Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 7: Principal

“Come in.” A voice called.

I opened the door and entered. The office was rather large, as expected of a principal. It looked a bit chaotic. Books and documents were lying around. A man sat behind a large desk. He was bald and had a long grey beard. His face was wrinkled but his body looked strong. Powerful mages tended to live longer, so it was hard to guess his age. He wore a uniform similar to mine but the wolf was golden instead of silver.

I bowed. “Greetings sir. My name is Koyuki.”

“You don’t have to bow. You will be expected to salute but nobody has told you that, so it’s fine. I am Erik Hailstorm, the principal.” He had a gentle grandfatherly voice. It put me at ease.

“Yes sir.”

“Good. Now your circumstances are not common but not unique either. Princess Olivia has sent us former slaves in the past. I can tell you already that you won’t have it easy here, but I will ensure you are treated fairly.”

“Thank you, sir.”

“No need for that. It is my job.” He said smiling. “You will get some private lessons to prepare you for classes. Most students are trained in weapons to some degree and know a bit more about magic before they come here. Your tutor will arrive tomorrow, he will meet you at the practice grounds at 7.”

“Sir, I only have the clothes I am currently wearing. Is there some exercise gear available?”

“Oh? Well, the academy will provide you with additional uniforms and suitable clothing for practice. You will also receive a stipend of one gold each month. But Arthur should have handed you two sets of clothing. What happened?”

“They were destroyed in an ambush when I was set on fire, sir.”

“An ambush? Maybe I should invite Sarah and question her… Anyway, what happened?”

“There were four archers and four swordsmen, accompanied by two mages. They used light magic to conceal themselves. Captain Sarah protected us from the first volley of arrows then took care of the archers and the light mage. The fire mage burned one of the guards who tried to protect me…” It still hurt thinking about it. Seeing Tim die…

“It’s alright dear. I understand that your first combat can leave a mark. Take your time.”

I took a deep breath, calmed myself and continued. “I grabbed his hand and shoved death mana inside him. Somehow during the battle I discovered the rune for it. He tried to burn me but he wasn’t fast enough. It was close though, Captain Sarah saved me with a healing potion.”

“You discovered the rune for death mana yourself? Fascinating! Also, well done. Your affinity must be truly high.” He looked excited.

“Thank you sir.”

Erik was stroking his beard, lost in thought. I waited patiently until he spoke again. “I have to admit, your late awakening made me doubt your powers. But if you can discover a rune yourself, and survive flooding yourself with death mana, there is no denying it. You are a curious foxkin. Did you know that your race is mostly known for its light affinity? And purple eyes are not normal either.” His eyes studied me. “You are a mystery! I love it. And you will make a fine addition to the army.” He smiled.

“I will try my best, sir.”

“You will have two weeks before school starts. The new students usually arrive about one week before. But a few are already here. First years have nothing on their shoulders, you will get one silver bar for each year you have completed. Show respect to your seniors but don’t let them harass you. And you can always come to me if someone causes a real problem.”

“Understood, sir.”

“Now, I have wasted enough of your time. Spend today familiarising yourself with the academy. Also, I would recommend a change of clothes and a bath.” He winked.

I blushed. My uniform was dirty from the road and I had not washed myself since we left. Was that why Elena was so distant?

I stood and tried a salute. I watched soldiers do it before. I formed a fist with my right hand and placed it over my left breast.

“A good try, but you need to work on your posture.” Erik commented, clearly amused.

“Yes sir.”

I left his office. It occurred to me that I did not bring anything from my horse. It only carried a tent, a sleeping bag and some rations. Should I have carried that to my room? Where was my room anyway? With my guide gone I was lost…

I knew where the dorms were and that I would be staying on the first floor. I wondered why we changed the floor every year. Wouldn't it make sense to keep the same room for the entire duration of your stay? There was probably a reason. I shrugged. Horse first, I decided and walked towards the stables. I would get dirty carrying my tent anyway.

Finding my things was easy enough. After giving my name, a stable boy directed me to the area where my saddle was stowed. I thanked him, grabbed my gear and walked towards the dorms. I really hoped I could get some fresh clothes there. Since Erik mentioned the state I was in I felt self conscious. Dirty and stinky were not the best conditions for a good first impression.

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