Knight: Double comparison, this time the king is too stable

Chapter 170

Shinji Kido's words broke the defense of everyone in the black-framed Dragon Knight world outside the light curtain!!

Everyone in the black frame world has been completely stunned...

This being in their world, who kills everyone in sight, is called a demon, and the motive for killing... is actually to stop the fight and intend to shut down Mirror world? ? ?

Can you believe this? ? ?

There are many ways to stop a fight, such as persuading others to agree with your point of view...

But this guy chose the most bloody and cruel way!!

Kill everyone and use the opportunity to realize the wish to stop the fight...

This horse... let's call him a villain, he wants to stop the fight!!

Call him a decent guy, this kid doesn't care about human affairs at all, he's more of a villain than a villain!!

So... the barrage of black-framed Dragon Rider World exploded in an instant!!

【Kitaoka Shuichi (Black): Damn it...even I can't help but swear. Is this kid trying to stop the fight, or is he enjoying the fun of killing? ?】

【Ren Akiyama (Black): Is he really trying to stop the fight? ? It seems that the person who fights the most fiercely is him.……】

【Wei Asakura (Black): What does he mean? ? Do you want to show that you are a good person? ?】

【Yura Goro (Black): Although his method of stopping the fight is very strange, it has to be said that it is very effective. At least it is much more effective than Shinji Shiro's method in another world.……】

【Hiba Makoto Kamiyama: Ever since the story of Kurosougo-senpai ended, I thought there would be no villain protagonist, but I didn’t expect that there would be another one.……】

【Gan Qiao: This style is indeed very villainous.……】

【Shinji Kido: Kill everyone first, become the last person alive, and then use the opportunity of wish fulfillment to stop the fight? ? Then if the wish cannot be realized in the end, wouldn’t everyone’s death be in vain? ?】

【Jun Shibaura (Black): What does it have to do with him when a person dies? His real purpose is not to prevent fighting, but to enjoy the pleasure of killing!!】

【Hidetoshi Ukiyo: I suspect he just enjoys the pleasure of hunting others arbitrarily!!】

【Tojo Satoru (Black): Be confident and get rid of doubts……】


Black frame screen.

After hearing what Shinji Kido said, Yui Kanzaki froze on the spot... the expression on her pretty face seemed a little stiff!! What on earth is this guy talking about?


Is this how to stop fights? ?

Killing everyone, and then using the opportunity to realize wishes to close the mirror world, what kind of prevention of fighting is this? ?

You were the one who fought the hardest, right? ?

Yui Kanzaki is really fed up with Shinji Kido’s fallacies.……

"You are simply unreasonable!!"

She stamped her feet, and then left quickly. If she continued chatting with Shinji Kido, she would make herself angry to death...

Shinji Kido waved his hand, with a smirk on his face.

Why stop the fight and close the mirror world? , it’s all just random nonsense...

He won’t do such boring things.……


White frame picture.

After some boring monster spawning, the third Kamen Rider finally appeared!!

Kamen Rider Scissors scissors!!

The person he transformed into was a detective named Masashi Suto. Although he was a detective, he was treacherous and sinister...

Shiro Shinji was defeated by him after a battle with him!!

In the end, Akiyama Ren and Sudou Masashi started a decisive battle...

Due to Sudou Masashi's negligence, Ren Akiyama stabbed the card box with a sword, causing his contract to become invalid...

Sudou Masashi was killed by his contracted beast, the Volcano Crab. Eaten it all!!

In the Dragon Knight world, the Kamen Rider with the shortest appearance time until death is this Kamen Rider!!

The audience saw Shinji Shiro being beaten up by Masashi Sudou, and for a moment they didn't know how to evaluate him!!

Black Shinji is killing people next door!!

Kill whoever you see!!

A fight between the Kamen Rider and the monster!!

As a result, this kid is eating like crazy!!

It’s really hard for the audience to evaluate!!

Call him weak...

He has the same power as Kuro Shinji, and has the same contracted beast!!

Let's call him strong. As soon as he sees Kamen Rider, he will be defeated. Even if he is beaten by Ren Akiyama, now Sudou Masashi appears and can beat him...

In the end, it is Ren Akiyama who can beat Masashi Sudou. Take it……


Black frame screen.

Late at night.

