Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 106: Mid-Year Exam

The next few weeks we focused on training and studying. While the mid-year exam was apparently not a big deal we still wanted to do well.

On the 53rd of Inares we had the physical exam. It was a sparring match with Peter, our teacher. I chose the staff as my weapon. At first he only defended to test my ability to attack. After a while he started fighting back. Slow at first but he gradually increased his speed. Soon I had to stop counter attacking and focused only on my defence.

After a while he stopped. “You pass. You are not a great fighter but it is more than acceptable. You have come a long way since the beginning of the year.”

I smiled, proudly. My hard work had paid off.

The next day we had a written exam. Afterwards we had to demonstrate a few spells. Telekinesis, water shield, ice knife, minor water heal, necrotic bolt… I even animated a small rat. Which Nyx ate after the exam. Overall the magical part was rather easy. Only a few students struggled. They would have to do better at the end of the year to avoid failing.

“Did you hear? Valeria got additional homework for the remaining year because she did so poorly in the physical exam.” Helena said.

“Apparently she did well enough that she can stay though.” Cassie added. Passing the exam was part of her special deal about joining mid-year.

“She is the daughter of a duchess. There is no way they would have kicked her out.” Skadi said.

I shrugged. “The important thing is, all of us did well! We didn’t get extra homework. I am surprised how relaxed it was.”

“I told you the mid-year is no big deal. It’s just to show people who have fallen behind that they need to work harder, if they want to pass at the end of the year.” Skadi said.

“Anyway, we need to celebrate this! Beer garden?” Helena suggested.

We all agreed. It was early afternoon but we had some celebrating to do.

“So, we have two weeks off now?” I said as we sat down. The server brought us the mugs and the menu.

“Yes! I have planned a hunt for us.” Helena said.

“You mentioned something like that. Wait! You planned that when you said you were studying, didn't you?” I said.

Helena blushed. “I mean… The exam was easy anyway! Back to the hunt. There is a nice forest nearby. It’s pretty safe. Being a noble I got a hunting licence for us. We can camp there for a few days and get some corpses for Koyuki! Maybe you can make mounts for all of us.” She suggested.

“No crackers. We bring real food.” Cassie said. “Actually, I have worked on some flavouring potions…”

“What about the self cooling beverages?” I asked.

“There was a flaw in my plan…” She admitted. “Making them is expensive. People who could afford them could just hire a water mage to cool their beverages. Or buy a fancy ice box. And if you make a mistake it could be... dangerous.”

“Did you explode someone?” I asked while filling my mug.

“No no, those drinks would simply cool someone a bit too much. Just mild hypothermia. Totally curable with some fire magic.” She said.

“Did you try this on yourself?” Skadi asked.

“I…” Cassie blushed.

Skadi sighed. “You need to be more careful.”

“I am! I promise! Nothing exploded recently! Well, except for the things that were supposed to explode…” She mumbled the last part.

“Back to the trip, I have organised some decent provisions. No crackers.” Helena said. “It will only take a day to get there. I have got a map and a good camping place. It’s next to a small stream so we have water.”

“Should we be concerned about attacks? Have you considered security?” I asked.

“We have your undead. Frank, the two goblins, Nyx and we could bring the remaining zombies…” She grimaced. “Do you think you can turn them into skeletons by now?”

“I can try.” I said. While I had not trained that particular spell for the exam my control over magic had improved.

“We should bring the Iron Beaks.” Cassie said, then took a sip of her beer.

Helena nodded. “We should certainly bring some. They could be a powerful weapon. Maybe ten or so.”

“They are small. We could bring all of them!” Cassie suggested.

“We have 87 now, I think. That is a bit much.” I said.

“Maybe we bring twenty?” Skadi proposed while refilling her mug.

“I think we could do twenty.” Helena agreed. “And Koyuki could raise more skeletons as we hunt, for added protection. I think you should bring materials to enhance the bones. Oh, I have cleared it with the headmaster as well. He approved of our trip.”

“If they use us as bait to catch someone we should demand payment.” Skadi said.

I stared at her.

“What? You think they are not considering that? If they believe someone will come for you they are going to use this.” She pointed out.

“You have a point.” I admitted.

“If someone attacks we should get their corpses!” Cassie suggested.

“Maybe we could even make more draugrs.” Helena mused.

I shrugged. “So, what are we going to hunt?”

“Since the forest is near the city it is well patrolled. There should not be any dangerous monsters. We are going for some animals. Maybe a pack of wolves, a bear, some deer,...” Helena said.

It sounded like a fun trip. Hopefully I could get some nice skeletons.

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