

After watching the sea shore, Kisame looked towards the island. As far as the eye can see, it is a dense forest with strange shapes.

In the woods, there are rows of towering trees, the tallest being more than 100 meters high. These trees are different from the trees in the ninja world. They don't have any leaf on them, only bare branches, and the bark is also eerily pale.

Rather than a tree, it is more like a bone, standing on the ground and stabbing at the sky.

And when he looked closer, he found that on the trunks and branches of these trees, there are countless blue and white slugs of several meters, and the largest is more than ten meters.

These slugs, without exception, are Katsuyu's clones from the main body.

They are spread across every corner of the island, exchanging information with their tentacles, forming a huge intelligence network.


A sticky liquid fell from the tree and almost landed on Kisame's shoes. He looked up and saw that it was fluid secreted from the slug's mouthparts, running down the tree trunk.

This is the origin of the name "Shikkotsu Forest".

"The most mysterious Shikkotsu forest of the three holy places is actually located above the vast sea."

Kisame muttered to himself, feeling surprised.

"I wasn't able to believe it either when I first reached this place. It takes several months to arrive by boat from the Ninja World. In fact, in the boundless sea where it is easy to get lost, no one has ever been able to find it. "

Tsunade liked seeing the shocked look on Kisame's face.

When Kisame heard this, a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, and he coveted the Shikkotsu Forest.

This isolated island is located in the depths of the vast sea, surrounded by endless seawater, and the island is full of natural energy.

With the sea, Kisame's water release ninjutsu will invincible. If he can learn Senjutsu and use the natural energy here, then in the entire ninja world, no one can defeat him here.

In an instant, Kisame made up his mind to turn the Shikkotsu Forest into his own lair.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but say to Tsunade: "I like this place so much, as soon as I set foot on the land of the Shikkotsu Forest, it's like returning home."

'Is there a need to exaggerate that much?'

Tsunade looked at Kisame feeling puzzled, and felt that there was something else in his words.

However, Katsuyu was very happy to hear this.

"Kisame-sama, thank you for your compliment. You know, when Tsunade-sama first came to Shikkotsu Forest, she said it was too gloomy, there was disgusting mucus everywhere, and she kept yelling to leave."

It said a little bitterly.

"I, When have I ever said such a thing?"

When Tsunade heard Katsuyu complaining, her face stiffened, and said angrily. She didn't expect Katsuyu to remember that so clearly, and it seemed that Katsuyu was still brooding about it, she is really... stingy.


Under their gazes, the 20-meter-long slug split into countless small slugs in an instant like popcorn explosion.

Among them were two palm-sized slugs, which climbed onto their shoulders.

"Please come with me."

Katsuyu said as she guided the two of them into the woods and walked towards the central area of the island.

After half an hour.

Kisame and Tsunade passed through the dense Shikkotsu forest and came to the center of the island. Here, Kisame finally saw Katsuyu's main body for the first time.

In the anime, during the Fourth Ninja War, Tsunade and Sakura once jointly summoned Katsuyu, but it was only one-tenth of Katsuyu.

Under the premise of knowing this information, although Kisame was mentally prepared, he was still shocked.

Kisame raised his head and looked at the mountain-like creature lying on the ground in front of him.

To say it is a mountain is not a metaphor or description, but a fact. Because the length of this slug is roughly estimated to be more than 400 meters, and the height and width are also 100 meters.

If this is not a mountain, what is?

"When I first saw Katsuyu, my expression was exactly the same as yours now. It's incredible, isn't it?"

Tsunade noticed the shocked expression on Kisame's face, and took the opportunity to ridicule him, but explained with pity, "Katsuyu has lived for thousands of years. In the long years, it has absorbed Shikkotsu Forest's natural energy all the time. The natural energy of the forest caused it to expand and grow continuously, and in the end, it almost merged with the Shikkotsu forest.

As you can see, not only can't the Katsuyu leave the Shikkotsu Forest, it can't even do simplest things like turning over. It is equivalent to her being imprisoned here.

Fortunately, by signing a blood pact with ninjas like us, it can occasionally separate a part of its body and consciousness, and go to the outside world to see and breathe. "

"It's so beautiful." Kisame suddenly said.

"What did you say?" Tsunade was stunned for a moment, only to realize that Kisame's eyes and expressions seemed to be a little wrong.

She saw him staring at Katsuyu without blinking, a strange light flashed in his eyes, and she didn't know what he was thinking.


Kisame came back to his senses, withdrew his gaze, and casually said.

Tsunade didn't think too much about this, just thought that Kisame was shocked by the size of Katsuyu's body.

At this time, the little slug on their shoulders reminded them:

"Tsunade-sama, Kisame-sama, the place to practice Senjutsu is not far ahead."

Under Katsuyu's guidance, the two walked hundreds of meters along Katsuyu's huge body of, and finally came to a hot spring.

That's right, in the center of this island, there is a circular lake with a diameter of more than 100 meters. The water is steaming and bubbles constantly emerged.

"Tsunade-sama, Kisame-sama, please take off your clothes and enter this hot spring."

When Tsunade heard her, she couldn't help but widen her eyes:

"Katsuyu, to learn Senjutsu we have to bath in the hot spring? And, I have to go in with this guy?"

She pointed at Kisame with a look of resistance and disgust.

Facing her question, Katsuyu explained:

"Below this island, there is an underwater volcano. After it erupted, it formed a hot spring, which surged into this lake. These springs are the source of Shikkotsu Forest's natural energy."