Momoi Reiko from ORE Daily News came to a closed antique shop alone.

Because the owner of this store, Tomoyuki Kaga, is also one of the people on the missing list, Momoi Reiko naturally wants to come over and investigate!!

After arriving at the antique store, Momoi Reiko found that the store door was unlocked, so she opened the door and walked in!!

Unexpectedly, as soon as she entered the antique store, she was attacked by a mysterious man and was knocked unconscious!!

When she woke up again, she found herself in the hospital!!

It was a detective named Masashi Sudo who sent her here...

After the ORE Daily News learned that Momoi Reiko was injured and hospitalized, they immediately sent Shinji Kido to visit the hospital!!

When Kido Shinji arrived at the hospital, he happened to bump into Sudou Masashi who was asking Momoi Reiko about the situation in the ward!!

"In short, our police will investigate the attack on you."

"Then I'll leave first……"

Seeing the arrival of Shinji Kido, Masashi Suto immediately ended the topic and left the ward!!

When he left, Shinji Kido narrowed his eyes slightly and stared at him...

Shinji Kido always felt that Masashi Sudou was not a good person!!

There is a familiar aura on his body...

This aura... belongs to the mirror world!!!

It seems that this detective is very likely to be a Kamen Rider, and even if not, he has some connection with the Mirror World!!

After Sudou Masashi left, Momoi Reiko said to Kido Shinji:

"Shinji, I would like to ask you to help me investigate the owner of the antique shop, Kaga Tomoyuki!!"

"He disappeared mysteriously……"

"Even several regular customers who often went to his antique shop disappeared together!!"

"There is definitely something wrong with him!!"

After hearing what Momoi Reiko said, Kido Shinji frowned slightly and his face changed slightly!!

Not only the owner of the antique shop, Kaga Tomoyuki, disappeared, but all the regular customers who went to the store also disappeared??


Kido Shinji happily agreed!!

However, when he left the hospital and passed through a deserted corridor!!

He suddenly felt his ears ringing, and a harsh tinnitus sounded!!

Shinji Kido turned his head and saw that a pair of legs A giant crab monster that walks upright and is covered with thick golden armor... is preparing to attack a lone female nurse!!

And this monster is none other than Sudou Masashi's contracted beast, the volcanic giant crab!!

The armor on its body, It is very thick and has terrifying defense!!

Using two huge crab claws in both hands as weapons!!

Being able to become a contract beast, the strength of the volcano giant crab is naturally very strong!!

The audience saw the volcano giant crab preparing to attack innocent passers-by, and their faces A look of anger appeared on everyone!!

Audiences who have seen the white frame screen know that the volcano giant crab is Sudou Masashi's contract beast!!

That guy... actually let his contract beast out to eat people???

The monsters in the mirror world are all a group of terrible monsters that eat people. The audience knows this!!

And the contracted beasts with a master will give up the idea of ​​eating people because of the restraint of the owner!!

For example, the darkness of Akiyama Ren Bat!!

Shinji Kido’s Crimson Dragon!!

Even Kamen Rider like Kuro Shinji, who enjoys killing and behaves more like a villain than a villain, didn’t let his contract beast out to eat people at will!!

As a result, Sudou Masashi, as a criminal police officer, did not restrain his contracted beast and allowed it to eat and attack people??

【Hiden or someone: This Sudou Masashi is really a scumbag.……】(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Eiji Hino: Originally, I didn't agree with Kuro Shinji killing people at will, but now that I think about it, if he killed Masashi Sudou, it would be pretty good.……】

【Kamishiro Sword: This guy is not a good bird!!】

【Taro Kisaragi: I thought all Kamen Riders were good people……】

【Wanzhang Longga: Let the contracted beast eat people. On the surface, this guy is a criminal policeman with a full sense of justice!!】

【Kiryu Sento: I didn’t expect him to be a scumbag and a hypocrite!!】

【Kenzaki Kazuma: It seems that he is really looking for death. He will eat people if he can eat them. The key is that he was caught by Kuroshinji.……】

【Kitaoka Shuichi (Black): I said that I have never heard of Kamen Rider Crab. It turns out that as soon as he came out, he met that"monster""……】

【Wei Asakura (Black): As soon as he appeared, he was targeted by this"monster", that Masashi Sudo, he was unlucky……】

【Yui Kanzaki (black): Shinji is not a monster!!】

【Ren Akiyama (Black): No wonder that guy, the way he killed Sudou Masashi was extremely cruel. I see.……】

Shinji Kido stared coldly at the volcanic giant crab that was about to attack!!

