Knight’s Pledge

Chapter 1: Dawnwell

The sun rose on a new day. Its light filtering through the clouds before passing through glass and bouncing throughout the room. Allen was snuggly sleeping in his bed clutching his pillow close to him as he slowly opened his eyes. His body refusing to move he started to have horny thoughts thanks to his morning wood. His tail waving back and forth in the air as he slowly started to move his nude body and sat up before standing up.

'I want to cum...' He thought as he stretched his body and yawned to get the last bit of drowsiness out. He then placed his hands on his floor and slowly started to do a split before stopping and raising his ass into the air as high as it would go. Staying in that pose before standing back up again. A knock was heard on his bedroom door.

"Come in." Allen responded as his personal butler came in

"Your bath is ready young master Allen."

"Thank you Adam." Allen said

Allen walked into the bathroom that was attached to his bedroom and slipped into the marble tub before sitting down. He breathed a sigh of relief as he allowed himself to enjoy the bath. Slightly touching himself in the process. After a while he was being washed by servants that his father employed to look after him. His snow white fur being a source of pride for the servants as it was himself.

After the bath the servants left Allen to dry himself off with a towel before silently walking back into his bedroom where his clothes were already laid out for him. White button up shirt with black vest, black silk pants and black leather shoes. Two of the top buttons were undone and he wore a sleek black chocker on his neck. Looking in the mirror he was satisfied with his appearance and went to the dining room to meet with his father. Sitting down in his seat, breakfast was served as he and Samuel started to eat.

"Allen. I got a letter from Leon that was addressed to you." Samuel said between bites

"Is it about the academy?" Allen asked, Samuel nodded as he passed his son an envelope. On it was a seal. The design was that of a flower with 5 petals.

Allen put it aside as he continued to eat breakfast before his father spoke up, "You should go there Allen. There is only so much I can teach you on my own." 

Allen hummed, "You do have other duties Father. Going to the academy would help with that." 

"And going there will let you interact with children your own age." Allen stopped at that and looked at his father before saying, "I'm not a child. I'm 18 years old."

"The fact that you need to point that out still makes you a child in my eyes. Ah. Both my sons have grown up to be quite handsome." Samuel smirked as he sang in a proud voice

Allen went a little red in the face at his father's teasing and praise before finishing his meal, grabbing the envelope, and walking away. Samuel kept the smirk on his face as Allen's ass was reflected in his gray eyes.

Allen shut the door to his room and sat on a soft before opening the letter:

Dear Brother,

Hello brother, its been a while since we last seen each other. As for me I've been doing well, the classes are interesting and the teachers are good as for the scenery as well. I know this letter is short, but you have to enroll in Evean Academy to see what I am talking about. And who knows maybe you could take a peek at me while I am bathing ❤️.

Your beloved older brother, Leon Dawnwell.

Allen chuckled when he read the letter. In the past he and Leon used to bath together when they were kids since it was more fun and efficient to do so. Not to mention the furship that he, Samuel, and Leon did together. And now that Allen was of age Leon felt the need to take it up a notch. He still didn't know about his father taking peeks at him when he could however.

Allen looked at the coat that was hanging on the coat rack and swiped it putting it on his left shoulder and went out of his room. Before he went out however he informed one of the servants that he was going to be out and to not prepare a carriage. With that he went on his way.

Entering the busy streets Allen looked around to see if there was anything interesting going on. The wind blowing announcing that it was a November day. The sun around 10 am.

Commoners and nobles were in their own separate group, yet some of the two mingled together. The scent of food and lively chatter filled the air along with the clattering of horses and carriages. 

Feeling a bit hungry even though he just ate Allen slipped into a building off the main street. It was one of the hidden gems of the city even though it was off the beaten path.

Inside was bright atmosphere with smooth wooden floors with plenty of light streaming through the windows. There were a couple of coat racks near the door, a bar was lined on the far wall with a couple of wooden tables and seats scattered around. Allen took a seat at the bar when the bartender was tending to another customer. A male red wolf. 

Allen waited before the bartender, a panther with dark purple fur bordering on black turned to him, "Ah hello Mr. Dawnwell. What can I get for you?" He asked in a cheerful voice

Allen looked over the menu and ordered 2 slices of pepperoni pizza. The pizza here was good and the bright atmosphere helped as well.

While Allen was waiting for his food the wolf from earlier started to talk to himself, "The Evean Academy exams. How am I going to pay for them?" Which caught his interest.

"You planning on taking the exams?"

