Konoha: Gu master

Chapter 77: Sensei, I Can’t Breathe

Natural energy is a force native to the ninja world, but it's not something that can be directly harnessed by ninjas.

To overcome this limitation, the Three Great Sanctuaries developed Sage Mode—a method for using Senjutsu chakra. Senjutsu chakra is formed by blending spiritual energy, physical energy, and natural energy in a perfect ratio of 1:1:1.

Shinho Aburame's goal was clear: to create a Sage Mode specifically for the Aburame clan, one that would allow them to use natural energy in conjunction with their parasitic insects.

He looked at the mutated parasitic insect in his hand, and with a thought, it began to absorb the surrounding natural energy. Soon, a wildly chaotic energy surged around it—this was unmistakably natural energy.

Shinho recalled Naruto Uzumaki’s training in the original series when he learned Sage Mode. On paper, it sounded simple: absorb natural energy, then balance it with chakra. But in practice, it was far more complicated.

Absorbing too much or too little natural energy could lead to disastrous consequences. In Mount Myoboku, excess absorption caused petrification, while in Ryuchi Cave, it transformed one into a snake. As for Shikkotsu Forest, it was never mentioned in the original series, but Shinho suspected the result might involve becoming part of the slug sage. After all, the slug sage was massive.

So, what kind of side effects would come from an Aburame-specific Sage Mode?

Shinho had no way of knowing. However, one thought crossed his mind—since the Aburame clan acted as a living hive for their insects, could they theoretically enter Sage Mode by having the insects spread across their bodies?

It was similar in concept to a Jinchuriki. But he couldn’t experiment on himself—he wasn't a typical Aburame clan member. For that, he’d have to test it on Shino.

With that thought, Shinho put away the parasitic insect and began cultivating his true essence.

"Shinho, come down for dinner," Shizune called from outside the door, knocking gently.

Shinho opened his eyes. The sky outside had darkened; he had spent the entire afternoon training.

"Wash your hands first," Shizune reminded him before turning to leave.

Shinho quickly washed his hands in the kitchen sink and then headed to the dinner table. Tsunade was already seated.

"Sensei," Shinho greeted her as he sat down on her left.

"Alright, eat your fill," Shizune said, setting down a bowl of miso soup.

"Shizune," Tsunade said between bites of tempura shrimp, speaking with her mouth full, "we're going to the capital city of the Land of Fire next Saturday."

"What about Shinho?" Shizune immediately looked toward Shinho with concern.

"I’m coming along," Shinho answered without hesitation.

"Bring extra money," Tsunade said after swallowing her food and licking her lips. "I lost a lot last month, but this time, I’ll be winning it all back."

"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune suddenly raised her voice, clearly frustrated.

"Why are you yelling?" Tsunade flinched, startled by the outburst.

"We’re out of money!" Shizune said angrily.

"How could we be out of money?" Tsunade blinked, genuinely puzzled.

"Back when we were traveling, we’d occasionally make money by treating wealthy patients. But ever since we returned to Konoha, there’s been zero income," Shizune said with a strained smile. "Where do you think the money is coming from?"

Her expression was that of someone maintaining composure through sheer force of will, reminiscent of those who returned to work after an extended holiday, only to face six consecutive days of exhaustion.

Following Tsunade around was like living on the edge—frequent hunger, long stretches of discomfort, and constant debt collection.

Shinho instinctively adjusted his sunglasses, only to remember he wasn’t wearing any.

Tsunade shrank back slightly, intimidated by Shizune’s outburst. The real issue, though, was that she knew Shizune was right. Still, did she think of quitting gambling?


That wasn’t going to happen in this lifetime. Gambling was her way of life, even if it meant just scraping by.

Tsunade’s eyes suddenly brightened as they landed on Shinho.

This kid seems to have plenty of money lately.

"Shinho," Tsunade cleared her throat. "How about lending your sensei some money? I’ll pay you back later."

"I won’t," Shinho refused without hesitation.

Expect her to pay back? That would be a miracle.

Before Shinho could react, Tsunade grabbed his head and pulled him into her soft chest.

Suddenly, all he could see was her muscled body, veins bulging slightly under the skin.

From the side, Shizune watched the whole scene unfold in disbelief, at a loss for words.

Isn’t this a bit too much? she thought. This can't be good for the boy’s growth.

But Tsunade clearly wasn’t listening.

"Sensei, I can’t breathe," Shinho managed to gasp, struggling to escape the suffocating hold. But every time he moved, his face was squished between what felt like large, soft basketballs.

"I’ll let you go once you agree to lend me money," Tsunade said, cracking her knuckles ominously.

Desperate for air, Shinho managed to suck in a couple of deep breaths, but his nose was still pressed against her shirt.

Suddenly, Tsunade’s body tensed up. Despite the layer of fabric between them, she could feel the heat from his face through her chest. She instinctively loosened her grip.

"How much do you want to borrow?" Shinho asked, finally catching his breath. His face was flushed from the near-suffocating experience.

"Fifty thousand ryo," Tsunade said, holding up five fingers.

"Fine," Shinho replied, his voice calm and collected.

Tsunade blinked, surprised by his nonchalance.

How calm… This kid definitely has more money than I thought. I should find more opportunities to squeeze him a bit.

She felt justified in this logic. After all, she was Shinho’s teacher. The value of the medical ninjutsu and taijutsu she had taught far exceeded a mere fifty thousand ryo.

As for Shinho, he didn’t really care. The money wasn’t even his—it had come from Hinata and Ino. Wait a minute… Who’s the real freeloader here?

Shinho glanced at Tsunade, falling into deep thought. It seemed like making money had to become a priority.

After dinner, Tsunade stood up to leave the table. Shinho was about to head out as well when Shizune called out to him.

"Could you help me clear the table?" she asked, gesturing to the dishes.

"Sure," Shinho replied, gathering the plates and following her into the kitchen.

"Wait, I have something to say," Shizune said as she crouched down in front of him, leveling her gaze with his.

"What’s wrong?" Shinho asked, his eyes briefly flicking downward. Despite her open neckline, there wasn’t much to see. A little disappointing.

"Don’t spoil Tsunade-sama too much," Shizune said sternly, her expression serious.

Shinho looked at her, puzzled.

"Tsunade-sama likes to drink and gamble," Shizune bit her lip. "If she keeps this up, we’ll end up bankrupt. It’s our responsibility as her students to keep her in check."

She had tried countless times to stop Tsunade, but nothing had worked. With Shinho now in the picture, she hoped they could work together. After all, two voices were stronger than one.

"I understand," Shinho nodded.

He wasn’t sure if talking sense into Tsunade would work, but he could just become stronger and settle things physically in the future if needed.

"Good luck," Shizune smiled warmly, ruffling his hair. "I’ll be counting on you then."

Another head pat?

Alright, alright. You’ll be on my list too.

Shinho added it to his mental notes before turning to leave the kitchen.

"Sensei," Shinho called out as he approached the couch where Tsunade was lounging. "Can you teach me a new jutsu?"

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And Done , HAVE A GREAT DAY/NIGHT(‾◡◝) seeya!

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