The Volcano Cancer seems to be aware of the existence of Shinji Kido!!

It glanced at Shinji Kido and found that Shinji Kido... exuded an aura that made its heart palpitate!!

The volcano giant crab did not continue to attack the female nurse, but chose to return to the mirror world, turned around and left!! []

The man in front of him gave him a very dangerous feeling!!

This feeling... made it a little flustered!!

So the Volcano Cancer didn't hesitate at all and just chose to run away!!

Although Shinji Kido is just an ordinary human being now, he kills mirror monsters like chopping melons and vegetables!!

The murderous aura emanating from his body naturally scares the mirror monsters!!

After all, the Volcano Cancer is just a mirror monster. If a similar person dies in this person's hands, can it not feel the danger? ?

Seeing the volcano giant crab turn around and run away, Shinji Kido frowned slightly, with a strange expression on his face!!

What's going on with this monster? ?

Are you that terrible? ?

Run away when you see yourself? ?

Shinji Kido sighed helplessly...

It seems that the crab monster may have realized that he had killed the mirror monster!!

That's why... when he saw himself, he turned around and ran away!!

And the female nurse who was suddenly attacked and turned pale with fright looked at Shinji Kido in shock!! Who is this man... ?

? ?

Why did that monster run away as soon as it saw him? ? ?

Shinji Kido ignored the frightened female nurse and chased him directly in the direction where the volcano giant crab was escaping!!

Although the volcano cancer is in the mirror world!!

But Shinji Kido can feel its breath!!

Chasing all the way...

Shinji Kido came to Kaga Tomoyuki's antique shop!!

And he felt that the crab monster was hiding in this antique shop!!

The crab monster's aura was moving extremely fast just now!!

But after arriving at this antique store, he suddenly stopped and never moved again!!

That just means... it's hiding in a mirror in an antique shop!!

And... such a purposeful monster is most likely the contracted beast of a certain Kamen Rider!!

It seems that... the matter in this antique store is not as simple as he imagined!!


Shinji Kido directly opened the door of the antique shop and walked in!!

As soon as he entered the antique store, his ears started to ring again!!

This made him even more certain that the crab monster was hiding here!!

While Shinji Kido was looking for traces of the volcanic giant crab, the detective Masashi Sudo suddenlyAppeared behind him!!

"What are you doing? ?"

"Didn’t I tell your (Wang’s) reporter that the rest of the matter would be left to our police? ? ?"

Masashi Suto angrily yelled at Shinji Kido.

Shinji Kido gave him a cold look, with a slight sneer on his lips...

He already understood!!

That volcanic giant crab is indeed a contract Beast!!

And... it is the contracted beast of the guy in front of me!!

So Shinji Kido stopped talking nonsense!!

Instead, he directly took out the card box and stared at Sudou Masashi coldly, his eyes filled with endless murderous intent!!

"Stop pretending……"

"Let’s get started!!!"

Cold murderous aura spread from Kido Shinji's body like a tide!!

Sudou Masashi's face suddenly changed when he saw the card box in Kido Shinji's hand!!

"Who are you……"

"Kamen Rider? ? ?"

"what you up to? ? ?"

Feeling the cold murderous aura emanating from Shinji Kido, Masashi Sudou felt slightly panicked!!

This guy in front of him has such a murderous aura... could it be that... he has already killed Kamen Rider???

When Fuji Masashi was extremely panicked... the next second, Shinji Kido's words made a deep fear rise in his heart!!

Shinji Kido stared at him coldly

"I'm here to kill you……"

Immediately afterwards, Shinji Kido slowly pointed the card box in his hand at the mirror on the side...

The audience saw this scene!!

I was stunned for a moment...

Masashi Sudou was going to be in trouble soon!!

Everyone in the Black Frame Dragoon World has begun to silently mourn for Masashi Sudou... provoke this monster!!

I'm afraid this guy's death will be extremely miserable... Bow...

Kamen Rider Crab will become the first prey hunted by the demon Shinji Kido.……

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