Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 13: Roommate

The woman inside had her back to me as she was unpacking a suitcase. She was humming a tune I did not recognize. Her hair was as white as snow and slightly longer than her shoulders. She was dressed in the school uniform.

“Hello.” I greeted her.

She turned around and smiled. “Hi! You must be my roommate. I am Helena.”

She offered me her hand and I shook it. I used the opportunity to study Helena. Her eyes were turquoise, her skin was pale and flawless. She had a round and friendly looking face.

“I am Koyuki, nice to meet you.”

“You have been here for a bit already, right? Can you show me around? How is the food?”

Her personality caught me off guard. She seemed genuinely very friendly and outgoing.

“I… I have just returned from training. I need to take a shower then we can go for some food.” I was slightly overwhelmed.

“Sure! I will keep unpacking.”

She went back to her suitcase. I quickly grabbed a fresh uniform and went to the bathroom. While showering I thought about Helena. She seemed really nice, but would that change once she knew my background? So far, very few people seemed aware of my circumstances. Probably to minimise the threat. But I had no illusions that it would stay that way. A former slave with a lot of talent would certainly not sit well with most nobles. Unless they found a way to use me.

My shower thoughts dampened my mood slightly. But for now I decided to be hopeful about making a friend. Once I was clean, and dressed in a fresh uniform, it was time for dinner. When I returned to our room Helena was lounging on the bed while reading.

“I can show you the mess hall and we could get some food.” I suggested.

“Sure!” She closed her book and threw it on the bed. “I am ready.”

We were early, the mess hall had only just opened. Which was good since the academy was a lot busier now, with classes starting soon. I showed Helena around and explained how it worked. Today’s menu was either sausage with bread, or grilled fish with roasted potatoes. Helena looked sceptical. Maybe she was used to finer cuisine? I grabbed the sausage and some mustard, which was offered as condiment. The sourdough bread was freshly baked. I got my free beer as well and sat down at an empty table.

Helena joined me soon afterwards. She chose the fish and some ale. While I started eating she wrinkled her brows while inspecting her meal.

“Fish… they did not even say what fish! Can you believe it!” She poked it with a fork.

I shrugged. “Try it?” I suggested. “So far everything they served was decent.”

She took a bite. “It’s… it’s bland. Where are the herbs? Not even lemon! It’s just salt and pepper on there!”

Personally I thought that did not sound too bad. Salt and pepper was enough in my eyes. “You can always decide to pay for better food.” I pointed out.

She took a sip from her ale. “At least that is alright. A shame they don’t offer wine though…”

“What do you normally eat? Do you have a private chef?” I asked.

“Of course.” She said, “You don’t?”

There it was. An innocent question that would lead to my past, my circumstances. There was no point in delaying, she would find out eventually.

I steeled myself and said: “I used to be a slave. I got my freedom in exchange for serving in the military.”

She stared at me with wide eyes. We sat there, in silence. It was getting uncomfortable. Should I just leave?

Finally, she spoke. “I… sorry. I… uh… just assumed you were a noble.” She blushed, looking embarrassed.

That was not the reaction I had expected. It was my time to be caught off guard. Thankfully, I recovered somewhat quickly. “No problem! There was no way for you to know… I hope we can still be friends…”

“Of course we can be friends! We are both equals here at the academy! If the military is sponsoring you, you must be really talented. How did they recruit you? What affinity do you have?” After overcoming her shock, Helena returned to her bubbling personality.

“There was an attack at an auction. I got caught in a death cloud and survived. I have an affinity for death magic. Afterwards I was offered a deal from Princess Olivia.”

Helena gasped. “You met the princess?”

“Ah no. I was offered the deal by a major on her behalf. I have never seen her but she is my sponsor.”

“That is amazing! Surely you will meet her at some point! My father is only a count. We don’t get invited to events with royalty…”

“What is your affinity?” I tried to change the subject to something I was more interested in, like magic.

“Water! My family carries the blood of an elemental. We focus on ice magic. That is how we earned our name and title. My ancestor, Hendrik, was capable of summoning blizzards big enough to hit an entire army! For his service to the crown he was awarded land, a title and the name Frost.”

That sounded impressive. Could I earn myself a title?

Helena continued: “I have more mana than Derrick, my older brother.” Now she looked smug. “Even more than my father! That’s why he sent me to the military academy.”

I was not sure what to say so I just nodded. Would she be jealous if she found out about my huge amount of mana?

“So, you said your affinity is death magic? Necromancy works great with ice! The undead don’t care about the cold. You can cover a battlefield in snow, to slow the living, while your skeletons are not affected!”

“Sounds like you are planning to become a normal mage? Not a spellblade?” I asked.

“I am not sure yet what I will specialise in. I am not too bad with a weapon. But magic is cooler, you know.” The way she said the last part made it clear the pun was intended.

It was not a great pun but somehow I chuckled anyway.

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