The red wolf turned to Allen and shook his head, he was wearing commoner clothes, "My son is. Thing is I am a little worried for him. Evean Academy is one of the best schools in the entire empire. Plus not to mention the rumors of the place."

Allen knew what the wolf was talking about. Being a 4 year all-boys knight school situated on an island he could see how learning and sweating alongside your fellow man would lead to some interesting relationships forming...especially...interesting...

Allen stopped that train of thought as quickly as it appeared.

His food arrived, picking it up the chefs had consideration in letting the slices cool down before he took a bite, "Yeah, but those who went there won't confirm nor deny the rumors. I can see why. Planning on going there myself."

"You are? Well I do hope you get in, and if my son gets in can you say that I am proud of him no matter what he does?"

"If he gets in and if I see him. There is no guarantee he will pass. I've heard there were commoners who did get in, though they have better luck getting into the military."

"True." The wolf said as he drank out of his mug before putting money on the counter and leaving, "Well. It was nice talking with you."

Allen watched as the wolf left before finishing his two pizzas. He put a gold coin on the counter and got up, grabbing his coat before going outside and entering the busy streets again. 

Weaving through the crowd as he went back home. He had no reason to go sight seeing today and even though the entrance exams for the Academy were 3 months away he couldn't slack off.

After lunch Samuel decided instead of having one of the knights train Allen he would sharpen Allen's swordsmanship. Even though Allen has been training with his brother for the better part of two years Allen hasn't experienced any actual combat. After doing a couple of warmups Samuel tossed Allen a wooden sword. It wasnt like the others, this one had an edge and could draw blood.


"You're wondering why I gave you that sword right Allen?" Allen nodded, "It's because if you are going to become a knight then you're going to have to get used to harming or killing an opponent. You're lucky you've been given this chance son." Samuel said as he put his sword in front of him. The air then changed as Samuel's eyes hardened.

Allen immediately went on guard as he saw Samuel's eyes. He had no doubts that his father would harm him, but to what extent he didn't know. And frankly that was a terrifying thought for him. Chivalry wasn't a thing in this world, at least not in the empire Allen lived in, but that didn't mean the knights weren't kind, it just meant that the knights were devoted to protecting the empire and weren't obligated to be courteous to everyone they came across.

As father and son looked at each Allen noticed openings in his father's guard, openings that when struck would do some serious damage or outright kill a person. He tried to keep calm, but the heart beating in his chest and the sheer power radiating from his father said otherwise. He had to make a move. Move, move, move. Allen had to close his eyes to calm himself. Samuel not taking a single step from his spot as he watched Allen.

Allen calmed down and opened his eyes knowing now that his father wouldn't kill him nor gravely harm him. He then made the first move rushing towards his father. Samuel sidestepped Allen and deflected the swing that was meant for him to the side. 

Allen then looked at his father who retreated a couple steps away from him.

'Father is keeping me at arm's length, and I swung too wide in my haste to attack.' Allen thought when Samuel went to stab Allen. Samuel bent his body low and lunged forward. The strike was fast but Allen blocked it, barely. 

'Fast. And strong!' Allen thought as he was on the defensive. 

Stab, stab, swing

stab, stab, swing

swing, swing, stab, stab, stab.

Moving foward with each attack Allen was forced to back pedal blocking and dodging to the best of his ability gaining a few cuts for his effort. Until his back was against the wall. Literally.

Samuel giving his son a chance to get out of the situation swung down from over his head as Allen had no room to move his arms with his father being right on top of him. Allen ducking to his left side as he got out of the way of Samuel's attack again.

He was starting to run out of breath. 

Allen took a couple of steps away as he and Samuel put up their swords again as they moved away from the wall. After all, this was training and not a real fight. Once again Allen made the first move, stabbing at Samuel.

Samuel started to backpedal, but instead of just backpedaling like Allen did Samuel moved from side to side when it suited him, and when Allen swung his sword at his father from the right Samuel also turned his body to right before ducking under Allen's sword and using his foot to unbalance Allen. And when Allen fell forward Samuel used this opportunity to fall on Allen as well. Using Allen's body to cushion the fall.

"Ow ow ow." Allen cried before a wooden sword was stabbed toward the right side of his head. He could feel something pressing down on him from behind to prevent him from moving. And a fluffy paw was holding the back of his neck down.

He turned his head to see what was going on, and even though he knew the answer he didn't want to look, but he did anyway and saw Samuel on top of him. Closer to him than any parent ought to be. Samuel's unblinking gray eyes staring at him, waiting for him to make a move.

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