden Source of The Moonstone

It took Booba all day before he could finally make it to Deadbay City. The journey was long and arduous, but he pressed on, determined to reach his destination. He deliberately kept his plans a secret from Broken, knowing that he was also in the city. He intended to surprise his friend when he received the information about the Moonstone. The thought of seeing the look on Broken's face fueled his determination.

He had asked around and wandered the bustling streets of the city until he found a man named Dredge. That night, he spotted him in the plaza in downtown Deadbay. The plaza was lively, with people moving about and the sounds of merchants hawking their wares filling the air. Booba quickly approached Dredge with a stern look on his face, though a wide smile betrayed his annoyance.

"Hey, old man, I have a question for you. I hope you before my patience runs out," Booba said, his voice a mix of frustration and forced politeness. "You know, I'm usually a very pleasant person, so I hope you appreciate my kindness."

"What do you want?" Dredge asked, seeming bothered by the presence of the player. His tone was gruff, and his eyes narrowed in irritation.

"Tell me about Moonstone," Booba replied.

"Is this how one should ask another person? Don't you know how to be polite, young man?!" Dredge said, looking irritated. "Young people today really need more education."

"Shut your mouth and answer my question, or else I will make you answer it," Booba said sternly, his patience wearing thin.

"I don't care about your demand."

"You're really testing my patience, old man."

"Hey, look, that player is threatening the natives," one of the merchants shouted, pointing to a distant figure as a scream came from the same direction. The attention of the plaza shifted towards Booba and Dredge.

"City guard, please, a player is threatening local residents!" another voice called out, causing a stir among the people.

"Hey, you arrogant player, don't make a mess here," another player shouted from across the plaza, clearly annoyed by the disruption.

"Who cares!" Booba shouted back, his frustration boiling over. "You are only a novice to me, so shut up." His voice echoed through the plaza, drawing even more attention.

But then, from afar, several city guards could be seen running towards him. The clinking of their armor and the determined expressions on their faces made it clear they meant business. When Booba returned to face Dredge, the old man had already disappeared, vanishing into the crowd.

"Shit!" Booba cursed, realizing his opportunity had slipped through his fingers. Then, seeing the city guards closing in on him, he knew he had no choice but to escape. He ran with all his might, weaving through the crowded streets and trying to lose his pursuers.


Gia, the elderly woman who sat before Broken, chuckled softly, her weathered face illuminated by a tranquil gaze. "So, Fokil asked you to look for the Moonstones?" she asked in a muted voice, her eyes reflecting a mix of nostalgia and curiosity.

"Yes... and Dredge sent me here," Broken replied.

Gia rose from her chair, her movements slow but deliberate. She walked to the corner of the room and picked up a framed picture, holding it tenderly to her chest before placing it on the table. The picture showed Fokil and a young man in his thirties, both smiling broadly.

"That's my husband and Fokil, taken about fifty years ago," Gia explained.

"So," Broken replied slowly, "he was a friend of Fokil back then?" He recalled Fokil's face from the picture, which had smiled broadly in contrast to the current Fokil, who seemed like a drunk. The change in his demeanor over the years puzzled him.

Gia then went on to explain, "Being a miner, obtaining moonstones is no easy feat. They are incredibly rare and not highly valued due to the lack of knowledge on how to utilize them. The blueprint for crafting with moonstone is only possessed by a select few, and it's possible that only Fokil truly understands its potential. It seems that the true value of moonstone can only be understood by these two individuals."

Broken nodded slowly. "It is understandable that the two of them would work hard to obtain that thing; clearly, there must be a special reason for it," he said, feeling a growing sense of curiosity about the Moonstone's true purpose.

Gia nodded slowly, her eyes reflecting a deep understanding. "Yes, I suppose so; however, it appears that my husband's promise to accompany Fokil to retrieve the Moonstones may not be fulfilled due to our limited human lifespan."

She sighed sadly, the weight of her words hanging in the air. "It's an unfortunate truth that humans have shorter lifespans than dwarves. This means that human friendships often don't last as long when they're with races with longer lifespans. Ultimately, those with longer lives will be left behind when their friends have less time left in this world."

He could tell that Fokil had undergone a significant transformation, despite appearing happy and upbeat in pictures with Gia's husband. Could it be that he was struggling with the absence of his old human friend?

"I saw Mr. Fokil seems happier in this picture," Broken said, pointing to the picture with a thoughtful expression.

Gia smiled warmly. "He is actually a kind person. It's just that he has difficulty accepting new people in his life. My daughter and I still often visit him and bring him some food. It's our way of staying connected and helping him through his struggles."

"He is a good blacksmith?"

Gia nodded, her eyes reflecting pride. "Yes, and actually I'm quite amazed that he gave you this assignment because this is the first time since my husband's passing that he brought back the topic of Moonstone. It seems he saw something valuable in you, something that reminded him of the old days when he and my husband worked together."

"Is that what you think?"

Gia nodded slowly and smiled again.

Broken paid close attention as Gia explained, trying to gauge the worth of the mysterious object. The more he heard, the more intrigued he became about its purpose. His mind overflowed with ideas and inquiries.

"So, you want to mine the Moonstones?" Gia then looked at Broken, her expression questioning but also hopeful.

"Yes, I managed to mine 10 high-quality iron ores when I first learned to mine, and I was determined to do this to answer Fokil's challenge," Broken replied firmly.

"Wait a moment," Gia said, then she stood up and walked into the adjacent room. Her steps were slow but purposeful, leaving Broken to ponder what she might bring back. freewebnovel.cσ๓

A few minutes later, she emerged carrying a wooden box, which she placed gently on the table. She opened it with care, and immediately, a glistening light shone from inside the box. A white stone appeared, radiating light from within, capturing Broken's full attention.

[High-Quality Moonstone]

"What?!" Broken's eyes widened in shock as he saw the beautiful stone in front of him.

The light from the stone bathed the room in a soft glow, making it clear that this was the object he had been searching for.

"So, this is Moonstone?!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe and wonder.

[Congratulations! You were the first player to uncover the hidden source of the Moonstone, a precious mineral connected to ancient elements and worth a fortune.]

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