Legacy of Valyria: Maegor’s Glory

6- Old Friends

Maegor, after the Guards left the room, responded to Aerys's question, "It was Pycelle who poisoned me, wasn't it?"

Maegor replied, "He poisoned you and unknowingly made the antidote as well, Father."

Aerys smiled and asked, "Was it Tywin Lannister behind this, or Citadel?"

"Before you and before Tywin, our kings went mad," Maegor explained. "Citadel must be the culprit. Tywin held the realm together and maintained peace during these years. But Pycelle being Citadel's spy and Tywin's does not change the truth."

Aerys recalled the history of mad Targaryen kings—Rhaenyra, Aerion Brightflame, even the Blessed Baelor—all had descended into madness and committed outrageous acts.
"I will destroy Citadel," Aerys declared with a look of slaughter in his now clear violet eyes.

"No, Father, we can't do that. Not now, at least," Maegor cautioned. "The Targaryen family has weakened over the years. People's support is not with you anymore, but with my brother Rhaegar. I believe even Rhaegar has been poisoned. He has become obsessed with the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised, though he doesn't show it outwardly."
Aerys pondered for a moment and nodded, "The time will come."
Maegor then turned to Ser Barristan and politely asked him to leave the room. Once Barristan Selmy had left, Maegor confessed to his father, "Father, I lied to you. I didn't find the antidote in a book; someone helped me."
Aerys eagerly asked, "Tell me who it was, and I will reward them."
Maegor responded, "We cannot reward him now, perhaps in the future."
"Why?" asked Aerys.
"Because he is a spirit, a spirit from Ancient Valyria," Maegor explained.
"It seems it's not just your brother and me who were poisoned," Aerys remarked.
Maegor skipped over the time he spent in emptiness and recounted to Aerys his meeting with Mera and everything she had told him. Hearing tales he had never heard before, Aerys became contemplative.
"Do you think this spirit is trustworthy?" Aerys inquired.
Maegor smiled and said, "At the very least, it healed you, Father. Moreover, since I met it, it has been training me, imparting knowledge that no one else remembers.""Very well, my son. I will trust your words. Tell me, what path should we follow?" Aerys asked.
Maegor pondered for a while before responding, "We must maintain the status quo. Except for a few individuals, people should still see you as the Mad King. Rhaegar has gathered significant support behind him. According to what I learned from Ser Arthur Dayne, he is planning a grand tournament that will attract lords and ladies from all over Westeros. It will be an unofficial 'Great Council' of sorts. With the people's support, he plans to dethrone you and take the throne himself. But we cannot accuse him, Father. In recent years, you have not been a good king or a good father. Look at yourself now, the mighty Targaryen king resembling a beggar, burning people at the slightest mistake. Until the tournament, reconcile with Tywin Lannister. When we open the portal, give quotas to the Lannisters and Martells. Mend things with Mother..."
"Aerys said, 'Summon the servants. I want to at least appear presentable now.'"
"Perhaps you can have a bath, Father, but your hair, beard, and nails should remain as they are. People should not suspect anything. At least until the tournament," Maegor advised.
"Summon Tywin Lannister," Aerys commanded.
Maegor bowed and exited the Throne Room, instructing the servants to summon Tywin Lannister. The rest was left to the King and his once closest friend.

