Leaves of Dawn

43: The Gang’s All Here

Following Sylvia’s introduction, a bit of an awkward pause settled into the room once more as no one was sure who was going next. It was only as Sylvia sighed and pointed toward Estelle while murmuring “You then,” that the pause was broken. 

“Sure, I can go next,” Estelle shrugged after facepalming. Chuckling as Astrid murmured “Why the facepalm,” Estelle motioned to the rest of the table. “I’m just amazed at how we’re all so bad at talking to each other even though we’re all quite familiar with each other. Of course, we haven’t all gathered in one place for a long time to talk in person for a while so that might be it.” 

Reaching over for her cup of tea as Astrid nodded, Estelle got out of her chair. Striking a pose with a grandiose flourish, Estelle grinned. “I’m Estelle~ like a star! Nice to meet you! I don’t really have much to say. I’m just... too bright! The beaming flower of our friend group, the queen of fun with a splendid personality.” 

Frozen in her pose, Estelle sighed once more as her proclamation was once more met with silence. Seeing Astrid becoming a touch apprehensive, Estelle broke her pose. “What else am I supposed to say...” 

“Perhaps something a little more substantial,” Sylvia interjected as Valencia, Solomon, and Joanna nodded along. “As of this moment, your name is the only piece of actual information you’ve given.” 

“Well, I have powers related to the night,” Estelle sat back down while sipping her tea. “They’re not that interesting. I enjoy dancing a lot so that’s why I usually dress in more street clothes-y style of fashion.”

Getting a round of applause from the rest of the table, Estelle did a couple of mock bows before shifting in her chair to a more relaxed position. Then, just as she moved to nominate the next person, the door swung open once more. 

“I apologize for my tardiness, everyone.” A man apologized while hanging his coat by the door. “I’ve brought a couple of drinks for everyone to enjoy though.” 

“You’re just in time, no worries, Rainier,” Valencia smiled, standing up from her seat and taking the drinks from Rainier’s hands. “Just take a seat, we’re doing introductions. So far only Sylvia and Estelle have gone.” 

“Oh? That’s good,” Rainier took a seat, thanking Sylvia as she poured him a cup of tea. “Is it my turn then?” 

“Well, based on where you’ve taken a seat, no. Joanna’s next.” Valencia explained before motioning towards Astrid. “By the way, this is Astrid. My girlfriend. You know about her but it’s nice to put a face to a name.” 

“A pleasure to meet you.” Rainier nodded as Astrid replied with a “Nice to meet you!” of her own. 

With Rainier leaning back into his chair and letting out a relaxed sigh, Joanna reached forward for her own tea to wet her throat. “Well, I’m Joanna. I don’t have too much to say, I’m the wife of Solomon. Again, it’s wonderful to meet you, Astrid. I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself in Marcen’s Cliffs.” 

“Of course!” Astrid laughed, easing up a bit after being faced with Joanna’s approachable smile. “The city’s great!” 

“I’d hope so,” Joanna laughed as she pulled a little pamphlet out of her bag. “I’m sure Valencia has mentioned it but Solomon and I work in helping to run the city. Here’s a pamphlet, though, of spots I’d recommend checking out. There are restaurants, parks, shows, and more in here. I wouldn’t say they’re all date spots, but the vast majority would certainly work.” 

“Thank you so much,” Astrid smiled, taking it with two hands before setting it on a nearby table where it wouldn’t get dirty from the food.

“Yes, thank you a ton, Joanna,” Valencia agreed, nodding towards Joanna before leaning over to whisper in Astrid’s ear. “We can go on a date this weekend if you want~” 

Laughing at Valencia’s tone of voice, Astrid murmured a “sure,” before returning to the broader conversation at the table.

“My turn?” Solomon tapped his chin, drumming his fingers on the table. “I don’t have much to say that Joanna didn’t. As said by everyone else so far, I'm happy to meet you. It’s nice to put a face to the name Valencia has mentioned a lot.”

Sipping some tea, Solomon stared off into space for a moment to think before shrugging. “I’m Solomon, I’m Joanna’s husband. I also have powers pertaining to truth... Why are we all sharing powers, by the way?” 

“Uh... well,” Sylvia coughed as everyone looked towards her. Looking away, Sylvia couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You know, I just needed to add something to my introduction and didn’t have anything else to say...” 

Without too much more to add, Sylvia leaned against Estelle while feigning a great depression as the rest of the table joined in on her laughing. 

“You know, you could've just mentioned you supply the store with all its tea leaves...” Valencia sipped her tea as a teasing smile danced across her lips. 

“Now that you mention it... I could’ve... I could’ve indeed.” Sylvia lamented while pushing herself up and off Estelle. “It’s too late for that though. Anyway, sorry for getting us sidetracked. Rainier? You want to go?” 

“Uh... Sure?” Rainier paused in the middle of sipping his tea. “I was just enjoying the warmth of the shop.” 

Setting his teacup down, Rainier just dispensed a little bit of hot water into his teacup as Astrid’s jaw dropped. “Oh, this? Yeah, I have powers relating to storms. So water is related enough for me to do stuff like this. Sylvia can do it too since she’s related to nature.” 

One thumbs up from Astrid later, Rainier took a sip of his now diluted, but very warm tea. “I’m Rainier, I’m in a relationship with another one of our friends, Clay, but he’s not in the city right now. I’m quite boring, but I pride myself on being efficient with getting work done.” 

“Nice, nice,” Astrid smiled while trying to memorize Rainier’s face. “Nice to meet you! Hopefully, one day I can meet Clay too...” 

Putting aside Clay, Astrid just listened to the rest of the conversation while taking a quiet look at Rainier.

He was very... well-put together.  

His dark-blue hair was combed and neat, his clothing, though not a suit, was on the formal side. Astrid did find it interesting though that Rainier wore glasses. 

Anyone with water powers often opted for contact lenses in Astrid’s experience... Apparently, it was just super annoying to get water on the glasses. 

Astrid couldn’t deny Rainier was handsome, of course, he just wasn’t her type. Her type was more... well... women. Like Valencia. 

... and dang was Valencia hot. 

Purging the thoughts from her mind with a shake of her head, Astrid just listened to the conversation and banter for a minute or so before Sylvia calmed everyone down and looked towards her. “So, it's your turn now, Astrid. I don’t think Valencia needs to introduce herself since everyone knows her.” 

“True,” Astrid assented before copying everyone and taking a sip of her tea. “So, where do I start uhm... I’m Astrid, I’m Valencia’s girlfriend. I have healing powers, I do art for fun, and I help run the cafe. I’ve also been sick a lot of my life but I'm getting stronger and recovering.” 

Doing a fake flex, Astrid laughed as Valencia raised an eyebrow before continuing. “So, hopefully, I’ll be strong enough to hang out with everyone more! Nice to meet you all!” 

Getting a round of applause as she finished her introduction, Astrid leaned into Valencia, hiding her face as a small blush climbed onto her face. Murmuring a quiet “Thank you, everyone” Astrid took a few deep breaths before sitting back up. 

With that though, Joanna leaned forward to open Rainier’s drinks and Valencia lifted the lids off of all the food, marking the true beginning of what would become a bit of a wild party. 

Not much to say... kept my streak up with running! Three days in a row woot woot Been really enjoying factorio with some of my friends :D idk it's a very satisfying game 
Thought of a lowk banger quote too today "Do you want to succeed because of your work ethic, or in spite of it?" and it motivated me to work harder lmfaoooo 
Thanks for reading~!!
Take care reader friends~!!

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