Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Chpt. 41) Collecting the right way (3)

Patch notes. 0.0.5


I could do it myself. I didn’t need anyone to come with me, I never asked for his presence. Besides, I am sure he would be disappointed to hear that I am not even Leah to begin with. After all, he came for her, not for me. 


It doesn’t particularly bother me, but it still is something I would call… annoying. Annoying to think I never had a place anywhere. Even if no interference was made, I wouldn’t have had the chance to live, I wouldn't have had a chance to do anything. Not a single choice... After all, I was incomplete. 


Descendant fusions with normal to form an ascendant. That’s how it was supposed to work, and yet it never happened. Which is why I never had a chance to exist... I wasn’t the combination of both, I was just one. An object to be forgotten in time. That’s what I was. Everything was rigged as a deadly trap from the beginning. I was meant to extinguish like a moth is meant to fly into the flame... but yet...


But I didn’t want it. I wanted to be remembered… Somehow, or in some way. It’s what I want; at least right now anyway. It didn’t matter how I was remembered, but I wanted to do something. I wanted to be someone. Right now I was just role-playing as Leah. Just that. A nameless core is what I was… 


Although I had to admit. I was grateful. Extremely so. After all, I would’ve been forgotten just like that, if things had gone normally. And now I had a chance. Be it by fear, or by saving someone. 


I was going to achieve it. Even if a single person remembered me, then… my existence wouldn’t be meaningless. I couldn’t keep lying to myself any longer. 


Efficiency? That’s a lie. Objectiveness? Coldness? That’s a total lie. I feared death just like any human, I felt hatred and resentment, even compassion. Just because I am numb to a lot of things doesn’t make me less… humane… 


Being the superior race should be a blessing, and yet there is nothing but misery.  


I sighed. It was inevitable. 


The mantle of darkness embraced me like its child, it nurtured me and made me stronger. Any atrocity I did, or committed… It was all going to be buried. Buried in this gentle and unforgiving embrace. Those who are not blessed by the night shall perish under its might. Or something like that. 


Time was passing by and yet I wasn’t getting anything done. Sigh. So much for efficiency. 


“Who are you?” The guard in the front gate asked. 

“The new Collector.” He looked at me with confusion as I showed him the card. 


He simply nodded and allowed me to pass. 


That’s just how it worked. The Collector seemed to be into a lot of shady things, or rather. It didn’t seem unusual for a collector to be into the black market, therefore they would get free pass to any shady places ⁠— to this place. The mansion was nearby to the dealer’s house, it wouldn’t surprise me if they were connected. 


Although not like it didn’t matter. I restlessly tapped the handle of my dagger. Indeed it didn’t. Even if I was entirely wrong, even if everyone was innocent inside the building. They were all going to die. Because that’s my mission; it was the task I chose. 


I passed the gate, the guard simply ignored me as I walked down the noisy gravel path. Even then, I could hear the hollow echoes of the music that was playing inside the building. It seemed like a party was taking place, perhaps it was…. I had gotten lucky. 


My mouth split into a grin as I approached the door. It was the time. 


The door opened. “Oh, what do we have here?” 

Eh.” When? 


“Eh?” He was also confused. A tall, yet slim well-built figure stood there; looking at me with his wide eyes. I could visibly see his gasps through his black face mask. He was…


“So it’s you…” He was that person. “You are not cowering in fear this time, now you stand before me even in spite of your plea of death when I first met you, interesting thing little pet.” 

“I am not the same person from before.” Indeed, I was going to make him beg. 

“I can indeed tell. Also, not so fast with the dagger. I see you readying it.” Of course, it wasn’t going to be easy. 




He looked past me to the gate and then sighed. 


“If you didn’t kill the guard then I assume you… are qualified to be here… somehow…” 

“Sorry to ruin it to you, but I am the new Collector.” His eyes momentarily widened. 

“Looks like you’ve truly come far ⁠— tell you what. I’ll upgrade you from little pet, to pet. How does that sound?” His condescending tone didn’t really matter. 

“Sounds great!” I smiled. 

“Tch, you are no fun. Come in. To the party.” Indeed. 


If I showed hostility and failed to kill him, everything would be ruined right then and there. But if I got inside, and started killing people… In case of not being able to kill this person. I had higher chances of survival, hostages, or simply… trying to get a title, I had no idea what titles existed, but I did know that the more extreme the trigger for it was ⁠— the better the effect. 


I wouldn’t be surprised that there is a title related to killing a lot of people. Which is why I am here. 


“Now, now, don’t look so tense.” He patted my back. “We are not here as enemies but as friends.” He pushed me inside. This person… he didn’t even hold resentment. 


We walked into the place, the marbled floors brightly shone under the gold chandeliers. Even though everything was so classy… Everyone was dressed like a shady criminal. It was an underground party. People were drinking. 


“Hey cutie, want to have a drink!” One of them shouted at me from afar. 

“Dude she is like 12.” Logic intervened. 

“None of your business. I chose who I fuck!” I heard some grunting behind me. 


And then I heard some shouting and echoing dull sounds. Grunts of pain and battle-cries started between the two drunk men, and yet no one really intervened. 


“Yeah, they do that a lot.” 


He simply informed me as we continued walking. The place was extremely big and was basically modified for it to be one big room full of couches, and tables with drinks on them. The room was… Could it even be considered a room at that point? Spanning from side to side of the mansion, just a single room and a lonely set of stairs for the second floor. 


Our footsteps dully clacked as we went up the stairs, meanwhile people kept making comments about me. I guess I was already rising in popularity, which was good. My image better be burned in their skull once they die. 


“Where are we going?” I finally broke the silence between the two of us. 

“To somewhere more private. Fret not pet, we don’t get to kill each other just yet. You simply get to meet other VIP guests.” Ha… 


Well, it didn’t matter who the other guests were. Everyone seemed unprotected and even this person whose name shall remain unknown didn’t strike me as powerful anymore. They didn’t get weaker, I simply had gotten stronger. I was at peak form, at this very moment. 


I had to fulfill my mission, fulfill the request and finish things. That’s all I had to do, and everything I planned on doing. 


We got to the second floor, it seemed a lot more private this time with hallways and rooms. The walls were wine red, along with a luxurious wine carpet with golden frills and exotic patterns running across it. The black wood reflected the chandelier quite nicely and gave it a classy feel. 


I wonder who these VIP guests were? I mean, I only knew about the trade house person. And he was the person who requested this…. I guess… whoever these people were… he also wanted them dead. 


But… if they are all on the caliber of The Collector, then… wouldn’t that mean he sent me to my death? He never intended to sell Rin to begin with… To fulfill or not fulfill his request… 


Things had just gotten unnecessarily complicated. Sigh… recalculating… 

Favorite! ♥  Also, is this a cliffhanger? I don't know...

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