When Tywin Lannister was summoned to the Throne Room, he had been working in the Tower of the Hand. Dismissing the servants who arrived at his office, he contemplated why Aerys had once again called him, composed himself, and made his way towards the Throne Room.
At the entrance, he saw four Kingsguard, which was unusual. Aerys typically had Kingsguard by his side even for the smallest matters.
Approaching White Bull Gerold Hightower, Tywin inquired, "Why are you not with our King, Lord Commander?"
Hightower glanced at the King's Hand and replied, "It is by the King's order, Lord Hand. Please, enter. The King is waiting for you."
Tywin nodded and entered. There sat the damned King on the Iron Throne as always. What was odd, though, was the absence of any servants or guards inside.
Bowing before the throne, Tywin addressed Aerys, "Your Grace, you summoned me."
Aerys began to scrutinize Tywin, seeing in him an old friend whose eyes had lost their warmth over the years, whose hair had thinned and had swapped his beard for sideburns. Deep down, he acknowledged he hadn't treated his old friend well in all these years.
"My old friend, are you well?" Aerys asked.
Tywin narrowed his eyes and replied, "Your Majesty, I have been your servant for many years, not your friend."
A melancholic smile flickered across Aerys's face. Tywin and Steffon had been his closest friends. As far as he remembered, Steffon was dead, and Tywin had become his enemy.
"I apologize," said King Aerys, looking at Tywin with surprise.
"Perhaps you won't believe it, old friend, but I've been poisoned, as you might already know," Aerys suddenly shouted, "Ser Gerold, come in!"
Tywin couldn't make sense of what was happening. Lies aside, Targaryen history had seen kings go mad; after all, it ran in his blood. How could he have been poisoned?
The White Bull entered and bowed. "Your command, Your Grace?"
Aerys, addressing Tywin, said, "Explain to the Hand what has transpired here in the last two hours."
Gerold Hightower nodded and proceeded to recount everything to Tywin Lannister.
"The Dragon's Curse? My apologies, Your Grace, but if such a poison existed, it would have been known in Westeros and Essos. Given the circumstances, your son finding such a valuable ancient book is a blessing from the gods for you and your family."
Aerys smiled. "I know I've demeaned you in these years. Calling you and your family servants was not right, but I will make amends, my old friend. Hard to believe, but my son Maegor has come across even more extraordinary information. I cannot reveal it to you yet, but with these incredible insights, I will share future benefits only with the Lannister and Martell families."
Tywin furrowed his brows; today had brought forth quite a bit of unexpected information. When he looked at the Mad King, his old friend Aerys returned to his eyes, and while he had no affinity for this old beggar's appearance, at least knowing he was still there gave him some comfort.
"Now that your mind is clear, old friend, you should at least take a bath and perhaps a shave wouldn't hurt," Tywin remarked.
Gerold Hightower looked incredulously at Tywin Lannister. These two men had been locked in a cold war for years, so it was strange for one to jest, albeit subtly, with the other.
Aerys chuckled. "You're right, old friend. After talking with you, I will indeed rush to the bath, but as Maegor has suggested, my beard and nails will stay until my son Rhaegar's tournament. It's not just any tournament, but an unofficial Great Council, Tywin."
"I know, old friend. I remember well how I ruled in these years, the injustices I inflicted upon you and your family. But until Maegor reveals the surprise he has in store for us, I will not take a step that would lead the realm into war. I will not be a kinslayer, Tywin."
"Wise words, Your Grace, but what surprise does Prince Maegor have in store? If you could provide some information, I could make preparations accordingly," Tywin asked.
"Maegor will appoint your son Jaime as his squire, and he will receive training from the finest knights in the realm. Look at yourself, old friend, you need to shed some weight and prepare your body for battle once more. Maegor's surprise for us could be extraordinarily difficult or surprisingly easy; the only thing certain is that we will have to fight for the gift. If we succeed, we will rise like Old Valyria, my old friend."
Tywin became thoughtful. From Aerys's words, he knew they were gearing up for war. His son Jaime was only fourteen years old and had been serving as squire to Lord Sumner Crakehall for three years. It would be easy to recall Jaime back, and according to Aerys, Jaime would receive training from the Kingsguard. This would be the best for his family and his son; Jaime would be in King's Landing, right under their eyes, and groomed to become the future Lord of Casterly Rock.
While Prince Rhaegar had married Elia Martell, Prince Maegor was still unmarried. Perhaps his daughter Cersei could marry the young prince. Depending on the situation, he could see his own blood on the throne.

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