Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch118- Secrets

Finally, Kai made his way to the master bedroom. As he stepped in, he saw his sister Aiko sitting on the bed, a serene smile on her face. "Hello Lil Bro, you finally came."

Aiko's words grounded him, as if anchoring him back to another part of his identity, another chapter of his life story. It wasn't just about his burgeoning family or the complex relationships he was navigating; it was also about his roots, his initial family—the original recipe, so to speak.

"Hey, Aiko," he greeted, moving closer to sit beside her on the bed. "What are you doing up so late?"

"Couldn't sleep. Plus, I wanted to catch up with you," she said, her eyes twinkling. "You're going to be a dad, Kai. Three times over! How does that feel?"

Kai sighed, almost overwhelmed by the enormity of it. "It's a lot to process. But I'm excited—nervous, but excited."

Aiko reached over to give him a hug, strong and comforting. "You're going to be a great dad, you know. You've always taken care of me, and now you'll do the same for them."

"Thanks, Sis," Kai said, his heart full. "That means more to me than you know."

Taking her hand, they sat on the bed, their arms wrapped around each other in a comforting embrace. For a moment, they were simply brother and sister again, void of the complications that adulthood often thrust upon familial bonds.

"You're going to have less time for me, you know," Aiko finally spoke, her voice tinged with a sadness she couldn't fully disguise.

Kai chuckled softly. "Come on, Sis. You know I'd make the world stand still if it meant spending time with my sister."

"Would you, though?" Aiko asked, her eyes searching his. "Would you make the world stand still? Because once, it actually happened to me, and it wasn't fun."

As Aiko's words hung in the air, her mind involuntarily traveled back to that surreal day when she woke up to an unsettling silence. It wasn't the normal morning noiselessness; it was a haunting void that filled the air like thick fog. She had gotten out of bed and peeked into her mother Emiko's room. She lay there, peacefully asleep.

Confused but not overly concerned, Aiko stepped outside. The sun was up, but not a single human soul walked the streets. Even the usual sounds of animals were absent. No chirping of birds, no dogs barking in the distance—just an eerie, unsettling calm.

She had then walked to her friend Orihime's house, finding it inexplicably empty, like a hollowed-out shell. The usually bustling shops were all closed. The streets were like the desolate lanes of a ghost town. Panic started to grip her.

It wasn't until hours later, when her anxiety had reached a fever pitch, that Kai appeared—seemingly out of nowhere, wielding a sword. When he saw her awake, his eyes widened in disbelief, but that was nothing compared to Aiko's own shock at seeing her brother armed like a samurai from some ancient legend.

Kai had then awoken their mother, and as they sat together, he explained. He was a Shinigami, a spiritual being tasked with combating malicious entities called Hollows. Their world, as they knew it, was part of a supernatural realm teeming with ghosts, spirits, and monsters.

Emiko had looked at Kai, her eyes brimming with pride. But Aiko, she had felt a wave of betrayal wash over her. Her feet moved on their own, carrying her away from them, her eyes blurry with tears. Kai had followed her.

By the time he caught up, the sun was setting, painting the sky with hues of gold and red. They were standing atop a hill where they used to play as children, a place of innocent laughter and shared secrets. Without a word, Kai hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry, Aiko," he'd whispered, his voice tinged with genuine regret. "I didn't tell you because I wanted to protect you."

Kai sighed, his eyes meeting Aiko's. "The thing about Hollows is that they're attracted to spiritual energy, to souls ripe with power. I could give you and mom the ability to see them, but it would be like lighting a beacon for those malicious spirits. I can't put you in that kind of danger."

Aiko's eyes searched his, looking for any trace of deceit but finding none. "So you kept this from me to protect me?"

"Yeah, Sis. It's always been about keeping you safe."

For a moment, Aiko felt a rush of conflicting emotions—betrayal, relief, love—all crashing into one another. Then, impulsively, her lips found Kai's, sealing a bond that had been tested but never broken. Kai's eyes widened, but he returned the kiss, a statement that said what words couldn't: "I love you, and I'm here for you."

Finally, they pulled apart, the weight of the moment hanging heavy in the air.

"Now what?" Aiko asked, her voice shaky.

"Would you like to sit down?" Kai gestured to a nearby rock on the hill where they used to play as kids.

They sat, the sky's warm colors giving way to the cool blues of twilight. Aiko leaned her head on Kai's shoulder. "Tell me more. About being a Shinigami, about the Hollows."

Kai took a deep breath. "The world's more complicated than we ever imagined. There's an invisible war going on around us, every day. But you don't have to worry about that. I'll handle it. That's my responsibility, not yours."

"I'm not a child anymore, Kai. I can share that burden."

He looked at her, his eyes softening. "I know you're strong. But some fights, you can't prepare for. And I would never forgive myself if anything happened to you."

Aiko sighed. "It sounds lonely, what you're doing."

"It can be," he admitted, "But it's a little less lonely knowing that you're in the world."

"I should be mad at you," she said.

"Are you?"

She shook her head. "No, just don't keep secrets like this from me again."

Kai nodded. "I promise, no more secrets."

"Even when you become a dad and you're drowning in diapers and baby formula?"

He chuckled. "Especially then."


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