"I see."

As soon as Kisame heard her, he became thoughtful, and soon showed an expression of sudden realization.

Thousands of years ago, the Otsutsuki clan descended on the ninja world and planted a Shinju tree on the planet.

In the ensuing time, during its continuous growth and to condense the chakra fruit, Shinju tree almost drained the life energy on the earth, making most of the planet a barren land.

Fortunately, there are places on the far edges or hidden corners of the world that have escaped the invasion of the Shinju tree and still retain a huge amount of natural energy.

They are the so-called three holy places.

According to the information that Kisame has now obtained, his speculation is that:

Among the three holy places, Mount Myoboku is located in the extreme west. It takes a month to reach from Konoha. It is in a stretch of mountains.

Ryuchi Cave is likely to be hidden in an underground cave somewhere in Jugo's hometown.

In the anime, Jugo became irritable and frantic because of the natural energy leaked from the Ryuchi Cave. He was later discovered by Orochimaru, and he developed the curse mark by researching Jugo's body.

As for the last, Shikkotsu forest is located in the depths of the sea in the far east.

In addition, in the three holy places, the existence of natural energy is also completely different.

The natural energy of Mount Myoboku permeates the air between the mountains; the natural energy of Ryuchi Cave is hidden under the thick earth; and the natural energy of Shikkotsu Forest is contained in the flowing sea water.

Sure enough, what Katsuyu said next further confirmed Kisame's guess.

"Tsunade-sama, Kisame-sama, if you want to practice senjutsu, you must first understand what natural energy is.

The so-called natural energy is the energy that exists in the air, the earth and the water in addition to the living beings themselves. It's everywhere, but it's thinner in some places and denser in others.

The three holy places, Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest are the places with the highest concentration of natural energy in the ninja world. In the Shikkotsu Forest, the place with the strongest natural energy is this hot spring. "

Katsuyu explained patiently, and explained the principle of senjutsu to the two in detail.

The essence of senjutsu is to absorb and use natural energy.

As known to all, chakra is a kind of energy that is extracted from the human body cells and spirit through training and formed after fusion.

Senjutsu magic is based on ninja's chakra, and integrating natural energy into it. Chakra and natural energy combine to form a more powerful Senjutsu chakra.

However, although it sounds simple and easy, in reality, training Senjutsu is as difficult as reaching the sky.

First of all, during the training, they must abandon the active nature and achieve a state of "absolute stillness".

Simply put, don't move.

"Senju Hashirama-sama once described that state. He said that he seemed to have forgotten the existence of his body and consciousness, and became a part of nature, like a tree, a flower or a stone on the side of the road. Only in this way can a person become one with nature, perceive the existence of natural energy, and absorb it."

Katsuyu shared Hashirama's experience in training senjutsu to Kisame and Tsunade.

The next second step, the most difficult and important, is called "Balancing".

Ordinary people, even if they succeed in comprehending and absorbing natural energy, will not be able to condense Senjutsu chakra, because the amount of chakra in the body is too small to reach a balance with the huge natural energy coming from the outside world.

As for the consequences of failure, they will instantly be swallowed by natural energy and lose their life.

Therefore, training senjutsu requires a high amount of chakra from the user.

On this point, Kisame and Tsunade satisfied this condition.

Needless to say, Kisame is more than a tailless beast. Even if he is compared with the nine-tailed beasts, only the nine tails chakra can surpass him.

And Tsunade, after transplanting Hashirama cells, with the further purification of the Senju blood, the amount of chakra in her body has skyrocketed, approaching the tailed beast level.

After learning about their situation, Katsuyu was optimistic about their training.

The three chatted for a while, and suddenly found that the sun had set and night fell quietly.

"Oops, it's a bit late today, please have a night's rest, we'll continue tomorrow."

Saying this, Katsuyu spat out two scrolls from its mouth and handed it to the two of them. "Here is Senju Hashirama-sama's experience in Senjutsu training before his death. It will definitely help you."

Hearing this, Tsunade couldn't wait to open the scroll and said happily, "I'll finish it tonight."

"Slug sage, you are so considerate and thoughtful for us."

Kisame also looked happy.

However, instead of staring at the contents of the scroll like Tsunade, he stared at Katsuyu intently, and focused more on it.

Katsuyu did not notice Kisame's strange look. It repeatedly told the two of them not to enter the hot spring in advance, and then retreated, to not disturb them.

Tsunade glanced at Kisame coldly, and then walked aside.

She quickly formed a seal and slapped the ground with her palm.

Mokuton: Four Pillar House Jutsu.


With the violent vibration, a wooden house with a complex structure slowly rose from the ground.

Seeing this, Kisame also followed her, forming the same seal as Tsunade, and then pressed his palm to the ground.

Mokuton: Serial Pillar House Jutsu.


In a more violent shaking, a larger wooden house slowly rose from the ground.

The house Kisame built was at least five times the size of Tsunade's wooden house.

"..." Tsunade's face suddenly turned black, and she was so angry that she couldn't speak.

"Hey, your house is too small. It's like a portable toilet next to my wooden house. Just live in my house. My place is spacious."

Kisame smiled and took the initiative to invite Tsunade.

"Hmph." Tsunade snorted coldly, got into the wooden house without a word, and slammed the door shut.

Kisame shrugged his shoulders, put away his smile, and went back to the house to sleep.

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