Leah, Reincarnated As a Dungeon Core!

(Chpt. 16) Gearing up

Small rant: Seriously, I am at wits' end, I... I simply can't keep writing like this, wrote 4k words today, and I STILL, need to write 6k words for craftsman. I-I simply don't know anymore. Is it ever enough? Edit, I need an editor, yeah... I do need that, desperately...

In a more serious and less sentimental note, I wonder if I am doing things wrong? Is the story bad or something? I get random 1 stars, I understand the story is not for everyone - especially the lack of wish fulfillment. I just wish I had actual feedback and reason other than, "the story is unfair with the protagonist." I do think it's been rather fair, all things considered, and the little we know about the world, but I certainly would like to hear reasons. 

Honestly, I am just tired, writing so much is bad for anyone that tries it, I mean in a consistent matter. Leah has been going on for about two to three weeks since its creation and it's already at 30k+ words. Anyway, rant over. I just feel like I am putting way too much time into this, it's rather frustrating that's all. I mean, it simply feels weird. I took a one day break, and well... honestly I regretted it. I've already said it, I want the novel to be successful, some people would say it's already successful, to me it certainly doesn't feel like it. It's a bit too early to tell. 

Sorry if I came off as entitled, this is simply a rant. So please take everything I say with a grain of salt (or a lot of it), been really busy with real life, mostly getting home at around 6pm. It's been tiring, and rather frustrating... Anyway, I'll shut up about it. Hope you enjoy this chapter 2800 word chapter. o/

I stretched in bed as I woke up. I felt rested as always, there was something about sleeping that I really liked a lot, was it because of the escapism from life and then feeling kind of refreshed after waking up? Well, sleep deprivation can happen, but I was having the luxury of not being woken up by anyone. 


I stretched and got off the bed, I immediately realized that I was in all my clothes. I normally did not sleep with my clothes on… What happened? I went to do some collecting, got people mad and… got into a fight… and fainted… 


“Ha…” I guess I did things... I took off my cloak to let my ears have some space and immediately realized something. As the light struck my arm I noticed a black piece of cloth? I touched it and it was kind of soft, some more poking it and I realized. It was a bandage, stained in black… Was my blood some kind of ink?


Asking myself that question I looked towards my bed, it was also stained. Well, looks like it kind of was. I thought it was kind of cool that it had that property, but at the same time I thought it just made me a creep and just overall weird ⁠— I was weird. I sighed as I glanced at my familiar desk. My ears were pained from the constant pressure of the cloak laying on top of my head. 


“Is that?!” It was the all-familiar box! It always held something yummy! My stomach growled at me as I approached the box. This time it had a note alongside it, of course, I picked it up and looked at it, did it tell me something nice? 


-  “You won’t be collecting for today, be sure to drink your potions. Payment has been added to the box.” Even cold through his word redaction. 


“Also… did that say payment?” I reread it to make sure. It did. “Wasn’t I some type of unpaid employee that was working to pay off my debt for the rest of eternity?!” It was kind of shocking, sarcasm aside. I certainly did not ever expect to get paid ever, considering he said I was an investment. I mean, you invest you don’t pay. There is a huge difference. 


Well, it was time to investigate. I looked at the box like a kid that had just gotten new Christmas toys, a bit excited and at the same time a bit aggressive. My hands quickly got a hold of the box and deftly shook it for max efficiency of sliding down. It made a nice plop sound as it the bottom hit the surface of the table. 


As soon as I peered into the box I was rather curious about the contents of it. There was a bag, it was made out of leather-like all the other bags I had gotten… Oh that reminds me…


I tried to get hold of my pockets and realized my clothes had no pockets wait… how did I put away the things I was given? I thought for a second and then it hit me, my cloak had pockets for some reason. I mean it felt kind of like an instinct where they sat to be a pocket there, but what kind of cloak had pockets ⁠⁠— well not like I’d know. 


I reached down to the ground and shook my cloak around, it eventually let go of the little leather bag that the collector had given me for my atrocious actions. Then I saw the ring fall and my heart came to a stop momentarily, it was going to roll around the room and wound up in a place I wouldn't see again. It would disappear forever just like the coin that rolled off my bed once!




I sighed in relief as I saw it bounce and land on it’s side. It was luck, but needless to say I was happy to not have to crawl around the floor to find it. I picked both of the objects and set them on the table along with the other bag. It kind of felt like opening gifts. All lines up ready for me to get my prey. 


“But first…” I put on the ring, it was pretty and it was black which kind of made it look oddly elegant. It was also a perfect fit, I felt different as soon as I put it on, it was simply a weird feeling. I removed it and the feeling went away.


On again and… if I had to describe it, it would be like being familiar with a place, knowing the general area of where things are, but well, getting that sensation even if you are not entirely familiar with a place. Was it some kind of hyper-awareness ring? I focused on the top of my vision, and indeed.

