Legacy Of Altherion


Logan and Dormain arrived at a vast mountainous region, roughly fifty kilometres outside Lanexian walls.

Before departing for the Soato Region, Nathan offered him words of encouragement, but also of warning. He informed him that High Councilmen were very stringent when it came to training, Logan should expect some unreasonable circumstances, however, he should still do his best.

"All right Logan, let us begin.” Dormain said. “I need you to attempt to levitate above my head.”

Logan's eyes widened.

"What, right now? We've just arrived." he said. "Besides, I've never been able to use my abilities on command."

"That is the purpose of this training.”

"I understand, but aren't we going to warm up or something first?"

Dormain smiled mischievously. "You know what? Forget what I just said."

"Why, what are we going to do?"

"We, are not doing anything, you have to break free of these bindings."

"What bind-" he attempted to ask but could not finish his sentence.

Dormain snapped his fingers, creating an energized ring around his waist.

"W-What is this?"

Following a double clap of his hands, four enormous stone pillars rose out of the ground, surrounding Logan on all sides. Thick glowing chains emerged from the energized ring and pierced the pillars, binding him in the centre.

"What is the meaning of this?"

"I want you to ascend to the air and fly.” Dormain said. “In the process, you have to destroy the pillars, or take sections of it with you.”

Logan stared at the pillars and frowned.

‘This is beyond unreasonable.’

"Simply clear your mind and imagine yourself flying, how hard can it be?"

"Are you serious? Even if I manage to levitate at will, there's no way I can fly while I'm attached to these pillars!”

"How do you know that?” Dormain said. “You have not attempted it as yet."

Logan gripped the energized ring. “This thing is going to tear me in half!”

"Your body is much more durable than you give it credit for, you will be fine."

Logan furrowed his brows.

"What happened to, “I will do my best to gain control"? Is your resolve that weak?”

Logan clenched his fists. "I’ll do it.”

“Once more.” Dormain said.

Logan collapsed to his knees. “I need five minutes to catch my breath.”

“Three hours have passed, and you barely managed to perform consistent levitation.” Dormain said. “You are not working hard enough.”

Logan glared at Dormain.

“If you continue at this pace, Nyelekai will return to find you in the same position as when he left.”

‘Bullshit! I can levitate at will now... it’s those damn pillars!’

“I just need a little break.”

"Very well, I shall be heading back to the Cystelle Tower, come and collect me when you have accomplished your task." Dormain said, turning on his heel.

"What? You can't be serious!”

"Oh but I am, I tend to get lost in my work, thus it may take a few days for me to remember that you are here." Dormain said. "Best of luck.”

"High Councilman Greinier wait!" Logan said, unfortunately, Dormain already vanished.

Logan jumped to his feet in a panic. He waited, clinging to the faint hope that Dormain would return, laughing at his distraught expression. Unfortunately, his hopes were destroyed when an hour passed and he remained alone.

A wave of anger rose in his chest, he violently pulled on the chains to free himself, however, his efforts were futile. He took off into the air, however, the chains prevented him from moving beyond five meters above the ground.

Logan used his anger to fuel his attempts to escape, however, he could not fully commit due to the fear of losing control.

Each time he felt himself becoming overwhelmed with rage, he practiced a breathing technique Mr Gremzor taught him to help calm his mind.

He persisted for hours until he finally resigned himself to spending at least one night in the cold wilderness, without food or water.

As the early morning sun rose, it brought a sense of relief, warming his cold and stiffened limbs. He continued his attempt to break free from the chains, for hours on end, he persisted without much rest, unfortunately, his efforts yielded no results.

By late afternoon, as his body grew weaker due to lack of food and water, he finally understood the severity of Nathan’s warning.

"I swear I'm going to kill that bastard the next time I see him!”

Two additional days passed, severe hunger and dehydration set in, Logan became even more desperate.

With the minute amount of energy he had remaining, he decided to focus all his efforts into controlling his emotions more freely. He understood that his abilities were tied to his emotions to some extent, and although his plan was not the optimal solution for learning to use his powers at will, the situation demanded that he succeed.

He swore that he would destroy those pillars and hurl them at Dormain, if not, he would most certainly die if he were to remain bound for much longer.

Logan focused his attention on each body part individually, beginning with his feet then slowly moving towards his head.

After some time passed, his body relaxed completely, a feeling he would compare to floating in a tranquil lake.

Despite the floating sensation permeating in his body, a sense of unrest caused faint ripples in his mind.

