Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 83: Guild

The last time we were here I didn't even enter the guild. This time, we had the draugr to watch the horse. On the inside the building featured a reception area where you could hand in requests. There was also a small bar with a few tables nearby. Presumably so groups could meet and plan their next job.

There were not too many people around. Two humans were having breakfast. Skadi went straight to one of the receptionists and explained our request.

“Greetings, we are interested in monster parts. We are looking for anything from water affinity monsters and nothing that costs more than 10 gold.” Skadi said.

“Certainly.” The receptionist was a young human man. He smiled at us as he pulled a ledger from a drawer. “Please follow me.”

He led us to a room in the back with a large table on it. “Please wait here while I collect the parts.”

Once he left I addressed Skadi: “Um, 10 gold is a bit too much for me…”

“It’s ok. You don’t have to buy anything. But that should give us a reasonable selection. And I am willing to help. Nyx is part of the team, after all.” Skadi said.

“Exactly!” Helena added. “I am willing to spend some money on Nyx as well. We are a team, we help each other. And once we can confirm that Nyx actually wants those parts we can plan a hunting trip in the north. During the next holidays. We might even be able to make some money that way.”

Nyx jumped on the table and waited for her treats. She had absolutely no shame and would eagerly devour everything my friends bought. I picked her up to ensure she would not just consume things we had not purchased.

After a while the man returned with a box. He placed it on the table, together with the ledger. He picked up an item, then looked at the ledger.

“We have the meat of an ice boar. It’s one gold per kilogram. Then we have the horn of a frost fang. Eight gold. Poison glands of an ice viper, two gold.” He placed the items on the table.

“What is an ice viper?” I asked, while pointing at the gland. Was it a dual affinity creature?

“Ah. Nasty things. They are not strong in a straight up fight but they have an interesting poison. It causes the body to freeze from the inside out. Unless you have a high water affinity, or a proper cure, it is lethal.”

“I have heard of them. My family is rather resistant so they were never a big deal.” Helena said. “I was not aware that they have useful parts.”

“They are a lot cheaper in the north. Also, a lot less useful. I hear they can be turned into cooling potions. They are popular near the desert. Are you interested? We have three glands currently. I could also take a request if you want to order more.”

Nyx was staring at them. But Nyx had also been looking curiously at the other things.

“What else do you have?” I asked.

“One more thing, the heart of a frost wolf. Nine gold.”

“I think I would like one of the frost glands myself.” Cassie said.

I looked at her. “Are you trying to make a frost explosion?” I asked.

“Huh? Cool idea, but no. I have a different plan!” She smiled.

“What kind of plan?” Skadi asked.

“I will tell you later. So, what do you want, Koyuki?” Cassie asked.

Of course the question was what Nyx wanted. But it made sense not to say that out loud.

“Maybe also one of the glands.” They were not that expensive. And Nyx did seem interested. It was hard to tell. I had a feeling she would have eaten everything, if she could.

“Excellent!” The receptionist said. “Anything else?”

“No, that would be all.” Skadi said.

We decided that everyone would pay one gold and we would share the cost for the two glands. While Cassie had not told us about her plan, her alchemy had benefited us so far.

After we paid we made our way to the beer garden. Nyx devoured her new snack rather quickly. Now we would have to wait and see if anything came of it. Then again, it was only one frost gland. At least we had confirmed that Nyx wanted to devour monster parts.

“So, what is your plan?” Helena asked.

“Self cooling drinks!” Cassie said.

“What?” I asked.

“He said they are used for cooling potions. Those are for rather hot climates, to keep people cool for some time. Mostly used by rich people. But what if we could just add the effect to drinks? Like beer? Imagine if we could bottle it, and it would always be cool to drink!”

We all stared at her.

“If that is possible, why has not anyone done it yet?” I asked.

Cassie shrugged. “Who knows? But I intend to make it happen!”

We arrived at the beer garden and kept discussing her plan while having some drinks. Maybe it was the cool beer but her idea did seem reasonable. I could even help her. I had advanced alchemy as well, after all. I only took it to enhance my undead but why not branch out? Maybe my water affinity could help.

We spent the remaining day eating, drinking and relaxing. Our studies were going well, the iron beaks were growing in numbers and things looked good. We had earned ourselves a small break. Despite the lazy day, I was exhausted in the evening. I fell asleep quickly.

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