Legacy Of Altherion

19-Approaching Disaster

The Princess' declaration left everyone agitated and confused. The noblemen were under the impression that they were to compete for her hand in marriage, an honour bestowed only to a select number of elite Lumus houses.

Few among them had knowledge of the Princess’ betrothal, however, they did not know that he was a Malenta.

They discussed the matter among themselves, and concluded that they would simply take his place at her side, all they needed to do was kill the creature, then he would no longer be an obstacle.

Although the Lumus noblemen decided to proceed with the competition, many forfeited their position, surmising that they would not gain victory against the Princess's party. In spite of the others’ concerns, ten noblemen and their parties stubbornly remained, their pride would not allow them to be out-classed by a mere Malenta, even if he was an Alum-Magna.

Nathan and Princess Canavhri stopped in the corridor of the food establishment, she linked her arm with his, creating a hostile atmosphere around him.

He sighed as he glanced at her.

"You are aware that this is infuriating them even further right?" he said.

Princess Canavhri shrugged. "I am aware, however, it is no concern of mine." she said, clenching his arm tighter.

"All of them will most likely die if they follow after us, they will not listen to me, even if I warn them. What you are doing is not helping the situation, thus, it is your concern." he said.

"They are here of their own selfish accord, great power often requires sacrifice, they are aware of the risks.” she said. “What happens to them is the fault of their parents who suggested this farce to my father.”

Nathan raised his brow.

Behind them the noblemen grew restless, they demanded that he move onward. Their remarks were silenced immediately by the royal guardswomen standing at the rear of the Princess.

"Let us continue this discussion outside. However, allow me a moment to address these fools once more." he said and turned around to them.

"Gentlemen, I have given you ample warning before, however you thought me a hooded peasant, thus you disregarded my words.” he said. “I will say it once more, this time as the Tier four-Alum-Magna, do not pursue this creature. You may believe that this will grant you the Princess's hand, however, the only thing awaiting you is an agonizing death.”

The eyes of the Lumus nobles and their party members trembled, however, none of them yielded.

Nathan sighed. “We do not know much about this creature, only that it is very large, and based on the reports we received from witnesses, it is highly aggressive. I suspect that none of you have much combat experience, thus I suggest that you return to your estates and enjoy your luxurious lives, leave this creature to the Princess and I.” he said.

“Heed my words, if you pursue this creature, you will die!"

They gulped reflexively due to the intensity of Nathan's presence. However, a few spoke out in protest, stating that he was afraid that he would lose the Princess, suggesting it to be the reason for his intimidating speech and atmosphere.

Nathan shook his head.

"You truly are a great man, you care deeply, even for those who are of lesser intellect than yourself." the Princess said aloud so that all could hear. She pressed her cheek against his, and caressed his chest with her hand.

The Lumus nobles glared at him.

"Let us leave this place." he said, turning around towards the exit.

The party of Nathan, Princess Canavhri and her two royal guardswomen rushed through the settlement to avoid the populace slowing their movement.

Normally, Princess Canavhri took her time to greet and speak to her people, however, time was of the essence, they could not afford to be stalled due to their excessive adoration.

They reached the edge of the settlement and headed into the forest of giant trees. The noblemen and their parties followed behind for a while, then eventually separated from them and headed towards a different section of the forest.

"Now that we are clear of them, please explain what you meant before." Nathan said.

"When the heads of the noble houses became aware of a foreign creature prowling around this region, they pleaded with my father to allow them to handle matters, an obvious ploy to garner favour from the King.” Princess Canavhri said.

“My father informed them that he summoned you to investigate the matter, thus their aid would not be required. As you may well imagine, that did not satisfy them in the slightest."

Nathan nodded.

"They suggested that since you have not formally accepted our engagement, you should not be allowed to resolve matters within our borders." she said.

"I assume that they had other misgivings as well." Nathan said.

She nodded. "Ignorant fools!"

Nathan smiled. "I am certain that King Aumergus did not take kindly to those words."

"The noblemen who made those remarks are no longer welcome in Soato."

Nathan chuckled. "It turned out to be quite the eventful audience, especially since it was at their request."

"What happened thereafter?"

"The remaining noblemen apologised profusely for disrespecting you, after which they presented a formal challenge. Another ploy, however, this one was more daring than the last.” she said. “They said that they would dispatch their sons to hunt the creature, and that they would kill it before you do. Their suggestion was that the progeny who defeats the creature would unquestionably prove his superiority over you, thus he should be first in line to wed me.”


“My father declined their challenge immediately, after which they promptly revised their proposal. They suggested that in the event that the term for your response expires, and at that time, should you decline our marriage, the victor of the challenge would then become my betrothed.” she said. “My father declined them once again, however, at that time he stated the dangers involved, as well as the inexperience of their overindulgent sons.”

Nathan snickered.

“They insisted their sons were capable enough for the task, and that they accepted the risks involved if it meant that they would be related to the King through marriage.” she said. “After great pause, my father accepted their challenge, on the condition that their sons have no more than three party members to aid them."

"When were you informed of this challenge?"

