Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 17: First Lesson

Helena’s excitement lasted a while longer. She fantasised about us crushing enemies and fighting epic battles. I was more focused on tomorrow. In the morning we would all assemble in the parade square. There would be a short introduction and afterwards we would get our class schedule. We finished our meal and said goodbye to Skadi. We went to bed early. Tomorrow would be exciting!

Breakfast was a blur and soon the time had arrived. I was standing amidst a lot of first years in the morning sun. The headmaster was welcoming us personally.

“Welcome to the Royal Military Academy! First, let me make some things clear. This is a military school. And I expect you to behave accordingly. I don’t care what title you have, you respect your instructors. You also respect your fellow students. If you have a problem, tell the staff. If you want to fight someone, do it in a proper duel.” He observed the crowd. I saw a few people who looked unhappy, but nobody complained, yet. “You will all have the same basic classes. Those are mandatory. You will have a choice for your advanced ones. To complete the first year you will need to pass a test in every basic class and at least one advanced class. Your personal schedules are delivered to your rooms as we speak. Check them and then report to your instructors. Dismissed.”

“Yes, sir.” Some of the more motivated students shouted, me included. Others just grumbled. I heard a few complaining. Personally, I was glad that we were not subjected to a long speech.

As I returned to our room with Helena I asked her: “Why didn’t they give us the schedule earlier? Why make everyone go back to their room?”

“Probably to stop people from complaining. There are like 100 first years, but many courses will only have ten to twenty students. So nobles will complain that their friends are not in the same class. Now they won’t have time for that. Not getting their way will be a novel experience for many.” She said with a smile.

Our schedules were the same for now, we were lucky. It started with basic spellcasting. Finally, more magic! We rushed to the lecture hall.

We were among the first to arrive. There were ten desks for students, each seating two. We picked one in the front, not wanting to miss anything. Skadi was not among the other students, which was a shame. Most were human but I spotted an elf and a catkin. By the time the instructor arrived only sixteen seats were filled. Our teacher was a middle aged woman with long blonde hair. She wore the typical uniform of the academy.

We all stood as she entered. Her green eyes examined every student. “Be seated.” She said and we all complied.

“I am Victoria, your basic magic instructor. In this class you will learn the fundamentals about spells and mana. First, we will go over the things you should already know. Then you will learn the telekinesis spell. It works with neutral mana and is a rather practical tool.” She started levitating her desk. “At first, all you will manage is to move a simple feather, but in time you can lift heavy objects. It is a spell that can be used in combat, but it is not very mana efficient. Most use it to carry things.”

The lesson was interrupted as the door opened and two people entered. They were both human males. Judging by their uniform they were students. They did not look very happy. Neither did the teacher.

“You are late. Explain yourself.” Victoria said.

I studied the two men. Being first years they were likely 16 years old. Both had rather short hair, one blond and one black. While the darker haired one was more rugged, the other one was… pretty? At least his body, his eyes were filled with contempt and his face looked like he was permanently sneering. Then again, maybe he was.

“Explain myself? I am Lord Archibald Winston. Your incompetent management has placed my betrothed in a different class. And the principal refused to see me! I will certainly send a complaint to my father. Meanwhile, I expect you to fix this.”

Victoria’s eyes narrowed. She pointed her hand at Archibald. Suddenly he started turning grey.

“Wha… sto…” Was all he managed to say before his mouth stopped working. It took only a moment and he was turned to stone. Or covered in stone? I stared in awe at the spell. It was amazing!

His companion paled at the sight. “You… you can’t do that! Don’t you know who he is!”

“He was late and rude. He will either learn manners or be removed from the academy. Now apologise.”

“I will nev…” He started turning grey as well. “Sorry, I am sorry!” He fell to his knees and bowed. The spell stopped as soon as he started apologising.

“Take your seat. Don’t worry, Archibald can hear everything in this state. I will return him to normal afterwards. Let this be a lesson to you all. Your title means nothing here.” She had a dangerous smile.

This was the best class ever! Judging by Helena’s sparkling eyes she enjoyed it as well. Victoria levitated the statue towards the back. The other student took a seat. He looked rather frightened. Overall I saw mixed reactions in the class. But nobody dared complain. Afterwards she repeated what I already knew. How one used mana and spellforms. Despite that I listened attentively to every word.

“We shall now have a lunch break for one hour. In the afternoon I will show you the telekinesis spellform. Do not be late.”

She stopped the spell keeping Archibald restrained. His skin turned normal again and he fell to his knees. His companion immediately rushed towards him.

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