Lead the red police army to conquer the universe

Chapter 173

Time flies, and more than a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the space of more than a month, the world has changed dramatically.

The continents were successively united into one complete nation.

The first was the Vulture Group in the Western Continent, which used their military strength to conquer the small forces nearby and established the Condor Federation, referred to as the Eagle Country.

Then there is the Ice Bear Group in the Northern Continent, which is similar to the Vulture Group, and also threatens nearby forces with force, making them submit to themselves, and establishes a huge empire - the Ice Bear Empire, referred to as the Bear Country.

The eastern continent is the continent where Chu Feng is located, Chu Feng is different from the forces of other continents, he did not use the threat of force, but persuaded people with virtue, let the surrounding forces submit to him, and finally established the Shenlong Empire, referred to as the Dragon Kingdom.

The southern continent is a little different, their continent does not have a strong force, only some wall grass, the eagle country is to see their instincts, use the power to make them submit to themselves, it can be said that the eagle country actually controls two continents.

But even so, the population of the area controlled by the Eagle Country is only more than 100 million, which is more than 90% less than before the end of the world, and it can be said that there is not one in ten.

Because the bear country is located in the cold north, the population is not large, and the harm caused by the end is not small, but it is much better than the eagle country, at least they did not use suicide to clean up the zombies, so the population controlled is more than 200 million, more than half less than the original.

The eastern continent has a large population, if it is placed in the end times, the number of zombies is more than the sum of other continents combined, but after the end of the days, these zombies have changed back, so the population of the eastern continent is more than the sum of other continents combined, more than 500 million people.

Of these 500 million people, more than 300 million were transformed by zombies, their physical fitness was at least twice as strong as the original, and many people increased their strength by five to ten times.

Ordinary people are easy to manage, but these zombie-turned-cultivators are not easy to manage, but they are still more obedient in front of warriors who are stronger than them.

It is not easy to manage a continent, this is not a battle, it is not just a blind killing.

It needs to manage these people well and also promote the development of society.

Chu Feng handed over these things to the people below to do, he knew that he was not that piece of material, so he didn't want to interfere, but he made a few rules.

As the saying goes, 'no rules are not a square circle', no good rules will definitely not work, although the outside world has become peaceful, there are still some people who are uneasy about the status quo.

Although they can't compete with the empire, it's more than enough to bully and bully ordinary people, so Chu Feng issued an order: cultivators are not allowed to bully ordinary people, and if there is any violation, shoot and kill.

Of course, he did not forbid the competition between monks.

It was no longer possible to want this peaceful era before, and what Chu Feng could do was only be relatively peaceful.

At the beginning, some monks did not believe it, thinking that the empire had just been established and could not control it, so there were incidents of monks bullying ordinary people.

They burned and looted with their own strength, and when they saw good-looking ordinary people, they went up, and they killed ordinary people who were not pleasing to their eyes, but soon they regretted it.

The million-strong army is not vegetarian, although most of the soldiers are ordinary soldiers, but they have weapons in their hands, and ordinary cultivators are not opponents of these soldiers at all, so the result can be imagined.

After killing thousands of disobedient monks, the monks bullying ordinary people was restrained, and then slowly disappeared.

Of course, it's not completely absent, occasionally there will be one or two things, but it is no longer comparable to the original.

Looking at this, Chu Feng was relieved.

He couldn't control the other continents, but the place under his feet was his territory, and he would never allow this to happen.

Zhang San, who is responsible for building the starship, also came with good news, after more than a month of busyness, the first starship was built, and the test flight was successful.

The length of the starship on the original starship design drawings exceeded 1200 meters, and it was later reduced to more than 600 meters.

Even so, the mined minerals have been built by Kankan, and if you want to continue to build, you can only go to other continents to plunder.

Hearing this news, Chu Feng also frowned, how can one be enough.

In the past month or so, except for a relatively large amount of iron ore that brought him some income, all other minerals were used on this starship, so he had less than one billion energy points.

It seems like a lot, but it's enough.

"Boss, or let's go to the southern continent to mine, no one controls it anyway." Zhang San suggested.

The war has been temporarily suspended, as long as it is necessary to guard against other imperial invasions.

Zhang San, who had just been idle, was not honest at this time.

Chu Feng gave Zhang San a blank look.

Although the big battles are gone now, the small frictions have not stopped, and although those small forces have been attached to the Shenlong Empire, they still have to guard against their rebellion.

"What do you think?" Chu Feng turned his head to look at Li Si, who was sitting on the side, and asked.

Zhang San and Li Si's strength had reached the fourth level at this time, and they were the strongest besides Alice, and they were also the first people to follow Chu Feng.

"Boss, in my opinion, let's go to Lanwei as soon as possible, the resources on it are extremely rich, countless times higher than Lanxing." Li Si said unhurriedly, but he could see the yearning in his eyes.

Blue Guard is a satellite of Blue Star, more than 300,000 kilometers away from Blue Star, if it was before, it would definitely not be easy to go to Blue Guard, but now with interstellar battleships, it is too easy.

The maximum speed of the starship exceeds a hundred times the speed of sound, and it only takes two or three hours to fly from Blue Star to Blue Guard, and the safety factor is much safer than that of the launch vehicle on Blue Star.

Hearing Li Si's words, Zhang San's eyes also lit up, yes, why didn't he expect it.

The other people in the room were also startled when they heard Li Si's words, and then smiled one by one.

After decades of mining, the mineral resources on Blue Star are close to exhaustion, and it is urgent to develop and search for other planets.

Chu Feng frowned, although Lan Wei had been verified by experts that it contained rich resources, the air above was thin, and the temperature difference between day and night was huge, making it not suitable for people to live at all.

At this moment, the voice of the system sounded: "The system has detected that Lanwei is actually shielded by an energy, and what humans see is only an illusion." "

What?" Chu Feng opened his mouth wide in shock.

Since ancient times, human beings have written records of Lanwei, and there are various mythological inheritances, but I didn't expect that everything was fake, and what humans saw was actually just a fake.

"No, humans set foot on Lanwei decades ago, is that also fake?" Chu Feng raised the doubts in his heart.

If what humans see is a false image, can it be that the astronauts who landed on Blue Guard also see a false image? What is the explanation for the material that was brought back?

The system quickly answered his doubts: "The place where humans see and land is just a barrier, which is why humans see only one side of Lanwei and not the back."

"Actually, Blue Guard is very large, and it is also very suitable for human habitation..."

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