Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 85: Surprise Meeting

It was just two days later that I was invited to the headmasters office. This time, I was rather relaxed. Likely he just wanted to give me more information about the visit. To my surprise, he was not alone.

There was a woman I had never seen before. She was dressed casually and looked like she was in her mid twenties. She had long black hair and studied me with her green eyes.

“Sir, reporting as ordered.” I said and saluted.

“At ease, Koyuki.” The headmaster said. He seemed amused. “May I introduce my guest: Princess Olivia, second in line to the throne of Nethena.”

What? The princess was already here? How? Why didn't anyone know? At least some of my training kicked in. I curtsied.

“Your highness, it is an honour.”

She smiled. “It is nice to finally meet you. I have heard a lot of things about you.”

I just stood there silently as she examined me. “So it is true that you like to carry an undead cat on your head.” Olivia said.


“Oh? You know that we are talking about you? Aren’t you a smart kitty.” She retrieved something from her bag. Then she threw it towards my head. It was a small bone.

I could feel movement on my head. Followed my crunching noises.

“So, you still look confused about my presence. You were informed that I was coming, right?” Olivia asked.

“Yes, your highness. But I expected to meet you at the ball, or afterwards. And I did not see an escort. There were no royal guards at the door. Nobody seemed to know that you are here. It took me by surprise.” I explained.

“Ah. Don’t worry. I have not officially arrived. I can assure you there is a fancy carriage on the way, guarded by shining knights. And my security might not be so visible, but it’s there.”

I suppressed the urge to look around for some hidden guards. Then again, she was likely safe in this office. Erik was an archmage, after all.

“Anyway, the reason I am here now is because a ball is not a great place to speak privately. It is a place where the nobility plots. You will get a lot of offers there. Your magical potential is still a secret, officially, but I have no doubt that people are figuring it out already.”

I nodded.

“So I plan to properly introduce you at the event. You will be my guest and we will tell the kingdom about you. Our new rising star who will bolster our forces.”

She wanted to simply tell everyone? Weren’t we trying to keep my powers a secret? I was confused, but it was not my place to question her.

“You see, Ilestria is making noises. We suspect that they are meddling in our affairs. What happened during your field exercise was not the only suspicious thing. Likely they have some help from within the kingdom. Your existence will reassure people about our military strength. And it will help to keep the dukes in line.” She explained.

“You are strong enough to defend yourself.” Erik added. “You have proven yourself in a few dangerous situations. The princess has decided that your time of hiding is over.”

“Exactly. You are only in your first year but you can already be an asset. Just by existing. Now, I can offer you some additional protection, if it is needed.” Olivia offered.

“Your highness, I have a team of loyal friends and my undead. I am also progressing in my magic. I am confident that I can defend myself.” I did not want any additional guards.

“Very well. Your friends are Skadi, daughter of merchants, Helena Frost and Cassie Ashburn. I don’t know Helena, or Cassie, personally but Count Frost is loyal, not too interested in politics. I approve. Countess Ashburn likes to meddle. Be wary of her. Now, have you considered marriage?”

My eyes widened. “No, your highness. I… I am not really interested in that.”

“Hm.” She contemplated that. “Maybe that is for the best, for now. We can give you your own title, in time. After you graduate. I have no doubt that there will be plenty of opportunities for you to shine. Oh, do you know how to dance?”

“My friends are teaching me, your highness.” I answered.

“Excellent!” She smiled. “By the way, at such an event you can show up in uniform. Most young women wear a gown. But a more military look could be appropriate for you. We want you to project strength. Of course, you will bring Nyx. And your draugr. I will have a proper uniform made for him. Maybe a suit? Hm. Do you have any other undead you want to bring?”

“I do not have any suitable for such an event, your highness.” I had the goblins, who did not look that impressive. And the Iron Beaks. They were not suitable for a ball.

“Actually, we might make a bit of a show. A suitable demonstration, after your introduction. I think I can arrange something.” She smiled.

“The ball will be a week from now.” Erik said. “And your friends are invited as well. It will be held in the city.”

“I have arranged for your transportation.” Olivia said. “After this event you will be firmly associated with the crown. I expect great things from you!”

No pressure.

After that I was dismissed. The whole conversation had caught me off guard. I was not just going to a ball, I was going to be introduced by the princess! I would have to deal with a lot more nobles. Archibald and Leo were more than enough. At least my friends would be there as well.

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