Leaves of Dawn

24: Food Discussions

Perusing the menu, Astrid leaned forward to coordinate her dish choices with Valencia as the sun continued dipping into the horizon. 

Electing to order the same noodle dish as Valencia—just with different toppings, broth, and sides—Astrid called the waiter back over by tugging the pull switch hanging by their table. 

With a small flag jumping out of the contraption, Astrid let out a quiet yelp before snapping her jaw back closed. Using her hand to cover her mouth as a blush ran across her face, Astrid leaned away mumbling, “I didn’t expect that...” 

Clutching her stomach while laughing, Valencia used her free hand to tousle Astrid’s hair, “You’re so cute, I don’t understand how...” 

Opening her mouth to respond, Astrid was cut off by the waiter’s immediate reappearance. “Are you two ready to order?” 

Watching the waiter bow and pull out a notepad, Astrid had to resist the urge to bow back before drumming her fingers against the menu. Going through and ordering alongside Valencia, Astrid added a couple of non-alcoholic drinks under the waiter’s recommendation. 

“Would you two like to order dessert now? Or perhaps wait until later and survey the... stomach situation then?” The waiter added as he took back the menus. With the pair shaking their heads and replying with a “later,” the water bowed his head, “Alright, I’ll be back later, then, with the menus. Your appetizer will be delivered shortly.” 

“Thank you,” Astrid nodded as her eyebrows furrowed watching the waiter meld into the shadows and disappear. “He’s a real expert at that isn’t he, Cia?” 

“Yeah, it’s quite impressive if I say so myself,” Valencia chuckled as a faint glint flashed behind her eyes. “I can tell he’s had a lot of training with those techniques. There was a use of powers as some sort of aid, but I can tell the powers aren’t primarily used for being a waiter. Was he an assassin in the past perhaps?” 

“... Cia,” Astrid squinted, reaching over and lacing her fingers with Valencia’s. 

“Yeah, I know, but it was just so obvious to see! I can’t help but think about fighting him when he’s that well-practiced! I just wonder what type of powers he has...” Valencia shook her head as a faint chuckle slipped out of her lips.

Passing the time with some idle conversation, Astrid and Valencia’s dinner blinked by in what felt like an instant. With the dinner bustle heating up, the general atmosphere of the restaurant became rowdier and more alive than before. 

With their conversation masked by the faint sounds leaking up to their second floor, window-side table, Astrid and Valencia enjoyed a faint veil of privacy throughout their entire meal. 

Their meal, as a whole though, was delicious to say the least. Sure, Astrid was a touch crestfallen because her choice of broth and toppings ended up the worse out of the two, but she couldn’t complain much. 

Having emptied the entire bowl —along with all the sides—Astrid felt her stomach bursting as the waiter delivered the dessert menu. “I’m... so full, Cia. But I really want to eat dessert… what are your thoughts? I also don’t think I should eat too much. I’d like to avoid the bloated feeling of overeating...” 

“You won’t get fat, don’t worry, I don’t think I’ve ever seen you gain weight...” Valencia fired back without a moment of hesitation, “I think we might as well get some dessert. We can just avoid dishes that will melt, like ice cream. They do allow us to box and take our leftovers after all.” 

“... You know what, that’s a very good argument,” Astrid acknowledged with a few slow nods. With her back slouched like a shrimp as she digested, Astrid reached out and grabbed the menu. “Alright, I’ll look at the menu... let me know when the next performance starts so I can watch...” 

“Sounds good,” Valencia laughed, picking up a menu of her own.

Sinking into her thoughts as the food sleepiness overcame her, Astrid’s mind wandered away from the dessert menu. 

The performances were so cool... 

There had been an acrobatics show to start off the night. As an unathletic amoeba who spent all her time indistinguishable from a potato, Astrid truly—from the bottom of her heart—admired each of the acrobats. Whether they were doing flips that seemed to touch the sky or making human pyramids that looked beyond the limits of what was humanly possible, Astrid couldn’t help but clap and cheer for them. 

“I’ve decided on the chocolate lava cake,” Valencia announced after a moment of deliberation, her voice rousing Astrid from her food-induced stupor. “Decided on yours, my dear?” 

“Hmm... nope.” Astrid confessed as she pushed herself up. “My stomach was too full so my mind wandered. At a quick glance though, the strawberry shortcake looks good. It even has one of those ‘restaurant’s recommendation’ stars next to it.” 

“Well, take your time,” Valencia reassured, giving Astrid’s hand a squeeze. “The performance we’re most excited for, the academy one, is still a fair bit off I’m pretty sure. There’s a sword swallowing performance, a dance team, and a stand-up comedian I’m pretty sure...” 

Murmuring an “interesting...” and returning the hand squeeze, Astrid spent a couple more minutes pondering before just settling on the strawberry shortcake. Then, one more impressive stealth demonstration from the waiter later, the order was placed. 

Dragging their chairs to sit side by side, Astrid and Valencia settled down by leaning against each other. 

With their desserts being whisked onto the table by the waiter, Astrid leaned forward, grabbing both before handing one to Valencia. “It looks good!” 

“Indeed it... really does. For once, I truly feel its name fits. It looks just like a mini erupting volcano.” Valencia murmured as amazement danced behind her eyes. “Want a couple bites?” 

“I’ll enjoy my own first, don’t worry,” Astrid laughed as Valencia’s spoon teased its way forward. “Anyway, what do you think of this sword swallower? I have a thought, but I want to see if you have it independently of me.” 

“I mean... he’s fine,” Valencia shrugged, tapping the small spoon against her lips. “No offense, but he doesn’t have the skills to back up the cocky walk of his... Otherwise though, I don’t have much to say.” 

“Oh...” Astrid’s voice trailed off. Leaning against Valencia’s shoulder, Astrid took a couple of small bites of her shortcake as the performance continued. It wasn’t until the sword swallower finished his routine that Astrid faltered. “I felt like, well... I mean still a little, but I kinda felt like something was a little off with him. But I think it’s just my stomach playing tricks on me after I’ve stuffed it so much...” 

“Hmm... perhaps,” Valencia raised an eyebrow, wrapping her arm around Astrid’s shoulder. Taking a mental note of Astrid’s little food coma ponderance, Valencia gave Astrid a couple ‘reassurance kisses’ before turning her attention back to the performances with a pair of much more alert eyes. 

Valencia couldn’t help but purse her lips. After all, Astrid’s sense of danger was much better than hers. Hers was too warped after becoming so strong, everything was just... weak, or ant-like, or empty as air...

Don't got much to say... join the discord, we talk about fun stuff there yes yes
other than that uhh... i'm kinda considering putting epubs of my completed novels on patreon, but that seems... difficult, and I don't know if I want full epubs of my books just out there-

stuff to ponder :pensive: anywhow, i've been chilling i guess! Sleeping a lot! I love it so much omgggg

I slept like 10 hours each day this weekend, not my best like 13 hours a day, but its still a nice amount :D

Thanks for reading~!!
Take care reader friends~!!
also i made some ultra banger cheesy garlic bread, come to the discord if you want the recipe LMFAO

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