Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch125- Operation X

The day of the operation finally dawned. Kai, Yoruichi's soon-to-be father, stood atop a building in Karakura Town, the wind rustling his clothes as he glanced over at Urahara. The shopkeeper was busy scribbling something on a notepad. Not too far from him, Isshin and Ichigo stood with arms crossed and brows furrowed, their eyes throwing not-so-subtle daggers in Kai's direction.

Yuzu and Karin, however, were the outliers. Dressed in their newly designed Shinigami robes, they seemed to vibrate with anticipation, their eyes sparkling.

"Wow, you two look excited," Kai said, addressing the sisters.

Karin grinned, her eyes defiant. "Well, we're not the ones treating this like a funeral."

Ichigo exhaled noisily. "You don't get it, Kai. They're not battle-hardened like us."

Kai shrugged. "Sometimes you've got to throw people into the deep end, Ichigo. They're stronger than you think."

"I still can't believe you roped them into this," Isshin muttered.

Ignoring the overprotective father-son duo, Kai turned to Urahara. "We all set?"

Urahara capped his pen and nodded. "All the pieces are in place. We move in fifteen."

Yuzu bounced on her heels, gripping her Zanpakutō. "This is so exciting!"

Isshin rolled his eyes but said nothing, his glare fixed firmly on Kai.

A rift opened, and the group landed softly on the gravelly terrain of their destination. Isshin and Ichigo shared one last uneasy glance before moving into formation. Urahara took point, leading the way, his cane transformed into his Zanpakutō.

Kai looked at them and nodded. His form shimmered then two of his clones appeared next to him. Deforming, clones turned into amulets and flew into sisters' hands. "Keep them. Although I agreed to bring you, leaving you alone is out of question." Kai said. Girls nodded, knowing this was the bottom line. After that Kai separated himself from the group towards the isolated person. While Urahara led the rest towards the base of the enemy.

Urahara led the group, his cane now transformed into his Zanpakutō, Benihime. He seemed casual, but his eyes were alert, scanning every corner. Isshin and Ichigo followed, their expressions hard. The two sisters, Yuzu and Karin, were steps behind, their own Zanpakutōs in hand.

As they reached their target destination, Urahara gestured for them to stop. With an incantation under his breath, the air in front of them twisted, giving way to an opaque portal. Stepping through it, the atmosphere shifted instantly.

They found themselves in a dimly lit room, filled with an air of anticipation. Faces turned their way—Kūgo Ginjō, Giriko Kutsuzawa, Riruka Dokugamine, Jackie Tristan, Yukio Hans Vorarlberna, and Moe Shishigawara. A motley crew of intense gazes.

Ginjō's eyes widened at the sight of Ichigo, then narrowed at Urahara. "So, it's not just the kid, huh? You're here too, hat-and-clogs. Exactly who we were trying to avoid."

Urahara smirked. "And yet, here we are. It's funny how the universe conspires."

Giriko adjusted his glasses. "Conspiracy or not, you've made a grievous error barging in here."

Yukio looked mildly amused. "Did you bring kids to a war zone?"

Karin scowled. "Don't underestimate us."

Riruka popped a bubblegum bubble. "Aww, they're feisty. Cute."

Ichigo brandished his Zanpakutō, a no-nonsense glare on his face. "Enough talk. We're not here for pleasantries."

Kūgo's eyes flashed with a blend of contempt and accusation. "Why are you here, then? We never crossed paths, right? We've never been a problem for you. So why do you want to destroy us?"

Ichigo looked taken aback. The words were a blow, not physically, but to the sense of conviction he'd walked in with. His eyes shifted to Urahara, seeking clarity, perhaps even a reaffirmation of their mission. Urahara's face tightened, a rare crack in his usual composure.

"Don't let their words unsettle you, Kurosaki-san," Urahara finally said, choosing each word carefully. "These individuals have a track record of devouring Shinigami to absorb their powers. Their aim is no less than the construction of a Human Society, a mirror to the Soul Society, where they can reign unchecked. Ginjō—his perspectives are warped. He's incapable of discerning truth from fallacy."

The air seemed to thicken at Urahara's words. Kūgo's face contorted, an ugly twist of lips and flaring nostrils. His history, his origin as the first substitute Shinigami, was his sore spot. The emblem given to him wasn't a gift but a leash, a symbol of Soul Society's distrust.

"So I should believe Soul Society instead? The ones who have been spying on me all along?" Kūgo snarled, his voice rising with each syllable.

Giriko adjusted his glasses and glanced at Urahara. "You talk about twisted truths, yet your own reality is steeped in deceit."

Urahara sighed, his grip tightening on Benihime. "It's true that there have been dark chapters in the Soul Society, but your actions, your method of amassing power, pose an imminent threat not just to Shinigami, but also to the very balance we try to maintain."

Riruka interjected, her bubblegum popping loudly. "And what about them?" She pointed at Yuzu and Karin. "You say we're corrupting the balance, but what is this if not dragging kids into a war?"

Karin's eyes narrowed. "We're not pawns, and we're not here because we were dragged. We chose this."

Yukio chuckled, clearly unimpressed. "Brave words from someone who hasn't seen real battle."

Kūgo then declared, "There is no need to talk to them. Leave Ichigo Kurosaki to me and delay the others. As soon as I have his powers, I will share them with you."

At Kūgo's words, the air became even denser, almost crackling with tension. Urahara merely nodded, his eyes never leaving Kūgo's. "Well then, shall we?"

Giriko stepped forward, his gaze locking onto Urahara. "I guess I'll be your dance partner today, hat-and-clogs."

Urahara swung Benihime elegantly. "A dance it is."


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