There were three icons. A collar, a question mark, and an eye. I removed the ring and the eye went away, I guess everything I had active was passive. Wow, so cool! I always thought passive effects were the coolest in games and in things in general. I am simply too strong and regen 50 hp a second. I was always fond of that kind of effects in games. 


But I still had more things to look forward to, I moved onto the bag that I got from the collector due to my deeds. Not the payment, but the other one. I didn’t notice it before but it had a small knot tied with some type of fabric. I undid it and… 




“Ehh…” The bag had disappeared with a cloud effect! As my eyes refocused I noticed an object on the table, it was a dagger in its scabbard, the scabbard itself seemed to be made out of bone and was oddly fancy. Of course, not resisting the urge I pulled it out. Who wouldn't? I felt as the need to undraw it, I always felt that need with knives, it was oddly satisfying as the dagger slid off.


It was white as snow and had a pretty metallic gleam to it. It also had pins embedded along the center of the blade, making it oddly stylistic. I could tell it was special, the blade was pointy and with a little edge for cutting. I think it was what someone would call a stiletto type dagger, although I wasn’t entirely sure. But it was great. 


I moved onto the money bag, it was quite light actually. Having no better thing to do I simply flipped and poured all of the coins out of it, essentially making a mess of clattering sounds and other clinking from the coins hitting against each other. 


I started counting, and there were around thirty coins, each one with the number 'ten' engraved to the side along with some weird fancy design patterns. I guess it simply had to be like that, the coins had teeth running along the outside edge of the coin, couldn’t people scrape that to get metal out of the coin? Questions to answer another day. The coins themselves were silver-colored. 


“So I have… 300 of this world’s currency… And… What was it called?” I tried to remember what the collector said when he banged the door for the woman. “Windows code something something, 404 not found… Oh right… It was 6000 Ruid. Was that what the currency was called?” 


Anyway, I had 300 Ruid to my name, I guess I had a start. 


I looked at the coins once again, they had some letters engraved. 


“R-... Rwyd? How do you even pronounce that, Ruid it is! But I guess it’s written Rwyd?” I questioned myself as I struggled with the new-found word and the intrinsics of language. It simply didn't make sense!


“Wait… How can I understand people? No… Leah, don’t overthink it, you’ve read about it in light novels… The system must have some type of translation!” Fufufu, I was so smart. “If I have learned something so far from the system, is ⁠— don’t question it!” It was stupid and yet it made sense. 


With that in mind, I simply nodded and placed all the coins inside the bag, it took a bit of time as I started putting them inside, every single one making a melodious ting sound when they hit another coin inside the bag. It didn’t take long until I was done with the coins. 


After I was done, I put the bag and the dagger outside. It made me happy that I finally had some type of weapon with myself. Although, I had nowhere to store it, but my pockets⁠— actually I did have somewhere. With a bit of uneasiness I slid the dagger into my waistline, following my hip, I pushed it in until I could only grab the handle. It all made a funny sensation, kind of like tickling one-self. It was a snug fit running between my hips and side thigh. 


“Well, now I have a place for my dagger!” I happily muttered. “Now, now, onto the good stuff! Food!” I was already salivating as I saw the box, having something wrapped in the paper yet again. I suppose meat was a commodity, but bread was fine as well! 


I tore it in desperation, I was hungry and it was too delicious. I simply wanted to eat it, and so I did. I saw the beautiful bread there, and of course, I tore a chunk of it and placed it in my mouth…


“It’s cold…” MY BREAD WAS COLD! “Ah… I guess… it’s… fine… I suppose… yeah... fine...” I continued to eat the bread with disappointment — it simply wasn’t the same, it was true disappointment. I was looking forward to it so much, and yet… No use lamenting about it I suppose, at least this tells me something.


“How long was I sleeping?” I questioned as I popped another torn piece into my mouth. “Mmphf bmght mh lmnph timgh, gulp. Must have been a long time…” I reworded what I said, speaking with food inside the mouth was hard… Even if I was talking to myself.


Well, the note should say something? I grabbed the note with hope. 


-  “You won’t be collecting for today, be sure to drink your potions. Payment has been added to the box.” It doesn’t… It doesn't say anything!


But I had remembered something ⁠— to drink the potion. Without wasting a moment I grabbed one vial and once again drank it. It tasted bitter but nothing too bad. 


And once again I continued eating⁠— the bread turned bitter… It was akin to medicine, it just made your life worse...  Well, it didn’t, but it certainly made eating worse… Back to square one, I suppose… 




I finished eating the last chunk of bread, I was upset and thirsty. The bread felt dry due to it being cold, I desired water. At least it would get rid of the after taste of the vial, or so I hoped. It certainly did not taste as awful as the first muddy-water-potion-thing I was given. 

But well, I had money now, and a dagger. So not everything was bad, I would no longer have to bite people to fend myself, I knew teeth were kind of fragile all things considered, well, I didn’t know if mine were, but it’s better to not get overconfident. 


