Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 90: Ball, Part 3

Some other people were nearby, watching me. Before anyone could approach I was saved by Cassie.

“Quickly, dance with me!”

I obliged.

“Puh, that was close.” She said. “I saw people closing in.”

“What about Helena and Skadi?” I asked.

“We will have to try and save them. See, we should have brought the Iron Beaks! A few explosions could get us out of here.”

“I do not think that would be helpful.” I replied.

Suddenly Cassie’s eyes widened. “I am so sorry!”

“Cassie!” A woman said, rather loudly. She wore a red dress and had the same red hair as my friend. Her face looked similar, but older. She had a warm smile.

“Finally, I have found you! You have never told me about your interesting friend. Why don’t you introduce me to her?”

Cassie sighed. “This is my mother, Countess Brittany Ashburn. Mom, this is my friend, Koyuki.”

“A pleasure to meet you!” Brittany said.

“The pleasure is mine.” I responded, smiling at the woman.

“I have heard you are from the south, right? You were at Rossalyn Academy?” She inquired.

“Mom, she was a slave there.” Cassie pointed out.

“Yes, but look at her now! A student at the Royal Military Academy and even being praised by Princess Olivia. What an inspiring tale!”

“Don’t you… dislike royalty?” Cassie asked.

“What? Of course not! I admit that I do not agree with all their decisions, but I am a loyal supporter of our king!”

Brittany looked at me. “You see what I have to put up with? My own daughter is trying to embarrass me in front of her friend! Cassie, you will never find a husband like this.”

“Maybe she does not want a husband?” I countered.

“We all go through that phase, dear. But in time she will realise the upsides. And the longer she waits, the worse her options are going to be.” Brittany said.

“Nope, no husband for me.” Cassie insisted.

“As an adult it is clearly her choice. You should respect that.” I added.

Brittany studied me. “I see. You are both young. But I admire you standing up for my daughter.”

“Now, where are your other friends? You need to introduce me!” Brittany said.

“We need to rescue them!” Cassie answered.

“Oh dear, always so dramatic. Here, let me help you shoo those people away.”

She was surprisingly effective. I have no idea what she said to the men dancing with Helena and Skadi but she somehow got them to leave with a smile.

“There, now you can properly introduce us!” Brittany said as she returned triumphantly.

Cassie sighed. “These are Helena Frost and Skadi, my friends. This is my mother, Countess Brittany Ashburn.”

“A pleasure to meet you.” My friends said.

“Likewise! It is so nice to see my daughter making friends. She has always been a bit of a recluse. I have to admit, I have no knowledge of your family, Skadi but I do know Count Frost. Lovely man, but a bit too focused on combat, I think.”

“That is because our part of the border is dangerous.” Helena said.

“Oh, certainly! He is doing a good job. But he should spend more time representing his interests, I think. He really should be at an event like this! Anyway, I see you are an all female party. I do know some lovely young man I can introduce you…”

“No.” Cassie said.

“Not interested.” Skadi added.

“I have to decline.” Helena said.

“Our party is perfect the way it is.” I added.

“Meow.” Came from my head.

“Oh, what do we have here? I thought the skeleton on your head was just fashion. Is it a pet?” Brittany looked disappointed at our refusal but seamlessly changed the topic.

“This is Nyx, she is my companion and my first undead.” I explained.

“She can grow in size and has fought by our side.” Helena added.

“Interesting.” Brittany said. “She is still a fashion statement. Combined with the dancing skeletons, I think it might set a bit of a trend. The princess has certainly reminded people that our acceptance of necromancy sets us apart from Ilestria. It will resonate with some of the more patriotic nobility. You know, you could probably make some money by animating skeletons for events.”

That would be a decent way of earning money, if she was right. But I was not sure if I wanted to run a skeletal entertainment business. Then again, maybe I could do mock fights? It might help train my undead by having them battle each other. Could I turn something like that into a show? Charge money for people watching my minions train?

“Ah, Countess Ashburn! How are you?” I heard Princess Olivia’s voice. She had escaped the crowd and joined our little group.

“Your majesty, it is an honour!” Brittany said.

“You must be pleased with your daughter's success. I heard she is a gifted alchemist.” The princess said.

“Of course! She is an Ashburn and she is a credit to our family. I am sure she will do great things.”

Helena grabbed my hand. “Quickly, let’s start dancing. It’s our chance to escape.” She whispered. I nodded.

Cassie was dancing with Skadi. We tried to move more towards the side of the hall and I had my skeletons flanking our group to give us some room.

“I have barely talked with anyone and I am already exhausted.” I said.

“That is normal. Such events involve way too much smiling. And a lot of talking without saying anything. You are surprised how much time you can waste with pleasantries.” Helena said.

“How did you get through parties at home?” I wondered.

“Oh, I had a few friends. We tried similar things, just sticking together in a group. I also had the advantage of not being the heir. There was less attention on me. It allowed me to escape some of the politics too.” She said.

“Maybe we can escape to the buffet?” I wondered.

“Hm. It could be worth a try. I definitely could use a drink.” Helena answered.

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