"Half an hour before we arrived at the settlement. My father felt somewhat troubled by his decision, thus I decided to participate to ease his troubled heart.”

Nathan grinned. "He does not know that you are here, does he?"

She shrugged.

"I now understand why those fools did not know what they were to pursue. If they knew beforehand, they would not have ventured into an agricultural settlement." Nathan said.

"As I said before, their parents knew the risks involved, yet they chose to misinform their sons in order to persuade them to participate. Their deaths will be on the hands of their fathers.”

Nathan sighed. “Let us keep moving.”

They headed towards the creature's last known location in the hope that it would return to a familiar site.

When they arrived at that section of forest, the royal guardswomen concealed the party's presence in a similar manner as when they entered the food establishment.

Nathan sat on a large piece of lumber on the ground. With her legs wrapped around his back, Princess Canavhri blissfully gazed at him while gently stroking his face with the back of her fingers.

"How much longer do you plan on doing this?" he said.

"As long as I wish, darling, I have not seen your face for some time, do not hasten my separation from you." she said.

"I apologise..."

"As well you should, you are aware of how deeply I long for you." she said, sliding her hand down his torso.

The next moment, a loud noise echoed in the distance. Nathan lifted her by the waist and stood up off the log. He focused his senses towards the direction of the noise.

"It appears as though those unfortunate fools encountered the creature ahead of us. Let us make haste!" he said.

The party rushed through the forest and arrived at a gruesome sight.

The lifeless bodies of ten noblemen and their parties littered the bottom of a large crater. Princess Canavhri and her guardswomen gasped, they averted their eyes unable to look at their mangled corpses.

Nathan advised that it would be best if they turned their backs while he investigated the scene.

"Obstinate fools, if only they heeded your warning." the Princess said before turning around.

It appeared as though a natural disaster swept through the area, the ground was charred and completely destroyed.

He inspected the trunks of the giant trees around the perimeter of the crater, and concluded that the damage was the result of a single swing. When he observed the enormous tracks on the ground, he cursed in a panic.

"What is the matter darling?" the Princess said turning around.

Nathan sighed. "This creature is significantly larger than the one I mentioned before, somehow it grew tremendously in a short space of time.” he said. “To make matters worse, it appears to be headed northeast."

Her eyes widened.

"When did it?.. We need to make haste or those citizens will be slaughtered!" she said. "I shall create a portal near the settlement."

The purple light faded as they exited the portal, ahead of them, farmers scurried in terror, collecting their children and running towards the settlement as a dark shadow loomed over the area.

The ground trembled, a loud thud resounded, followed by another. They turned around slowly and gasped.

Towering in the distance, a gigantic humanoid creature approached at an alarming pace, pulverising the ground with each stomp of it's mammoth feet.

"What is the meaning of this?" Nathan said.

"What do you mean, darling?"

“This creature’s appearance is different from the one that massacred those fools from before.”

“What? You are not suggesting that there are two of these creatures...” the Princess said.

“No, it’s the same one, only it grew again...around three times larger.” Nathan said, glancing up at the thirty meter tall giant.

"How is that possible? It does not match witness descriptions."

“It mutated.”


"Whichever catalyst was used for it's exponential growth, is similarly responsible for it's mutated appearance.”

"What a ghastly creature, it's face resembles that of a deformed ghoul." one of the royal guardswomen said.

"If the ghoul had been covered in a mountain of ash. What is that, it's flesh?" Princess Canavhri said.

"In other words, instead of a simple fight against a large humanoid entity, we have to defeat a mutated-ashen-ghoulish-giant before it destroys the settlement and surrounding towns…great." the other royal guardswoman said then sighed.

"Vhri, barrier!" Nathan said taking a step forward.

She raised her hand immediately, a transparent concave barrier formed around the royal guardswomen and herself. The next moment, an explosive boom resounded, a double layered shock wave caused the space around them to shake violently.

Another boom echoed further away as the sound barrier was breached for a second time. When the dust cleared, they stared in awe as thunderous impacts appeared all around the giants body in rapid succession.

"Most impressive, I expected nothing less from our future King." one guardswoman said.

"Agreed, however the creature's approach has not ceased." the other guardswoman said.

"Melora, Adole secure the safety of the citizens and notify my father. Nyelekai and I will attempt to stall this creature until aid arrives." the Princess said.

"Princess, with all due respect, it is our duty to protect you. We cannot leave your side at such a dangerous time." the guardswoman known as Melora said in protest.

The Princess narrowed her eyes. "Are you suggesting that I am not capable?"

Both guardswomen gulped reflexively.

"N-Not at all, I am purely expressing our desire to fight alongside you as our duty. Melora said.

Adole nodded beside her.

Princess Canavhri glanced at the two of them, she sighed after confirming their resolve. In the background, the creature roared as multiple thuds echoed, followed by enormous shockwaves and rumbling.

"If we cannot defeat this creature, your duty is to evacuate the populace in that settlement. I will not allow any further protests, understood?"

"Yes!" they said in unison.

"Let us strike it down while Nyelekai has its attention" she said, releasing the barrier.

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