“Although at least I am progressing…” I muttered as I remember I had gotten a new title, although I had no idea what it said! I was too busy dying to pay attention ⁠— like always. Aah, I want to know if I have progressed or not… I still had to get strong after all…


With new-found determination I exited my room, I was going to go talk to the collector and get water. And then, well… think or something, I had no plans of things I wanted to do. I didn’t forget to put on my cloak and pocket the money, it was all I had to my name after all. Maybe save a lot and buy a house eventually, leave peacefully in the mountains away from this dumpster fire. That sounded nice… 


I made my way down the stairs, careful with every single step. I wasn’t a person to rush things, the last thing I wanted was to die by falling down the stairs, same applied when descending the mountain. After a few seconds and steps, I found myself before the office of the collector. 


I knocked on the door, it echoed on the wood ⁠— the door was hollow so it was louder. I kind of hoped I didn’t knock too hard, I waited for his reply… and waited… I wasn’t going to go in without permission…

Knock, knock…


No reply… I knocked once again and got nothing. I was getting kind of annoyed, I attempted one last time and... I hastily opened the door to the office while at the same time trying to be rational. I ended up slipping and falling into the office.


“This is⁠— eh.” I was in panic and surprise I lifted my head. I guess I was surprised and panicked… Well, I knew that. I was simply shocked that the office was empty. I closed the door and decided to take a seat and wait. I had to be formal to my boss⁠ — I think that’s how it worked anyway. 


I waited a few minutes until I heard footsteps come by and the door opened. And as expected, the towering man entered the room. He gave me a glance and then took a seat. 


“What is it this time?” 

“Do you have another master board?” 

“No.” Ehh…”Why?”


“Well, I kind of thought I got stronger, and wanted to see…” 

“Hmhm, well one or two fights won’t make you stronger. Although you probably don’t get it.” Eh? Seeing my shock he looked at me directly in the eyes. “Titles are the only way to get stronger, and they can be surprisingly hard to get as time goes on, although I suppose that for kids is rather easy.” 


“Well… where can I find one?” I asked him trying to avoid a lecture. 

“You can probably find one in District A.” 

“What?” I am sorry but I did not understand that. 

“I mean, the commercial district. I would take you there, but I have things to do.” Eh, why would he take me there? “Can’t really have you die on your second day.” Ha… so that’s what it was...


He started to look at things under his desk. He grabbed something and placed it on the table. 


“Take it.” It was a little fancy vial with green liquid. 

“Em, is this safe?” I mean it kind of reminded me to liquid detergent. 

“Drink it if you truly need it.” He didn’t say anything more, I guess it was another potion. I pocketed it along with my money.  

“Alright, thanks... “ But what did I need it for? Before I could question it, I felt something odd. Something was coming towards me, in a bit of a weird instinct, I opened my hand. It felt kind of like being aware of that something


My hand was struck with something, something had lightly tapped it, I closed my hand as soon as I felt it. I was holding something, with curiosity I opened it. Had he thrown something at me? It was yet another ring. 


The collector was silent for a second. “Looks like you are fine to go…” His tone was a bit weird, nowhere near as composed as before. I mean, I knew something was coming towards me in spite of me not seeing it. 


“Perhaps you did get stronger.” 

“Eh…” Why that all of the sudden?

“Forget it. You are free to leave the building, but remember to wear that ring ⁠— if you don’t…” I saw his shoulders tense up and veins pop on his head. “You know what will happen…” 


“Okay…” in a hurry I stood up and left the room. The door closed behind me and I sighed. “I guess even he has his own terms and conditions ⁠— his own limits…” I muttered. 


I felt scared for a second, the overwhelming presence of bloodlust, I felt that for a moment. I gulped as I slid the ring on my pinky finger. It shone for a second and it just stayed there, just to make sure I tried to remove it anddd… it came off no problem. I guess it was something different to a permanently stuck ring. 


I wore the ring once again and swung by the fountain. I no longer felt thirsty for some reason. I shrugged and continued walking. If I didn’t feel hungry I wouldn’t eat. The same went for water, albeit it was a bad habit. But I was certain that everyone had one, no one is perfect — I learnt that long ago...


As I cleared my conscience of disappointment to my habits, I made my way to the door ⁠— the exit to freedom, or rather… fake freedom since I had to use the ring. 


I stood before the gargantuan door, it was oddly oppressing with its fine metal construction full of braid patterns. It was suddenly daunting almost as if it had an oppressing aura. It was something... insurmountable... 


I gulped. “It’s… time… to go outside…” I felt nervous, I shakily extended my hand towards the door, anxiety was eating me away, everything that could go wrong… “I-I will do it!” I finally managed to get hold of the knob. 


Is the MC spineless? No, she is just human. I hope you all liked the unusually long chapter, and probably the only pure slice of life chapter in the entire story so far.
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! o/

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