Laid-back Highschooler In Bleach (With Soul Cube)

Ch113- End of Battle!

Dust blanketed the streets of Replica Karakura Town, a mirrored copy Kai had created. The aftermath of battle was clear, with buildings lying in ruins and a stifling silence hanging in the air.

Stretching leisurely, Kai looked more like someone just emerging from a restful sleep than a key player in a monumental conflict. His eyes darted to the defeated Aizen, now immobilized by kido bindings. A smirk played on his lips.

The scene felt anticlimactic for Kai, especially when he recalled his sporadic ventures into a mysterious space filled with drifting souls. Each time he appeared there, he'd absorbed one of dozens of these souls, their memories painting a vivid picture. It was their collective recollections that had shown him a different reality - one where Ichigo had made a grave sacrifice, relinquishing his Shinigami powers to bring Aizen down. Yet, in this reality, due to Kai's intervention, events had taken a decidedly more straightforward turn.

The streets of Replica Karakura Town were almost unrecognizable, marked by crumbled structures and faint wafts of smoke. The remnants of what had been a vicious battle clung to the buildings. Hushed conversations echoed across the debris.

Kai, still with that lazy, half-satisfied look on his face, strolled in with the seven women accompanying him. Each of the women bore a unique sense of elegance and power, and together they created an awe-inspiring presence.

However, the town's centerpiece was the makeshift medical zone, where Shinigami and Visored alike were being healed. The gentle murmurs of relief and the quiet chants of healing spells gave the area an aura of serenity amidst chaos.

Unohana, with her gentle, almost maternal aura, worked methodically, her hands glowing with kido as she patched up wounds. Beside her, Isane displayed a similar dedication, occasionally glancing at her captain for guidance. Not far from them, the once-enemy Hachi worked in harmony with Tessai, their shared history evident in their synchronized actions.

But as Kai's group approached, the atmosphere palpably shifted.

Tatsuki, her hair swaying in the slight breeze, whispered to Orihime, "Feels like we've suddenly become the center of attention."

Orihime giggled softly, nodding, "With Kai, it's always like that."

But it wasn't just their presence that caused the shift. It was the palpable intensity radiating from Captain-Commander Yamamoto. The old Shinigami's usually fierce gaze was now sharpened, fixated on Kai. Even with an arm missing, his presence was formidable.

Ichigo's eyes darted between his father, Urahara, and Yamamoto. He stepped forward, hoping to defuse the situation. "Captain-Commander," he began cautiously, "I'm glad to see you've been treated."

Yamamoto, however, didn't move his gaze from Kai. His voice, heavy with restrained emotion, rumbled, "Kai, approach."

An annoyed expression appeared on Kai's face, hinting at a brewing storm. The audacity of being ordered around was enough to push his limits. He could have reminded the old man that he wasn’t bound by the Gotei 13's hierarchy. But today, perhaps out of sheer fatigue or whimsy, he decided not to.

Taking confident strides toward Yamamoto, Kai tilted his head slightly, looking down. "Any problem?" The casualness of the tone was almost provocative.

For a brief moment, the scene seemed suspended in time. The immense spiritual pressure emanating from both Kai and Yamamoto was palpable. Even seasoned Shinigami nearby felt it pressing down on them.

Yamamoto's aged eyes, which had seen countless battles and known many souls, now bore into Kai with an intensity that made most shudder. "Where is the Hogyoku?" he demanded.

Kai, with a smirk that bordered on maddening, replied, "Vanished. Puff." He accentuated the last word with a playful hand gesture, as if making a trivial matter disappear.

Yamamoto's reiatsu flared. It wasn't the explosion of spiritual pressure but the controlled, terrifying intensity that made everyone instinctively wary. "This isn’t the time for games," he warned.

Kai’s playfulness dissolved into a rare expression of anger. The air became thick with tension as his reiatsu clashed with Yamamoto's, creating a visual spectacle of swirling energies. "You obstinate, stubborn fool." The words were spat out with venom.

Shinigami captains present instinctively moved their hands to their zanpakuto, sensing the brewing confrontation.

Yoruichi, always poised and composed, stepped forward, her eyes fixed on Kai. Orihime, her fingers twitching as if ready to summon her protective shields, whispered to Tatsuki, "This isn't good." Tatsuki only nodded, her face showing a rare seriousness.

Rangiku’s hand subtly reached out to touch the hilt of her zanpakuto, while Rukia glanced at Byakuya, a silent plea in her eyes, urging him to intervene.

"When I freed you from Aizen's spell," Kai began, his voice dripping with venom, "you stood there, paralyzed in your mistrust. You watched." He paused, letting the weight of his words hang in the air. His voice dropped lower, each word becoming a sharp dagger. "Watched as your men bled. As they fell."

Kai took a deep breath, the tension in the air palpable, and the imminent explosion of spiritual energy seemed almost inevitable. He turned slowly towards Yamamoto, the cold edge in his voice surprisingly clear despite its softness.

"Where does this mistrust come from, Captain-Commander?" He began, raising an eyebrow mockingly.

