Legacy Of Altherion


Valtyre strolled towards Nathan and Logan, slowly shifting his gaze between them.

“That was so amusing, I couldn’t bring myself to interrupt your little show.” Valtyre said.

He smirked. “Tell me, did you feel powerful? Did you gain a fragment of hope that you could defeat me?”

“Shut up!” Logan said. "I don't give a damn if our attacks have minimal effect, I will kill you right here, no matter how long it takes!”

"So, you have chosen to rush to your deaths.” Valtyre said.

"Rather of our own volition than as a pawn in whichever scheme you are plotting." Nathan said.

"Such a reckless statement, Nyelekai. If you were to die here, who would save Samantha and Bradley?"

Nathan grit his teeth. "Do not mock me! I know very well what would happen. That alone is reason enough to keep fighting.”

Logan glanced at Bradley’s sphere with clenched fists.

"For all of those people who lost their lives because of you, for my parents...and everyone who suffered at your hands. We will keep fighting until we beat the living crap out of you!"

Logan glanced at Nathan with a look of determination.

Nathan nodded.

The terrain around them rumbled.

Nathan tapped into his Primah reserves, draining it all to enhance his body to the upper limits.

Logan too, gathered strength, preparing to unleash everything in an all out assault.

Valtyre placed his hands in the pockets of his coat. "Your desperation bores me, I expected more from the both of you.”

"Shut the hell up!" Logan said.

Valtyre snickered.

They charged at maximum velocity, delivering innumerable strikes to his face and torso.

Valtyre smirked as he dodged their attacks with deft movement, before countering with crushing blows of his own.

Unlike Valtyre, Nathan and Logan did not have any room to defend, much less evade.

Valtyre’s calculated blows damaged their organs and shattered their bones, but their assault never ceased.

Their bodies’ recovery rate allowed for some degree of recklessness, however, as Valtyre’s blows increased in number, their recovery rate could no longer keep up.

Tears dripped onto Sam’s hands as she covered her mouth. She desperately wanted to tell them to run, to save themselves and leave her behind, however, she could not bring herself to say it.

She had a grasp of their current situation, Valtyre’s confession made it clear. She knew they were not simply fighting to save Bradley and herself, there was a lot more trauma and emotion involved in this battle. How could she trample on that? On their resolve and determination to seek justice and retribution for the people hurt by Valtyre’s hands.

Although she could not keep up with the movement of the trio, she understood the clear difference between them. From the sphere’s position in the sky, she witnessed the immense destruction caused by Valtyre’s initial attacks. Conversely, their attacks, even in combination, had no effect on him what so ever.

She watched on in horror as they dragged their battered bodies towards Valtyre relentlessly, like moths to a flame, refusing to give up despite their deplorable state.

“That’s enough.” Valtyre said.

He released an enormous pressure that shook the entire clearing.

Nathan and Logan were forced to yield under the pressure and collapse to the ground, unable to lift their heads.

"You should be grateful that I merely intended to introduce myself this evening.” Valtyre said. “The next time we meet, I shall not be as merciful."

“Bastard!” Nathan said.

"We won't let you get away!" Logan said.

Valtyre snickered. “By all means, follow me...if you dare.”

The pressure ceased, allowing the pair to get to their feet.

Valtyre disappeared.

“Dammit!” Logan said.

He prepared to head deeper into the woods in search of him, however, the sound of shattering glass followed by a shriek from above, stopped him in his tracks.

“Logan!” Nathan said, leaping towards Sam.

He caught her mid fall, and held her firmly against his chest.

Sam wrapped her arms around him, burying her face in his neck. They landed gently, however, Nathan did not release her immediately.

"Are you all right?" he said.

Sam lifted her head and inspected their surroundings, she sighed in relief after realising that they were safely on the ground.

"Yes." she said.

"I'm relieved."

She embraced him, burying her face in his neck once again.

Nathan glanced at Logan, floating with Bradley in his arms.

