Leaves of Dawn

30: In The Darkness Below The Rings

Under the rings of Marcen’s Cliffs, steep drop offs lead to the ocean, brightened only when the light peaks through the platform’s cracks. Shrouded in darkness and soaring high into the air, these cliffs were the signature cliffs the city was named after. It was on the land atop this cliffside where the main city sat. 

Yet, far below the top of the cliffside, in a section just above the waterline was a small hole imperceptible unless one was looking for it and obscured by the shade from the rocks above. 

Then, unbeknownst to all the city dwellers up above, a stream of figures swooped down and slipped into the hole one by one. 

Stepping over a small bulbous mass of blinking eyeballs and veiny tentacles, a few quiet murmurs broke out as they made their way into the pathway. 

“This is the worst part of returning to base...” 

“Couldn’t they have lifted the entrance just a little higher so these weird things wouldn’t wash up?” 

“What even was that abomination against the world?” 

As the last comment left the cultist’s mouth though, a different member slapped him in the back of the head. “Hey, don’t be too hasty. The primordial fog wall births these creatures. Even if these are malformed compared to the masterpieces like the primordial gods and the cataclysmic creatures, they still possess more divinity than any of us.” 

“Yeah... I know. It just doesn’t look right, okay? No one should have to think ‘that’s an odd eyeball to tentacle ratio,’ that’s just not a thought humans are built to have for extended periods of time.” 

Falling back into silence, the group traveled further into the small gap in the rocks, their pathway opened up into a huge man-made cave, carved out to serve as a shelter of sorts. There was a generator, a small collection of shacks, and makeshift roads serving as the web to connect everything together. 

Having to check in with a guard before entering the makeshift underground town, each member flashed their badge and was matched with a facial recognition system before moving forward. 

With each of the members just dispersing back towards their own huts without much conversation, one person in particular kept walking. Ignoring the others who waved to him or greeted him, the man snaked through the various huts and pathways before arriving at a village hall of sorts. 

Making his way up the few steps, he rapped on the door a couple times before being let in with a bell chime. 

Walking forward with careful steps once in the hall, the man came to a stop and knelt down at the marked position on the ground. Faced with one seated figure flanked by two more, one on each side, the man kept his head down. Not daring to take more than a couple sneaking glances at those in front of him, the man could only sigh to himself. It was a futile effort trying to see their faces anyway, each figure was shrouded by shadows and hoods. 

It was only after a couple minutes of painful silence did the central figure speak up. With a voice changer active, a mechanical voice filled the room. “How was it? Were you successful in your attack?” 

“Yes, we were successful,” The man choked out as pressure began to envelop his body. “As for a summary, we lost about 15 people to the Federation of Obsidian’s forces. The rest have returned, though there are many who are injured. They also did not realize the true intent behind our attack.” 

“Hmm...” The voice murmured, the sitting figure lacing their gloved fingers together. “They are probably aware at least that there was a hidden motive. Casimir is not that dumb of a leader. Otherwise, he could have never climbed as high as he has now.” 

“Y-Yes, I would assume so, considering Tessa was doing some broad scouting instead of fighting during the battle’s closing stages.” The man stammered out as sweat poured out of his head. 

Taking a moment to sit in silence once more and think, the figure ended up just clapping its hands once. “Thank you for your report.” 

Beginning to push himself up to leave, the man froze and kneeled once more as the figure interjected with an “I have more to tell you.” 

“Yes, of course, my apologies,” the man bowed his head, returning to the kneeling position as the two standing figures stepped forward. 

“These are the two Claws as you know.” The figure began as both of the claws turned and bowed their heads. “Currently we are trying to establish connections with the followers of the Ever-Advancing Viridian Taurus and the Exalted Golden Leo. Concerning the followers of the Ever-Advancing Viridian Taurus, I have already made contact with their leader and talked things over.” 

Pulling out a small note, then read out a list of names for the kneeling man, “Please commit these to memory. These are the cultists who will be helping you with your next job.” 

“Yes, of course, please continue,” the man nodded, not daring to take up too much time with his reply. 

“The followers of the Ever-Advancing Viridian Taurus take shelter underground just like us. However, their entrance lies under the basement of a grocery store in the outskirts of Marcen’s Cliffs. Obviously this is very far away, and we want to establish a more secure connection with them. Neither of our groups want the other to be using our main entrance.” The figure continued, outlining the assignment at hand. “Therefore, we have both decided to begin digging to create a tunnel to link our areas. You will be in charge of coordinating this effort from our side. Understood?”


“Alright, this is where the Claws come in. Because this is an important mission, you will be under the supervision of these two. However, I’m sure we both understand the hidden meaning behind my words right now,” The leader continued with a sly tone beginning to slip into their voice. “But just in case, I will spell it out. After all, with my expectations clear you should perform better, right? Should you do well, a promotion might not be out of the question. Got it?” 

“Understood!” The man repeated, taking a deep breath as he slammed his head against the ground. 

“Alright, you’re dismissed. Do not disclose the contents of this meeting with anyone... or else.” The leader waved his hand. 

With the leader’s handwave making all the pressure in the room disappear, the man picked himself up off the ground before scurrying out of the town hall as fast as he could. 

It was only as the man left the vicinity of the town hall did he let out a long exhale. Those meetings were really way too stressful...

Back inside the town hall though, another silence had enveloped the room. 

“Supreme leader, what do you think of him?” One of the Claws asked, taking a more relaxed position as the man left. 

“He has potential.” The leader began, tapping their chin. “Though he lacks the nerves to face those stronger than him, he is able to lead effectively. He also is not weak by any standard. I do feel a faint amount of remorse for deceiving him though...” 

“It is not your fault that your faith in the All-Encompassing Crimson Cancer has wavered though. We, as humans, must be pragmatic and continue our own journeys.” The other Claw reassured while bowing. “And we will be here to support your vision. Even if it means deserting the All-Encompassing Crimson Cancer.” 

“Thank you, you two. You may leave now. I want some time to ponder alone.” 

I had such a busy weekend but I also feel like I didn't do anything... T~T
anyhow life is pretty chill I guess... i finished writing Astrid! so no need to worry about not getting an ending

don't worry though, i'm quite far ahead so its not that we're close to the ending yet

Anyhow, don't got much to say uhh... happy lunar new year yes yes!
Thanks for reading~!!
take care friends!!

also, wait, migrated to a new discord server!! woot woot
come join! https://discord.gg/aEzwY9dR5c

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