Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 73: Interrogation

The next day we walked to the gate together. Nyx was on my head and the draugr was following us. Helena approached Colonel Duncan and saluted.

“Sir, asking for permission to accompany you to the interrogation.”

He looked at her. “We haven’t interviewed you yet. Who are you?”

“Helena Frost, sir. With me are Cassie Ashburn and Skadi.”

“Koyuki’s team. And you were in the city together, when she was attacked. Hm.” He looked at his two companions. One of them shrugged.

“Granted, follow us.” He said.

“Yes! I mean… thank you, sir.”

Helena grinned victoriously.

Soon afterwards we started walking towards the prison. Actually, how did you imprison a mage?

“Sir, how do you stop a captive from casting?” I asked Duncan.

“There are special collars, they detect when someone pulls mana into their body. Then they vent the mana and shock the prisoner.” He explained.

“But even venting could hurt someone, if they are really close. Especially if the mage is powerful.” I said.

“True. It’s not a foolproof method. But it does not allow them to form an actual spell. Keeping a mage imprisoned always comes with a certain risk. The collars usually work fine for regular mages.”

“Are they similar to slave collars?” I wondered.

“The same, actually. Just a more advanced version. They are often used for slaves capable of magic.”

I shuddered, thinking about the collar. My hand instinctively reached for my neck. Helena saw it and put her hand on my shoulder. I smiled. It was good to have friends.

The prison was a part of the city garrison. It did not seem that big, considering the size of the city. Then again, I had no idea how many crimes were committed and what the usual punishment was. My education had only covered punishment for slaves. Which usually involved pain.

We did not go into an actual cell. Instead we went to an interrogation room. It had solid stone walls. The light came from a crystal on the ceiling. In the centre was a table, with chairs on both sides. My friends stood near the wall. Duncan took a seat while his companions fetched the prisoner.

“Have your draugr stand in the corner. The light only shines at the table making everyone near the wall hard to see.” Duncan commanded. Then he looked at me, or more precisely, at my head.

“You undead cat is still a bit of a mystery. I have ignored her so far, since she does a good job of protecting you. If you think you can use her to make the prisoner talk… I will trust your judgement.” He said.

The door opened and the prisoner was brought in. Duncan’s companions were escorting her. They stood near the door afterwards. The woman looked determined as she sat down on the opposite side of the table. Her clothes were slightly dirty, she wore a collar but she seemed otherwise unharmed.

Duncan pulled a few sheets of paper from his pocket. “Elise, no last name. Age 27. You are a commoner raised by the temple and came here to spread your religion.”

“Ilar will bring the light! He will burn your wicked nation!” She said while glaring at Nyx.

“The gods don’t really care. But we do, your actions have violated the law. You have attacked a student of the Royal Military Academy. This is a serious crime. But we can be lenient, as long as you cooperate.” Duncan said.

“Never! Do your worst, my faith is strong!” Elise said.

“I expected such an answer. Very well, Koyuki.” He nodded at me.

I commanded the draugr to step forward. Elise’s eyes grew wide as she recognized the undead. “Frank? No… it…”

“Hello Elise.” The draugr said. Duncan did not give me precise instructions. He left me a lot of leeway on how I handled the situation.

“We did have a nice chat with your bodyguard. Surprising how talkative people become once they are dead.” Duncan lied.

“I will free you!” Elise shouted, then she screamed as the collar activated. She fell to the floor.

“I would advise against the use of magic.” Duncan said. “Now, I have brought Koyuki here. She is a capable necromancer, as you can see. It would be a shame if she had to use her talents… on you.”

“You… you can’t do that! I did nothing wrong! I demand a trial!”

Duncan chuckled. “You attacked someone in broad daylight. Your trial is already over. The only thing missing is the sentence.”

“You… you monsters! Frank…” Tears were running down her eyes. “You can’t do this! Ilar will protect me.”

“Really? He is doing a pretty bad job right now.” Duncan said.

Nyx jumped from my head and approached the woman. “No! Stay away from me!” She shrieked.

“Frank, hold her.” I said. Which I did not have to, all commands were mental. But I thought it helped sell the scene.

“Yes, mistress.” I made him answer.

Elise tried to crawl away but the draugr held her in place. Then Nyx hopped onto her body. She sat on the woman’s chest, staring straight into her eyes. Nyx opened her mouth, purple light appeared and formed a tongue. Then she started licking the woman.

“Ahhhhhhhh! Get it off me!” Elise shrieked.

“Can you feel the necrotic mana entering your body? It is a fascinating process.” Duncan said. Of course, Nyx did not actually push mana into her. Or at least, I did not think so. “If it keeps going it will soon start rotting you from the inside. I heard it’s uncomfortable.”

“No! My body will only hold the light! Ahhhhhhhh.” It looked like she tried to cast a spell again. I had mixed feelings. Part of me felt sorry for Elise. I had experienced the pain of the collar myself. But then again, she tried to kill Nyx. Her nation executed people like me, simply for existing.

“All we need is a bit of information. This could all go away…” Duncan said.

“I will talk, I will talk! Just make it stop!” She sobbed.

Nyx stopped. Then she turned around, her tail held high as she walked back to me. My draugr released the woman and stood behind me.

One of Duncan’s companions picked the woman up from the floor and helped her back to the chair.

“Good. Now, I have some questions.” Duncan said.

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