Legend of Legends

Chapter 65

Chapter 65: Synthesis 2
Translator: – – Editor: – –

Junhyuk chose the ice attribute. He thought it would be better to debuff his opponents. It decreased attack and movement speeds, and he wanted both.

He told Bebe, who smiled at him.

“You chose well. Regardless of your options, if your opponents are heroes, always go with debuffs.”

Junhyuk was relieved to hear that he chose well.

“Enhance it.”

“Pay up first.”

Bebe tapped on the plate, and Junhyuk placed his hand on it. The enhancement cost was subtracted, and 6,390G remained.

Bebe hummed and pulled out a bottle shining with a white-colored light. Meanwhile, Junhyuk summoned his left-handed longsword. Bebe poured the contents of the bottle on it.

It was as though snowflakes were dropping on the sword. It was completely covered in a white light when Bebe hit it with a hammer.


Cold shockwaves scattered from the hit.

The longsword now had white rune engravings along the blade. The enhancement had been a success.

“Check it out.”

Junhyuk lifted the sword and inspected it.

Frozen Rune Sword

Attack Power +15

Striking the opponent decreases the opponent’s attack and movement speeds by 5%. Stacks three times.

He had enhanced Bebe’s Basic Longsword with the ice attribute. It increased the attack power to fifteen and, when it struck the opponent, it decreased the opponent’s attack and movement speeds by 5 percent. It was possible to stack the effects three times, but it depended on the opponent’s resistance.

“It’s affected by the opponent’s resistance?” Junhyuk asked Bebe.

“Correct, but it’s a debuff, so it won’t be very affected by resistance. If your opponent has magic defense, it will still debuff for over 50 percent of the ability.”

Half of the effect meant that, at the most, after three stacks, it would still inflict a 7.5-percent speed reduction. It wasn’t much, but the difference might save his life.

Junhyuk lifted the Frozen Rune Sword. He could see white runes shining along the sword and he liked it. He swung his swords. The blood-colored and white-colored traces in the air were exquisitely harmonious. It was quite the sight.

Artlan looked at this and asked Bebe:

“Right now, the Blood Rune Sword has only been upgraded once, correct?”


“Then, the second upgrade would only cost four thousand gold since it’s still a regular enhancement, correct?”

Bebe nodded, and Artlan called Junhyuk over.

“Upgrade that sword one more time.”

Junhyuk’s eyes shone as he listened to Artlan. Surely, when it received regular enhancements, the sword would become more powerful.

“Do it for me.”

Junhyuk pushed the Blood Rune Sword forward, and Bebe passed him the plate instead. Bebe was smiling, and Junhyuk put his hand on it. Four thousand gold was subtracted from the total, and 2,390G remained.

Bebe started humming and pulled out a small sack. He put one of his big hands inside the sack and pulled out some starlight powder. He scattered the powder over the Blood Rune Sword, and the sword’s blood-like color shone even brighter.

Bebe hit it again with his hammer.


The strike generated shockwaves, and the Blood Rune Sword shone brightly. Junhyuk had his eyes half closed because of the light and went over to Bebe.

“It’s a success. Take it.”

He took the Blood Rune Sword and inspected it. The attack power had increased to thirty-five, and the fitness absorption rate increased to 11 percent.

“The attack power increased by ten?”

“The first upgrade increased it by five; the second increases it by ten; the third increases it by fifteen.”

Bebe sat on the countertop and said:

“The cost will increase exponentially.”

It was still a significant increase.

“Can I use this on heroes?”

Vera shook her head.

“Diane and I do not invest on defense, so it might work on us, but it will not work against Ellic.”

However, he still thought it might work. Junhyuk smiled, and Vera signaled for Sarang.

“Sarang, you come here and check on how much money you have.”


Sarang walked over to him, and Bebe smiled.

“A new customer?”

Junhyuk felt Bebe was taking advantage of them somehow. Sarang placed her hand on his plate, and she had a lot of money.

It said 6,535G.

Junhyuk looked surprised and looked at Sarang.

“When did you get all of that money?”

Vera answered instead:

“She hasn’t spent any money, so she has a lot, and I will help her shop. First, give her a language pill.”

Bebe took out a language pill and pushed the plate forward.

“Pay first.”

Sarang paid to purchased the language pill and asked:

“If I take this pill, then will I be able to read, write and speak all those languages?”

“And listen.”

Sarang quickly swallowed the pill. She had wanted it the most among the things they sold in the Dimensional Battlefield. She was in high school, and the pill would help her with studying.

“We should look at runestones.”

Vera hummed and picked out two runestones.

“This and that one.”

“She won’t have much money left.”

“When did you start worrying about your customers? Give them to her.”

“Pay first.”

Sarang trusted Vera, but not as much as Junhyuk. She quietly placed her hand and paid. Only 435G remained. Junhyuk was surprised at what they’d purchased.

Sarang got two low level runestones of types Junhyuk did not have: one low level intelligence runestone and one low level magic attack runestone.

Junhyuk looked at Vera.

