Koyuki, the Necromancing Foxkin

CHAPTER 1: Awakening

The day I had been dreading was here. My 16th birthday. Officially I was now an adult in the kingdom of Nethena. Most children were looking forward to it. The day they could finally make their own decisions. But such freedom remained a dream for me. The collar around my neck served as a constant reminder of my status, a slave.

I never even knew my parents. Nobody told me anything about them. I was simply a possession of the Rossalyn Academy. They specialised in training young girls as maids, and selling them once they reached adulthood. That was my current destination. The auction house. I wore a long black dress, with a hole in the back to fit my tail. The white apron created a nice contrast but I would have preferred some colour.

Unfortunately my wandering thoughts failed to truly distract me. Too soon we arrived at the stage where my future would be decided. I stood on a small platform, in the centre of a large room. Behind me, near the wall, was the person leading the auction. In a half circle in front of me people were sitting in comfortable chairs, sipping drinks. I was just one of many items that were sold today. I would have liked to run but I knew what kind of pain my collar could inflict.

“And our next item is a fully trained maid from the famous Rossalyn Academy!” The announcer used magic to project his voice into the room. “She is 1,59 metres tall, has beautiful black hair and just look at those fluffy ears! Her skin is naturally pale and the purple eyes are real, not an illusion! She is a rare kind of foxkin and in perfect health!”

I felt a lot of emotions, standing there. Anger was among them. What gave anyone the right to own me? To decide my fate? They tried to make me meek and disciplined me many times. But they failed to break me. Not that it did me any good. Even if I somehow disabled the collar the entrance was guarded.

A sudden scream interrupted the proceedings. I looked behind me towards the door to the stage. I was led through that earlier. The room on the other side held more items that would be auctioned off later. It was clear that a fight was going on. Would there be a chance to flee? Some of the buyers had their own security with them. Many people in the room drew weapons but nobody moved.

The announcer backed away from the door, clearly concerned. What he did not expect was the wall exploding right next to him. He disappeared under a pile of rubble. There was my chance! He was the person who currently held the control crystal for my collar. I ran straight through the hole in the wall.

The room on the other side was unnaturally dark. As a foxkin I could see fine at night but whatever magic was at work here blocked my vision. I stumbled around hoping to get away. The air around me felt cold. I became weaker, sluggish. Something caught my foot and I fell. It was a corpse. I ignored it and tried to stand. But I was too weak. So I started crawling instead. I felt my life slowly drain away. I… I wanted to live… to be free…

The cold reached my heart with an icy grip. Suddenly it did not feel so bad anymore. It was like a hug. When was the last time someone held me? I stopped. Would death really be that bad? Why did I keep fighting? A part of my mind was still screaming to go on. Silly me. Why reject death’s gentle embrace? I closed my eyes and the world went dark.

I awoke in bed. Did I die? The familiar feeling of the collar around my neck would suggest no. I looked around. I was alone in a room with white walls. My clothing was gone, except for my underwear. But I was covered by a thick blanket. A small nightstand held a cup of water. I grabbed it and drank. How did I survive? I was no expert on magic but that cloud felt like death.

The door opened and a woman walked in. She was dressed in the white robes of a healer.

“You are awake, good.” She said,

“What happened to me?” I asked.

“You ran into a death cloud like an idiot. It’s a miracle you survived. How are you feeling?”

“Um… fine?”

“Great, I will tell your new master. He is eager to talk to you.”

After that she left and I started to worry. Who bought me? Did they really finish the auction after what happened? I tried to remember who showed interest in me but nobody stood out. I did not have to wonder long, soon a man entered the room.

He was clean shaven with short black hair. There was a scar above his right eye. He had piercing green eyes. He looked middle aged and very fit. But the most interesting part was his uniform. He wore black pants with a dark blue stripe on the side. His jacket had two rows of silver buttons in the front. It was also black. His shoulders held a rank insignia which I could not identify. But he was clearly in the military. Did the army buy me? Or was that a personal purchase?

“I am Major Arthur, in service of Princess Olivia.” He introduced himself.

“I… I am Koyuki sir.”

“Interesting name. Who are your parents?”

“I don’t know. Nobody ever told me, I can’t remember them.”

“What can you remember?”

“Nothing before the age of six sir. I only ever remember being at the Rossalyn Academy. They discouraged any questions about my past.”

“Hm. Have you received any magical training?”

“No sir. Anyone who displayed magical talent was sent to a different class. We had no contact with them.”

“So your talent never manifested before today?”

“I… I am confused sir. What talent? What happened at the auction?”

“An item was stolen. One of the attackers was a necromancer and conjured a death cloud. To survive as long as you did one would normally either need a spell, or a magical item to shield oneself. Nothing was found on your person. The most logical conclusion is a natural resistance. That would mean you have a strong affinity for death magic. Do you know what that means?”

I paled. I never received any training in magic. But the main use of death magic was to kill. That was not something people wanted slaves to possess. He did not seem to expect an answer because Arthur continued: “It means the princess is willing to offer you freedom in exchange for your service.”

What? Freedom? The princess? I stared, dumbfounded.

“It is quite simple. You will be freed and receive the full rights of a citizen. Your collar will be removed. In return you will have to attend the military academy and sign a contract for 10 years of service, after graduation.”

“Um, why?”

“The princess is buying many slaves with sufficient magical or martial talent and offers them similar deals. During your service, a part of your salary will be used to cover the cost of your education. If you fail you will have to repay all the money the princess invested in you.”

And I would not have that money. People unable to pay their debts were usually enslaved. I would end up where I started. But if I succeeded I would earn my freedom. It was a chance.

“Sir, what can you tell me about the academy?”

“It is four years where you will be taught magic, fighting, strategy and leadership.”


“Yes, after graduation you will be an officer in the royal army. Since Princess Olivia sponsors you she will decide your posting.”

“I would be an officer? Not a common soldier?”

“Of course. You will be a fully trained mage after all. With your affinity for death magic you will become a necromancer. One of the best disciplines for large scale combat. It is also rather rare.”

I still had a lot of questions. My knowledge about politics was rather limited. Princess Olivia was not the first in line for succession, I knew that much. Her brother James was the crown prince and would inherit the throne. Was Olivia simply in charge of the military and recruitment? Did she want loyal soldiers for herself? In the end it did not matter that much to me. Freedom! I could have it.

“I accept.”

Arthur smiled. “Excellent. You will have today to rest, tomorrow you will be escorted to the academy. I shall arrange the contract and all necessary supplies. You will be a great asset for the kingdom.”

Then he left and I was alone with my thoughts. Magic! Most people discovered their talent before the age of ten. Awakening at 16 was unheard of. What did that mean? Did they make a mistake? Also, death magic. It was a scary thought. A lot of people considered it evil. But was that true or just the fear of its power? I spent the remaining day in bed contemplating my future.

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