Logan understood what that feeling was, he knew that it could not be ignored, nor should it be allowed to create too many ripples.

Acknowledging that the feeling was part of his nature, but not his identity, he allowed himself to experience the ripples on one side of his body, while simultaneously experiencing the tranquillity of the lake on the other.


Although not in perfect harmony, it allowed him to access more of his power at will.

With a burst of energy, Logan took off into the air. The chains screamed as they stretched to their limit, halting his progress at five meters.

He gathered more strength in his core and contracted all the muscle fibres in his body.

"High Councilman Greinier! I am going to kill you!"

Dormain and Celyse focused intently on a large display screen, when out of nowhere, a deafening thud resounded outside of the Cystelle Tower.

Startled and intrigued, everyone moved closer to the door, but stopped abruptly when they heard another loud thud.

"Everyone clear a path." Dormain said, making his way through the mass of people.

He opened the door and noticed the destroyed halves of two pillars in the ground. When he looked up, he saw Logan hovering above him, the ring and chains no longer visible around his waist.

When Celyse reached the door, a gasp left her mouth when she noticed the two large depressions in the ground made by the weight of the pillars.

Dormain smiled. "Well done, Logan. That completes the first part of your training." he said.

"That is absolute rubbish! I almost died. I haven't eaten or drunk anything for days, how can you?" Logan yelled, however, a sweet angelic voice caused him to stop abruptly.

"Silence! That is no way to address your mentor, much less a High Councilman. Show some respect." Celyse said.

Logan’s eyes widened.

Dormain grinned. "Celyse , please guide Logan to the refreshment hall."

"Yes sir.”

"Perhaps you would first wish to bathe?" Dormain said.

Logan descended and stood beside Dormain.

"Yes, definitely bathe first.”

Logan glared at him. "I hate you."

"This way, if you please. Celyse said, gesturing towards the door.

"You smell...really bad." Celyse said as they walked through the main corridor of the Cystelle Tower.

"Why thank you, I worked very hard for this scent." he said.

She pressed her lips together tight.

"I'm sorry about earlier." he said.

"I am not the one whom you should be apologising to.”

"I know, it's just that you have no idea what I've been through these past few days.”

"Actually-" she said, however, Logan interrupted her.

"Hey by the way, has Nathan returned from his investigation yet? Do you know what happened in the Soato region?"

"I am not Nyelekai's apprentice, I do not follow his movements.”

"I was just asking."

She sighed. "High Councilman Greinier mentioned that he and his Princess defeated a monstrous giant a few days ago, he should arrive in Lanexia later this evening.”

Logan narrowed his eyes and shook his head a few times.


Nathan sat on a large bench in a dimly lit corridor. Beside him, Melora and Adole stood in front of a large metal door, awaiting Princess Canavhri to conclude her business with the King of the Soato Region.

Nathan too awaited the conclusion of her discussion, as he had an audience with the King as well as Elder Moriah.

The two guardswomen appeared anxious, glancing at Nathan repeatedly, then swiftly turning away when he looked in their direction. This action happened multiple times before Nathan sighed and spoke.

"Is there something that you wish to say to me?"

Their eyes widened reflexively.

"N-No sir, we do not." Melora said.


"Your names are Melora and Adole, is that correct?”

"Yes sir!" they said in unison.

"All right, I am not your superior, so please do not address me as sir."

"That would be highly disrespectful sir, not only are you betrothed to the Princess, you..."

The next moment, the large metal door creaked, allowing yellow light to enter into the corridor. Princess Canavhri stepped across the threshold and turned towards Nathan with a bright smile.

She wore a tight fitting royal blue velvet dress, adorned with numerous precious gemstones placed across her chest.

Nathan rose to his feet as she approached, she leaned into his ear and whispered.

"Come to my bed chambers once you have concluded your report."

She gently kissed his neck then gazed into his eyes. "There is a matter that we need to discuss."

"I have other-" he attempted to respond, but she placed her finger onto his lips.

She smiled. "Darling, you best not attempt to leave the palace prior to visiting my chambers. I shall have Melora and Adole hunt you down, to be certain, I shall have our finest soldiers support their efforts."

Nathan's body twitched.

"I shall be waiting."

The two royal guardswomen bowed their heads to him before accompanying Princess Canavhri towards the exit.

Nathan sighed. He knocked on the door and awaited a response.

"Enter!" a gruff voice said behind the door.

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