“What is his condition?” Nathan said.

Logan’s face turned grave. “His pulse is weak.”

“Let’s take him –“ Nathan said, however, he was interrupted by a sudden appearance.

"You have finally arrived, Father.”

"I apologise for my tardiness, there were a few obstacles impeding our way, to the very end." Mr Gremzor said.

He stared at the devastation around the clearing, and clenched his fist.

“Is everyone all right?”

Nathan shook his head. “Bradley requires urgent healing.”

Mr Gremzor glanced at Bradley then at Logan as he landed.

He approached him and placed a firm hand on his shoulder.

“You did well.” he said.

Logan simply nodded.

Mr Gremzor turned back to Nathan and glanced at Sam who still held on to him.

"We shall discuss matters after you have attended to miss Elliot.”

Nathan nodded.

“Come, we will tend to your friend’s injuries.” Mr Gremzor said to Logan, the next moment, they vanished.

"Shall we?" Nathan said turning to Sam.

She did not respond.

“Hey, are you-”

“I was so worried... I thought that you were going to...“ she said in a trembling voice.

Nathan squeezed her tight against his chest and gently stroked the back of her head.

“It must have been incredibly difficult to watch that battle.” he said. “I deeply regret causing you so much distress.”

“You should.” she whispered.

Nathan smiled.

"Would it be all right if I drove your car?" he said.

Sam narrowed her eyes briefly, then nodded, having understood his intention.

"Yes, that would be fine." she said.

Nathan and Sam arrived at her home after a long and awkward drive. For the entire journey from the barn to her home, neither one said a word to the other. Not that they didn't want to speak to one another, or have anything to say. It's just that, neither one knew where to start, or how to, for that matter. Thus, they remained silent, each waiting for the right moment to present itself, unfortunately, they arrived at their destination before that moment materialised.

He parked the car in the driveway, then returned her keys.

"Thank you for driving me home." she said in a soft voice.

Nathan stared at her with a troubled expression.

"Sam, I-" he said then stopped with a sigh.

"What's the matter?" she said.

"I cannot find the words to describe my regret for this evening."

"What happened wasn't your fault. Besides, you rescued us, we’re safe because of you and Logan." she said, placing her hand on his cheek.

Nathan averted his gaze. "That's just it, I did not…I could not.”

He grasped her hand and gently removed it from his cheek. He got out of the car and sat on the right side of the hood.

Sam too got out of the car and walked over to him. She stood in front of him, stepping into the space between his legs. She placed both of her hands on his face.

"Nathan, look at me."

He looked into her eyes.

"I won't pretend that I'm all right with everything that happened, to be honest, I'm quite freaked out."

"I know, it was not my intention to disregard your feelings, it's just-"

"But that's exactly what you are doing."

"I'm sorry.”

"Enough with the apologies!"

Nathan's eyes widened.

He sighed. "Very well, if that is what you want.”

"I do, because it's not needed, not from you nor Logan. I heard what that man said. He did a lot of terrible things, holding Bradley and I hostage was minor in comparison.”

"It is not trivial-"

"I never said that it was." Sam said. "I was terrified, obviously. Being trapped in that thing, so high up in the sky, who wouldn't be?... But what scared me the most… I was so afraid that he would kill you."

Nathan grasped her hands and squeezed them gently.

"Thank you for worrying about me.”

He decided that it would be best not to linger on what happened, after all, she made her feelings clear.

"I'm certain that you have a ton of questions about Logan and I."

"Yes, you're speech tends to change, more so now than before. It's quite peculiar.”

"Of all things, that is what you are concerned about?"

Although he said that, he understood her intention.

"It's been bugging me.”

Nathan chuckled then covered his mouth with his hand.

Sam smiled.

"Of course I have questions, but I get the feeling that providing me with answers would place you in a difficult position."

Nathan sighed.

"Thought so.”

"I want to tell you everything, believe me.”

Sam placed her finger on his lips.