“She won’t have enough money to get a pendant!”

“She won’t need a pendant.”

Vera took out a long, pink arm warmer.

“Insert them in here,” she told Bebe.

“You want to give this to her?”

“Yes. I have something better for myself.”

“You could sell it.”

“You’ll give me such a low price, it’s not worth it. It would be a different matter if it were expensive.”

Junhyuk asked about it carefully.

“This is a Runestone-Socketed Arm Warmer. It increases the power of runestones by 20 percent, and you can insert up to thirty runestones. You just insert them in the sockets here.”

Junhyuk gulped.

“How much does it cost?”

“I made it in my world. I spent fifteen thousand gold on it to install the sockets and the 20 percent increase to runestone power.”

Junhyuk’s mouth was wide open, and Sarang protested.

“It’s too good for me. I can’t accept it.”

“No, not really. I myself carry an item that increases runestone power by 50 percent. I made this arm warmer, so I can’t really sell it to Bebe. I am your mentor. I want to give it to you.”

Junhyuk suddenly looked at Artlan, his mentor, who was avoiding his gaze.

He wasn’t bitter at Artlan. This was Vera’s goodwill toward Sarang, so he shouldn’t blame Artlan for anything.

He should just be happy for Sarang.

“Take it. Just worry about getting more runestones and socketing them.”

Junhyuk had to buy something more expensive to socket high level runestones, but Sarang didn’t need to do that now. She bowed to Vera.

“Thank you.”

“With your power, you are helping us big time. Stay alive.”


She meant to survive. Vera gave her a big hug, and Bebe finished inserting the stones in the arm warmer. Vera took it and gave it to Sarang.

“Wear it.”


Sarang put it on and looked at Vera.

“This increases defense by ten and reduces spell cooldown by 10 percent.”

“I made it. It’s potent.”

Sarang hugged Vera. Vera had a very nice body, and Sarang was buried in her chest. Junhyuk was envious, but not of the arm warmer.

Vera petted Sarang’s head and asked:

“How much money do you have?”

“I have 435G.”

“I will give you some money to carve a seal for the arm warmer.”

“Carve a seal?”

“It’s possible to carve seals for runestone socketed items. Junhyuk is wearing a pendant, but this arm warmer is easily spotted by heroes.”

Junhyuk asked:

“After you carve the seal, do you still get the runestones’ power?”

“Of course!”

Junhyuk thought about carving a seal for his pendant, but he would need a new pendant soon. It was full, so no more runestones would fit in it. He didn’t want to spend an additional thousand gold to carve the seal. He needed to earn more money.

Junhyuk was thinking it over while Vera smiled at Bebe.

“Carve the seal.”


Bebe pushed his plate forward again, and Sarang put her hand on it. Her savings were all gone, and Vera placed her hand on it to pay the rest. Bebe looked at Sarang.

“Give me the arm warmer. Where do you want the seal?”

Sarang showed him her left wrist.


Bebe started the engraving process, meanwhile Sarang smiled at Junhyuk. Junhyuk realized she wanted a seal on the same spot he had made his, on the inside of her wrist.

Sarang’s seal was engraved, and she asked, surprised:

“Does this mean my intelligence went up?”

“Low level runestones increase it by five, and there’s also the 20 percent increase from the arm warmer. Mathematically, you have many times the intelligence of an ordinary person, but that’s only on paper.”


Vera nodded and said:

“Right. Your magic capacity has increased, but be aware that your intelligence has increased, and not your wisdom. Still, your magic production has increased.”

Sarang started crying. That meant that she would have an easier time solving her math problems, and it meant she could study better. The items at the dimensional merchants were very effective.

Vera smiled and petted her head.

“When your intelligence goes up, your magic attack and your magic production increase as well, so you can fire stronger energy bolts more quickly. Your magic and damage capabilities have increased. So, whenever possible, increase your intelligence.”


“The magic attack runestone will increase your damage capability directly, so it’s also useful.”

The intelligence runestone was red, and the magic attack runestone was blue, so they looked different. Her power had increased, and she would do more damage.

Magicians could inflict tremendous damage.

Vera continued while smiling:

“Next time, you can get a yellow runestone to increase your defense or magic accuracy. In fact, get a magic accuracy runestone. Your power works on your opponents, but your basic attacks won’t work unless you have accuracy. The arm warmer already increases defense, so you can wait on the defense runestone.”

Vera kindly explained many things to her, and Sarang listened carefully. Junhyuk was jealous.

Junhyuk knew she hadn’t bought a lot, but had increased her abilities considerably.

She had increased her intelligence by six, her magic attack by six, her defense by ten, and her spells’ cooldown times decreased by 10 percent. It was a great deal for 6,100G.

He wasn’t too jealous. He had his Blood Rune Sword and he could hurt and wound heroes with it.

“Done shopping?” Artlan asked Vera.

“Yes. That’s about it.”

“Then, let’s move.”

“Where to?”

Artlan smiled.

“Just follow me. As we planned, we will win this battle.”

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