There was a brief pause. Every eye was fixed on him, anticipation heavy in the air. The Visored and Shinigami.

Kai continued, his smirk evident, "Is it because I single-handedly either defeated or beguiled 10 of his Espada? Was that the cause for your apprehension?"

His voice grew colder, and the weight of the situation was becoming clear. "Not only that, but without me, half your force would still be trapped in Hueco Mundo. They would've been away from this battle."

Kai then said, "Oh, I also know that you forbade your older captains from using their Bankai, fearing they'd damage the fabric of this Earth. Did you not trust me when I mentioned this replica bears no connection to the Original Karakura Town? With Urahara-san, we even managed to bring down Aizen. And yet, after all this, you stand here questioning me?"

There was a deliberate pause, and the weight of the situation began to press down on those watching. Kai's voice took on a steely edge, one that contradicted his usually lackadaisical demeanor. "Who the fuck do you think you are?"

Yamamoto's fiery gaze never wavered, though the faintest flicker of surprise was evident. Around them, the Shinigami captains grew more tense, awaiting a potential storm.

The wind swirled around them, picking up debris and dust, amplifying the tension in the air. Urahara, sensing the mounting pressure, stepped forward, his fan masking his mouth but not his concern.

"Perhaps, gentlemen," he began in his signature casual tone, hoping to diffuse the situation, "this isn’t the best time or place for such a heated conversation."

"You're right, Urahara-san," Kai replied with a sigh, running a hand through his hair. "But I'm growing tired of constantly being questioned and doubted."

A soft voice pierced the thick tension. Unohana, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward, her healing hands held in a gesture of reconciliation. "Both of you have valid concerns. However, right now, our priority should be the well-being of the injured. Discussions can wait."

Yamamoto took a deep breath, his eyes narrowing. "Your words are noted, Kai. I will not forget them." Turning to Unohana, he added, "You are right, Captain. We have other priorities now."

Kai turned to Urahara, his eyes searching the man's face. "Urahara-san, can anyone destroy the Hogyoku?"

Urahara met his gaze, a faint hint of hesitation discernible. "It is impossible."

Kai's smirk faded, replaced with a hardened look. He took a moment before directing his attention back to Yamamoto. The air around them seemed to electrify, each word, each sentence adding layers to the tension.

"Why, Captain-Commander," he began, his voice dripping with restrained sarcasm, "was it not under your esteemed watch that my hometown almost crumbled? Aizen, a mere captain in your ranks, played you for a fool. For centuries, he plotted, murdered, and thieved right under your ancient, supposedly wise nose."

Yamamoto's eyes flared, the weight of Kai's accusations pressing on him. Still, Kai pushed on, making no effort to sugarcoat his words.

"A half-finished Hogyoku wreaked havoc. Just imagine what the perfected one might accomplish. Your oversight was a blunder of epic proportions." Kai paused, taking a breath, letting his words sink in.

The watching Shinigami shuffled uneasily. Many of them knew the truths Kai was speaking, but it was a rare sight to see someone address the Captain-Commander with such directness.

"And let's not forget," Kai continued, leaning in a bit closer, his voice a low hiss, "that you abandoned the head of the Shonin Clan. You left behind the leader of the Kido Corps. You let revered Captains fall by the wayside, all the while placing faith in a Vice-Captain. I don't see much wisdom in that, do you?"

The direct accusation seemed to cut through the air. Several captains shifted uncomfortably, their eyes darting between Kai and Yamamoto. Urahara's eyes crinkled with concern, while others exchanged glances, the weight of Kai's words resonating deeply with some, angering others.

Yamamoto's reiatsu flared momentarily, his hand tightening around the hilt of his zanpakuto. But his voice was eerily calm. "Your words have been heard, Kai. What would you suggest?"

Kai straightened up, his laid-back demeanor returning, but with an edge of seriousness. "It's simple, really," he replied, his tone almost mocking. "You're clearly not fit to protect the Hogyoku. And I won't trust its safety in your hands." He took a step closer, his voice dropping to a deadly whisper, "And as for credibility, you lost yours long ago."

Ichigo, his hands clenched, took a step forward, sensing the rising storm, "Kai..."

But Kai raised a hand, silencing him. "I'll be holding onto the Hogyoku," he announced confidently. "And before you jump to any conclusions," he added, looking directly into Yamamoto's burning eyes, "I don't need it. Using it would be too much trouble."

A heavy silence settled. Kai's audacity was almost palpable, but so was the truth behind his words. The respect and deference usually reserved for the Captain-Commander seemed shaken, if only for a moment.

Yoruichi moved subtly, her eyes on Yamamoto. She could feel the undercurrents of tension and understood the gravity of what Kai had just done.

Finally, Yamamoto took a deep breath, his voice measured, "The Hogyoku's power is immeasurable. Ensure it does not bring about more disaster."

Kai smirked, his signature laziness returning. "I avoid trouble, Captain-Commander, that is kinda my thing? Besides, your world's mistakes aren't my responsibility. Just ensuring you don't repeat them."

Without waiting for a response, Kai began to turn, making his way through the crowd with the seven women.


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