Konoha: I opened my vest in the infinite monthly reading world

Chapter 67 Death Forest

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

dead forest

This is a huge virgin forest. There are many such forests in the Fire Country, but the reason why it is called the Death Forest is because there are many things here that can kill ninjas.

Even jounin needs to be careful after entering the forest of death, because if you are not careful, you will be ambushed by the poisonous insects and beasts hidden here.

At this time, in the forest of death, the deputy ANBU minister, Metkai, was leading the ANBU behind him to gallop quickly.


In front of these ANBU, a huge brown bear suddenly blocked the ANBU's path. The brown bear roared crazily, and then quickly rushed towards Metkai at the front.

"Kunai Bee Sting."

Facing the huge brown bear, Metkai's face was cold and ruthless, his right hand passed through the ninja bag, and then he threw a kunai casually.


The kunai was attached with wind attribute chakra, and then like an invisible steel needle, it instantly pierced the brown bear's right eye, and the kunai pierced the brown bear's brain.


At the same time, Metkai's figure quickly appeared in front of the brown bear, and with a hook of his right hand, the thrown kunai was immediately taken back by Metkai. A stream of blood sprayed out from the brown bear's eye socket, but it was taken back by Metkai. Tekai avoided it perfectly.

As an ANBU ninja, you not only have to pay attention to killing with one hit, but you also need to know how to recycle ninja tools and prevent yourself from being stained with even a little blood.

"Tenzo, investigate."

Kai's eyes were cold. He made a gesture, then stopped, and ordered an ANBU ninja behind him.

"Secret Technique·Tree Sense."

A ninja wearing a dog-face mask quickly clasped his hands together, then squatted down and pressed his right hand on the tree trunk at his feet.

"One, two..."

"Ten chakra reactions."

Tianzang raised his right hand from the tree trunk, with cold eyes, and reported the situation he perceived to Metkai.

"It's a Gennin."

"Zhiwei, check for traps."

Metkai's expression turned cold, and he instantly realized that the chakra Tenzo sensed was the third generation of Gennin.

"Secret Technique·Insect Swarm."

Behind Metkai, Aburame Shimi opened his hands, and countless parasites swarmed out of his cuffs and scattered in the forest.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of explosions sounded in the forest of death. Some parasitic insects had obviously touched the root ninja's trap.


Aburame Shiwei wiped the cold sweat from her forehead. It was undoubtedly very difficult to use parasites to detect the traps set by root ninjas. It also required Aburame Shiwei to control the parasites to the limit.

"Blast, Xi Yan."

"You are responsible for setting the trap. The others will follow me."

Metkai gave an order and then disappeared directly into the forest of death, followed by a large number of Anbu who also disappeared.

They have been hiding. The huge forest of death is enough for these ninjas to hide their assassinations. As for frontal combat, they are ninjas. Unless there is a ninja war, ninjas will assassinate in small teams.

"Xi Yan, leave it to me to set up the trap, and you are responsible for guarding it."

ANBU ninja Gekko Hayate glanced at the girl behind him, then nodded, and disappeared.

The Moonlight Family is a family of secret arts. Under the moonlight, they are invincible, but during the day, they seem a little lacking.

Therefore, Moonlight Hayate took the initiative to take on the task of setting up traps, leaving Uzuki Xiyan in charge of guarding them. With ANBU's methods, Moonlight Hayate had already laid out a large number of traps in just a few minutes.

The steel wires are intricate and scattered all over the forest. Some trees have even been placed with detonating talismans by the moonlight blast, and the detonating talismans are densely packed.


After Moonlight Swift Wind laid the last trap, he breathed a sigh of relief, then stood up and wiped the sweat from his forehead.


Just as Moonlight Hayate was wiping his sweat, a kunai tied with a detonating talisman quickly stabbed into Moonlight Hayate's back, where there was a blind spot in Moonlight Hayate's vision and defense.


The kunai instantly pierced into Moonlight Hayate's back, but no blood appeared. Instead, Moonlight Hayate's body turned into a puff of smoke, and in the smoke was a log.

"Damn it, I got it."

On top of a big tree, a root ninja's pupils shrank. His eyes quickly scanned the surroundings, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead.


Behind the root ninja, a beautiful figure appeared, and the sword in his hand flashed with a sword light, and then directly cut the root ninja in half.

"Ahem, miscalculation."

The root ninja's pupils dilated, a cold smile appeared on his face, his right hand stood up tremblingly, and on his chest, a detonating talisman flashed.

"Come to hell with me."

The Gen ninja's face was filled with a ferocious smile, Uzuki Xiyan's pupils shrank, and he quickly backed away.


The detonating talisman on the Gennin's body exploded, and the aftermath of the explosion blew Uzuki Xiyan away and hit the trees behind him.

"Ahem, carelessness."

A bitter smile appeared on Maoyue Xiyan's face, she gently took off the mask on her face and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Xiyan, are you okay?"

Moonlight Hayate, who had been the bait before, appeared in front of Uoyuki Xiyan, his eyes full of worry.


However, just as Yue Guang Feng finished speaking, he found that a trap he had arranged in the southwest was triggered, which made Yue Guang Feng's face become serious.

"Let's go, I'm only slightly injured."

Uoyue Xiyan wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, put on her mask again, and then quickly sped away in the direction of the explosion.

"Fire Release·Fire Bullet."

As soon as they arrived at the explosion area, a huge flame rushed straight towards Uoyuki Xiyan from the shadow. The scorching temperature made Uoyuki Xiyan's hair a little scorched.

"Konoha-ryu Swordsmanship: Fuliu."

Uoyuki Xiyan turned around quickly. The sword in her right hand was like the breeze blowing through the willows. Her movements were graceful and swift. The fireball in front of her was split into two by Uoyuki Xiyan.

"Konoha style swordsmanship?"

From the shadows, a root ninja came out and looked at Uazuki Xiyan with cold eyes. Then his eyes shrank and he jumped back quickly.


Where the Gennin had just stood, a kunai was nailed to the ground. The Gennin looked solemnly at Moonlight Hayate, who was standing on the tree trunk, and dropped his right hand, holding a kunai in his hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh.

The root ninja's hands were like windmills, and his teammates had already fallen into the trap, so in a one-on-two situation, they could only use kunai to interfere.

Kunai shurikens were thrown towards the two of them by the Gen ninja. The precise and dense ninja tools forced Moonlight Hayate and Uzuki Yugan to take the lead in dealing with the incoming ninja tools.

Ding, ding, ding.

There was a clear sound of metal collision, and Uzuki Xiyan quickly shot down the incoming kunai with her sword, but by the time she finished handling the ninja tool, the previous root ninja had disappeared.

"Wonderful, what a wonderful ninja battle."

Luo Ming stood on a big tree in the Forest of Death, looking down at the battle between the two Moonlight Hayate and the Root Ninja. It must be said that this was a battle that brought the attributes of ninjas to the extreme.

If you miss a hit, you will flee away immediately.

Like a poisonous snake hiding in the shadows, it is always ready to deliver a fatal blow to the enemy.

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