Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch116- Princess Nel

After a delightful barbecue evening where laughter and food flowed freely, Kai looked down to see Nel in her child form, yawning and rubbing her eyes. A smile touched his lips as he bent down to hoist her onto his shoulder.

"Time for bed, huh?" he mused, patting her back gently.

"Uh-huh," Nel mumbled, resting her cheek against his shoulder as he carried her into the mansion.

The atmosphere inside was warm, comforting, a contrast to the chilly night air. As he navigated the hallways, he couldn't help but feel grateful for this strange, wonderful family he'd amassed.

Reaching Nel's room, he eased her onto the bed, where she immediately snuggled into her sheets but held out her hand expectantly. Understanding, Kai sat down beside her.

"So, which story tonight?" he asked.

"The one where I'm a princess," she answered sleepily, clutching his hand as if it were a lifeline.

He chuckled softly. "Alright. Once upon a time, in a kingdom far, far away, Princess Nel found herself lost in a forest dark and deep. Her beautiful teal hair was tangled in the branches, and her emerald eyes searched anxiously for a way out."

Nel tightened her grip on his hand, already engrossed in the tale.

"But just as she started to lose hope, she heard the sound of galloping hooves. And out of the darkness came a dashing prince, riding a white horse. His name was Prince Kai."

"Did he save her?" Nel asked, her sleepy eyes now wide open.

"Ah, not so fast," Kai grinned. "You see, Prince Kai didn't just rush in. He got off his horse and asked, 'Do you know how to get out of here?'"

Nel giggled. "That sounds like you."

Kai smiled. "Well, the princess was no damsel in distress. She was smart and brave, so she said, 'Maybe we can find a way together.' And so they did. Fighting off the thorny bushes and trickster spirits in the forest, they found their way back to the castle."

"And then?" Nel's voice was tinged with anticipation.

"And then Prince Kai said, 'You're no ordinary princess. You're strong and brave. Will you be my partner, in adventures and in life?'"

"What did Princess Nel say?" she asked, already dozing.

"She said yes, of course," Kai whispered, "because she knew they would make a perfect team."

Nel smiled, her eyes fluttering shut as she drifted into sleep, her hand still holding Kai's as if to confirm the future of her very own fairytale.

As Kai was about to rise from the bed, Nel's soft, sleepy voice reached his ears. "Kai, I will marry you when I grow up."

His heart swelled with emotion. Leaning down, he tenderly kissed her forehead, sealing her dreams within the sanctuary of their small world.

Quietly, he pulled the door shut behind him and moved down the hallway, where each room was a universe unto itself, a testament to the unique relationships he shared with the remarkable women in his life. His next stop was the rooms adjacent to the master bedroom, where each of his partners had their own space. Although the idea of sharing one bed with 10 incredible women was appealing to him, it wasn't practical. So, each partner had her own room, furnished with a large bed where he would occasionally spend the night. Meanwhile, the master bedroom served as his personal retreat, where he would either sleep alone or be joined by one of his partners.

His steps took him to a door that was different from the rest—its warm, amber hue mirrored the person within, Rangiku.

Taking a deep breath, he turned the handle and stepped inside. His eyes immediately found Rangiku on the plush bed, her hands delicately stroking her rounded belly. Their gazes met, her eyes sparkling like the finest champagne.

"Hey," he greeted softly, his voice tinged with a warmth reserved only for few.

"Hey yourself," she replied, her lips curling into a radiant smile. "Care to join me?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Kai said, closing the distance between them. Sitting beside her on the bed, he reached out, letting his palm rest atop hers on her belly. The sensation was electrifying, an intimate connection to a future waiting to unfold.

Kai closed the distance between them and gently pressed his lips to the soft swell of Rangiku's belly, a promise of love for the life that was growing within her. Then, he kissed her forehead, lingering for a moment to breathe in the delicate scent of her hair.

Rangiku chuckled softly, her eyes meeting his. "You're so sentimental, Kai."

"Can you blame me?" he replied, taking a seat beside her on the plush bed. "It's not every day you find out you're about to be a dad—three times over, no less."

"That's true," she said, placing her hand atop his, her fingers interlocking with his as if they were puzzle pieces that fit perfectly. "I must say, I never thought I'd see the day when Kai, the laidback student, would turn into Kai, the laidback father-to-be."

He grinned. "Well, some things never change, but others—like this," he gestured to her belly, "change everything in the best possible way."

Rangiku's eyes softened, misting over ever so slightly. "I couldn't agree more."

For a moment, they sat in a comfortable silence, lost in their own thoughts and the overwhelming emotions that came with impending parenthood. Finally, Kai broke the silence, asking, "How are you feeling? Any weird cravings or mood swings?"

She smirked. "Apart from wanting to eat an entire tub of ice cream and flip a table within the same five minutes? Not much."

Kai laughed. "Well, I can handle the ice cream part. Not sure about the table flipping, though."

Rangiku squeezed his hand, then pulled it toward her, placing it back on her belly. "Do you feel that? That little flutter?"

His eyes widened as he felt the subtle movement under his palm—a tiny heartbeat, a whisper of life. "Wow, that's amazing," he breathed out, awe and wonder lacing his words.

"It is, isn't it?" She smiled, her eyes glowing with maternal warmth.

After sharing a few more moments of awe and affection with Rangiku, Kai pressed his lips gently to her forehead, then lowered his kiss to the small mound of her belly. "Goodnight to you, and goodnight to the little one," he whispered.

Rangiku's eyes glowed like moonlight as she said, "Sweet dreams, Kai."


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