Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch133- History Lesson

A chill ran down the spine of every Captain and Lieutenant in the room. Never had they seen such unified, rapid agreement, especially considering the usually contentious nature of their meetings.

At this time, Urahara and Isshin arrived, stepping through a swirling portal. Ichigo looked at his father, eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"What the hell is going on?" Ichigo asked, trying to make sense of the tension in the air.

"As Kai said, it's time for a history lesson," Isshin sighed. He and Urahara nodded toward Yamamoto, who took this as his cue to begin.

Yamamoto looked at the assembled captains and lieutenants, his face more serious than they'd ever seen. "Approximately one thousand years ago, we engaged in battle with Yhwach and his army, the Lichtreich. The fight was so intense that it became a part of our history, sealed away like a terrible secret."

Yamamoto continued, "Yhwach is not just any opponent. He has the power to absorb abilities, making him increasingly dangerous the longer he's engaged in battle. A thousand years ago, my lieutenant, Sasakibe, stabbed him from behind, providing me the opportunity to land what we believed was the final blow."

"So he's dead. Why worry?" Hitsugaya interjected.

"He was never confirmed dead, merely sealed. And Quincy folklore describes a prophecy. Nine hundred years to regain his pulse, ninety more to regain his intellect, and another nine years to regain his strength by absorbing the abilities of 'impure' Quincies."

Retsu Unohana's eyes briefly met Yamamoto's as he spoke, recalling an ancient chapter of history they both had lived through. At the time, she was the first Kenpachi, captain of the 11th Division, a secret that only a handful knew. Her eyes, usually calm, carried a glint of warning that unsettled everyone present.

By the time Yamamoto concluded his hour-long discussion on the menace Yhwach represented, a renewed sense of urgency weighed down on the room like lead. Every Shinigami present began to grasp the enormity of the crisis looming on the horizon.

As Yamamoto finished detailing the threat of Yhwach, the atmosphere was thick with tension. Captains and lieutenants were holding their breaths as if the very air might betray them.

Just then, a portal shimmered into existence at one end of the room, near Yamamoto's desk. Kai stepped out, his expression a mask of disinterest. Almost simultaneously, another group of individuals, all dressed in white and masked, walked in at the opposite end of the room.

"We are here to declare war, Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto!" announced the man at the forefront of the group, seemingly ignoring Kai's presence.

Kai sighed audibly, rolling his eyes. "You're kidding, right?"

The intruder scanned the room, looking at the captains with a sort of disdain. "It was quite a surprise to enter this place so easily. Don't you have any security?"

Yamamoto stood, gripping his staff. "I am here, I am the greatest security."

The intruder smirked, "I see. This is your last moment of arro—"

Kai waved his hand dismissively, and the group of intruders simply vanished as if they were never there.

"Fucking pebbles talking big," Kai muttered, clearly annoyed. He then looked at the assembled captains. "Did you learn your history?"

A silence fell over the room. Each captain exchanged glances, clearly unnerved by how easily Kai had just dealt with the supposed invaders.

Kenpachi grinned, looking more excited than ever. "Damn, he didn't even break a sweat."

Retsu Unohana looked at Kai gravely. "Your abilities are terrifying, to say the least. Do you intend to assist us against Yhwach?"

Kai smirked, "Heh, Yachiru-san calling me strong, I am honored."

The little pinkette, Zaraki's Lieutenant, looked confused and pointed at herself. Zaraki shot Kai a penetrating gaze; he understood who Kai was referring to. The naming of his own Lieutenant, Yachiru, had always been an homage to Unohana Retsu.

Unohana, surprised yet pleased, smiled softly. "Will you be helping us?"

Kai sighed dramatically. "I have no other choice, do I? You guys are missing out on a lot of intel. But hey, let's catch up."

He pointed a lazy finger at Kurotsuchi. "For instance, did you know that our esteemed 12th Division Captain has been offing innocent Rukongai villagers?"

Faces turned toward Kurotsuchi. The air thickened, and Yamamoto's eyes narrowed dangerously.

Kurotsuchi sneered but said nothing. Before anyone could grill him, Kai shifted focus again.

"And oh, the Quincies? They've got plans to snatch your Bankais this time."

Gasps and murmurs filled the room. The notion of losing their Bankai was unthinkable for any Shinigami. Kai seemed to revel in their discomfort for a moment before landing his final bombshell.

"But what's the real kicker? You can't win this war unless Yamamoto dies."

Complete and utter silence filled the room. Captains who had fought countless battles, who had faced death innumerable times, looked absolutely floored. They all turned their eyes to Yamamoto, who met Kai's gaze solemnly.

The old man's eyes carried a bitter realization; he knew what Kai was saying had layers of truth he didn't want to confront.

"So, any more questions?" Kai leaned against a wall, clearly uninterested in prolonging the discussion.

Ukitake coughed as he spoke up, a note of defensiveness in his voice. "Explain yourself! What do you mean by that? Yamamoto-sensei has always been an excellent leader." His eyes were steely; his loyalty to Yamamoto was deeply ingrained.

Kai chuckled and looked at Ukitake as if he were an amusing distraction. "Well, let's dive into it. Kurotsuchi here has been killing off folks in Rukongai to keep the cosmic balance intact, hasn't he? Since Quincies don't just kill Hollows but obliterate them, they throw off the balance between the realms. I believe the Captain of the 12th Division already briefed Yamamoto about this." His eyes darted toward Kurotsuchi.

Kurotsuchi, unable to keep his silence any longer, nodded curtly. "Correct. It was a necessary evil."

With a smug smile, Kai turned to Yamamoto. "As always, such a brilliant oversight on your part."

His words felt like slaps, causing a ripple of unease to spread through the room. Yamamoto's eyes narrowed, but he remained silent.

"Next," Kai continued, "The Quincies have this neat gadget—Wandenreich Medallions. These medallions don't just look fancy; they can suck up your Bankai. Imagine them as spiritual energy radars. They can tell a weak energy from a strong one, making them very effective in capturing your Bankai."


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