"I know. I'll wait until you are able to, just don't keep me waiting too long." she said, removing her finger.

"You continue to surprise me.”

He stood up off the car and embraced her. She gasped at his sudden action. She smiled as she wrapped her arms around him and rested her head on his shoulder.

"I have to go away for a while.”

"I see, how long will you be gone for?" she said lifting her head off his shoulder.

"It's hard to say, I have a lot of matters to attend to.”

"I understand."

"You don't have to worry, even in my absence, we will keep you safe, I swear it."

"I know, I believe you.”

"You really are amazing, you know that?"

"I do.”

Nathan grinned.

They kept their gazes on each other, staring intently as their surroundings blurred into the background. Their lips moved reflexively, as though magnetically drawn to the other. They closed their eyes.

"I should go, before." he whispered.

"Before?" she said in a soft voice.

Stimulated by the warm sensation of her breath on his lips, he moved in closer.

He lightly grazed her lips with his, then moved to the side of her neck and gently kissed her.

Sam smiled.

He lifted her by the waist and placed her an arms length ahead of him. "I'll be going, for now. Goodnight, Sam."

"Don't keep me waiting too long."

He nodded.

"Goodnight, Nathan.”

The next moment, he disappeared into the night.

Nathan and Logan sat in the back garden of his parents' home, absorbing the warmth of the sun. They sat in silence and stared off into the distance, having flashbacks of their encounter with Valtyre.

"Have you visited Bradley yet?" Logan said breaking the silence.

"Briefly, I told him I would explain everything upon our return." Nathan said.

"I see, and how did he take it?"

"As well as you may imagine.”

Logan smiled. "He'll be all right. He's not as fragile as one might think. I'm more worried about his ego."

Nathan nodded.

"How are you holding up, after everything?"

Logan sighed. "How do you think? The man responsible for the death of my parents was right in front of me boasting about it, and I couldn't do a damn thing to him.”

"He will pay for everything that he has done, believe me."

"Oh he'll pay, I'll make sure of it.”

"For that to happen, we will require greater strength."

Logan nodded. "A whole lot more.”

"Hey, I've been meaning to ask. How did you do it?" Logan said.

"Do what?"

"The seal. I was under the impression that only a highly skilled Lumus High Councilman or Elder could remove it.”

"Right, about that. Well you see-"

"Good, the both of you are present." Mr Gremzor said, interrupting them as he exited through the back door.

"We have been summoned by the Supreme Order of Nava to have an audience. We are expected to provide a detailed account of what happened that evening." he said walking towards them.

"Let us proceed to my study so that I may record your accounts once more."

The pair nodded and followed after Mr Gremzor.

Sam returned home after an early morning jog around Bracken. After the events of graduation evening, her anxiety levels had risen dramatically. It became increasingly difficult for her to focus on everyday tasks. She found that jogging and the fresh air of the early morning helped to ease her anxiety, at least enough to allow her to continue the rest of the day with some degree of normalcy.

"Sam, you have a guest waiting for you in the living room." Pamela said.

She was not expecting anyone, especially not that early in the day.

Surprised, she made her way to the living room.

"You couldn't stay away for too long could-" she said entering the living room.

As soon as she did, the colour drained from her face.

She stared nervously at the back of a long white trench coat standing in front of the grey wall.

"Greetings." Valtyre said turning around.

Her body stiffened up immediately.

"Please, take a seat." he said, gesturing to one of the couches.

Sam obeyed him without question, she sat on the couch closest to her.

"You appear to be quite nervous, Samandrielle. Were you expecting someone else?"

Sam took a breath, composing herself.

"No, your appearance was unexpected, that's all."

Valtyre narrowed his eyes for a moment, then relaxed his expression. "So it appears."

"What of our brave heroes, where are they now?" he said.

"Nathan said he would be away for a while, Altherion, I presume.”

“Excellent, everything is going according to plan.”

"What shall we do now?"

Valtyre grinned. "Now, we shall commence phase two.”

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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