Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 64: Shopping

My friends were anxiously waiting in the park. I told them about the conversation.

“Pheromones? So maybe they were targeting you after all.” Skadi said.

“And that means someone from the academy planted them.” Helena pointed out.

“Yes. Maybe the same person who sabotaged my raising of Nyx.” I theorised.

“Could be a student, a teacher or one of the servants.” Cassie mused.

“I don’t think it’s a teacher. So far they have helped a lot. Peter, Victoria and Irene have all treated me fairly.” I said.

“I agree. I think it’s a student.” Helena said. “There are plenty of nobles who would not like a commoner with too much power. Or someone supporting the crown.”

“What about Ilestria?” Cassie mused. “They would certainly have the resources to bribe someone. And mages good enough to break wards.”

“Could be nobles working with Ilestria.” Skadi proposed.

“Why would they do that?” I asked.

“Greed.” Helena answered. “It’s a powerful motivation. Ilestra would certainly be willing to fund and support people who share their values.”

“Anyway, nothing stops Koyuki from going to the city now.” Skadi said.

“True. Shall we go?” I asked.

“You could bring your horse, if you want. Coffee can carry the alchemy supplies Cassie will buy.” Helena suggested.

“Sure.” I said.

We went to the stables and got my horse. The saddlebags were not that big but we would be able to tie some bags to the saddle itself. I did not ride, instead I just led the horse by the reins. Nyx decided to ride on Coffee, who did not care.

Our first stop was an alchemy shop. It was in a side alley in the shopping district. There was a convenient hitching post where I could leave my horse. Nyx jumped on my head again. She did not want to wait outside. The shop itself was not too big. Glass windows allowed you to see some of the wares from outside. A bell rang as we entered.

The store seemed organised and clean. Shelves were neatly stocked and the products were labelled. As I looked around something occurred to me.

“Um, we did not ask Horas for a recipe.” I stated. We wanted a salve for Nyx. Maybe something that enhanced her, or simply made her bones more shiny. I think she would like that. But I did not actually have a recipe.

“Oh, I do have some ideas.” Cassie said. “I checked some recipes this morning. Also, we can get some help here. The owner is an alchemist. She sells ingredients and potions.”

“Ah, Cassie!” A woman said. “You are back early. I thought you were still on your field trip.” The woman was dressed in a green robe, the same colour as her eyes. She had long brown hair and looked rather young. Then I noticed the pointed ears. She was an elf.

“Lady Lyra, may I introduce my friends: Koyuki, Helena and Skadi.” Cassie said.

“No reason to be so formal. Welcome girls! It’s nice to see more people interested in alchemy.” Lyra greeted us. Then she looked at my head. “Oh? You have an undead cat on your head?”

“This is Nyx. We are actually looking for a salve that would benefit her. Either by making her look more majestic or by improving her strength.” I said.

“Hm. Most improvements for skeletons need to be applied before they are raised. Afterwards the improvements are only temporary. That is still an option, but an expensive one. She does not look like she is made for combat though.”

Considering that Nyx looked like a small kitten that was a reasonable assessment, I suppose.

“Oh, she is quite powerful.” I said. “Her looks are a bit deceiving.”

Lyra did not look convinced as she stared at Nyx. Nyx stared back. Then she opened mouth, formed a purple tongue and started licking her paw.

“Fascinating. She can materialise a tongue? That is not normal for a skeleton. It also means she will lick anything you put on her.”

“She is an undead. Koyuki can stop her from doing that.” Helena said before I could comment. Which was probably good. Because I was about to brag about how smart Nyx was. And we wanted to keep that a secret.

“Of course.” Lyra said. “I would recommend a necrotic bone wax. It mildly improves the healing abilities of a skeleton for a short time. And it would give her black bones a nice shine too.”

“Is that something we could make ourselves?” I asked.

“I am sure Cassie could do it.” She answered.

“How expensive would that be?” I asked.

“Hm. Let’s say you want enough for twenty applications. Considering the size of your cat… I would say about 8 silver in total.”

That was a lot of money.

“We are going to share the cost.” Helena reminded me. That meant I only had to pay two silver.

“I think it’s a good idea. I would have suggested something similar.” Cassie said.

“Ok, we will take it.” I said.

“Splendid! I suppose you are also here to restock your supplies Cassie. Do you want the same as last time?”

“I have a list.” Cassie said and handed Lyra a piece of paper.

The shopkeeper disappeared into a back room and returned with a large bag of things. Then she fetched another. Cassie was buying a lot. It was good that we brought a horse. After paying, and saying our goodbyes, we left. Coffee was still patiently waiting for us. We attached our stuff to the saddle.

“Ok, where to next?” I asked.

“I still have the horn to sell.” Skadi said. “Let’s go to the adventurer’s guild.”

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