King of the Mountain

70 - New Planets?

Chapter 70

New Planets?

First stop was our house in zone 4. As soon as we reached our manor the kids split off to their rooms and I contacted my daughter for an update. After 2 hours of details I probably didn’t need, but did regret not being there for, I was able to break off the conversation with my daughter and go talk to Thane Stoneheart.

“Thane Stoneheart, I have not been able to return to the Dwarven Caverns for almost a decade. How is everything going?”

“Sir Anderson, it is always good to see you. We have expanded and claim all the caverns now and have started an outpost on the surface. We now trade with the others in zone 4.”

“I am glad to hear everything is going so well. Please let me know if there is any way I can help out. My group and I will be clearing out dungeons throughout zone 4 over the next hundred years so we should be more available if needed then in the recent past.”

“That is a good thing to hear, Sir Anderson. If you like we have established trading with zones 1 through 3 also and would be willing to take any materials off your hands.”

“That sounds wonderful, but I will tell you one problem with that. I need complete sets of dungeon materials from dungeons to trade for points in zone 7 and beyond. This is the main reason we returned. We can farm dungeons at lower zones much quicker than in the higher zones.”

“I see. That would pose a problem for trade. Do you have to clear the dungeon and get the materials or can you trade for them?”

“Honestly I do not know, but that is an intriguing idea. I am willing to risk every tenth dungeon on such a concept though, exactly what are you proposing?”

“I was thinking that the materials from higher level dungeons are worth more so if you clear a zone 4 dungeon we could trade you two complete zone 2 dungeon materials or 3 complete zone 1 dungeon materials or any combination with coin to make up the difference.”

“That sounds like a great deal. I will dedicate every tenth dungeon to the trade to start with. Depending on our dungeon clearing speed I may be willing to increase that in the future. Would that be acceptable?”

“That sounds fantastic, Sir Anderson. I will have our traders start stockpiling some lower dungeons materials immediately.”

“Please hold off for about a year Thane Stoneheart. I have not travelled home in a while and I need to go back and say what will most likely be permanent goodbyes to many people. I will be back in no later than a year.”

“That is understandable and commendable Sir Anderson. Family is very important. Go and I will see you again soon enough.”

“Goodbye Thane.”

I returned to our manor in town and settled in for a rest. The next morning, I told everyone that we were travelling back to Earth. I explained that this might be the last time we were there for hundreds of years or ever so we needed to say some goodbyes and take care of anything we wanted to do over the next year. They all understood and we soon gathered up what we wanted to take with us and we traveled to the safe area of zone 4 to use the teleporter.

When we arrived on earth we were greeted by several people in a uniform I did not recognize who were pointing weapons at us. This was new. One of them spoke up.

“Excuse me sir, we were not expecting an off planet teleportation today. There were none on the schedule. Can you please identify yourself and state your purpose for visiting?”

While he was polite, I was not amused.

“That is not a problem, however I would like to know why you think you are in control of MY teleportation network. I am Mark Anderson, and if you do not lower your weapons soon I will show you why I am and will always be the strongest on the planet.”

The last part I literally growled out in what I assumed was a very deep and intimidating manner as the guard who spoke turned white and signaled for the others to lower their weapons.

“I am sorry King Anderson. We are a newly formed unit in cooperation between the four great powers. We were established to be a neutral party that would ensure the safety and smooth running of the teleport network.”

“That does explain your presence. Now I would like to know WHY you are necessary.”

“I realize you have been gone for a while my lord. Over the last few years there have been some attacks by individuals on people coming out of teleport networks. Basically bandits that were waiting around the teleporters because they knew that someone would come through eventually. We were formed after the level of attacks threatened trade and stability throughout the four great powers.”

“Very good soldier, now how are you funded and are you managing to contain the problem?”

“Yes sir, we have stopped the attacks and we charge a very small fee for each teleport based on distance. A few coppers if in the same kingdom, a few silver between kingdoms, and a few gold for off planet travel. We rely on volume to generate the income we need.”

“Alright, where would I find your commander?”

“Our headquarters is in Antarctica sire. The Kingdom of Appalachia granted us land there since no one was using it.”

“Oh really? NO one uses it huh? I need to talk to the council.”

I quickly teleported to my throne room and without even looking just yelled out for Jacob to assemble the council.

“Yes my king, they will be assembled immediately.”

“Good man Jacob.”

I realized that I was acting a little out of sorts. I mean I had been gone for over 3 decades. If the council needed to grant land for this group Antarctica did make perfect sense, seeing as how I was the only one with a residence. I just did not like the idea of sharing. I wondered how much of that was my original personality and if part of it might be from my dragon heritage. I did not want people near my lair. It did not matter if I used it or not, it was mine. All right, that was definitely not normal behavior. Oh well, if I was becoming more dragon like everyone else would have to just deal with it.

An hour later I was sitting at the head of a table looking at my council.

“Hi there everyone, I’ll get the basics out of the way. Yes, I am back, no it is not for long, only about a year after which I may be gone for hundreds of years or more. I am glad to hear everything is going smoothly with the kingdom. I do not want to rock the boat, but I do have one tiny little issue I would like to address. What made you think giving land away next to the most powerful dragon’s lair in the world was a good idea? I know it sounds unreasonable, but you need to understand, bloodlines come with instincts. My instincts shout out to me to protect my lair at all costs, no matter what. So please explain.”

I could see several of the councilors from off world pale a little as they got the implication. My more homegrown councilors did not seem to understand the problem. Randolph spoke up.

“Sire, we completely over looked that aspect of the situation. Will you believe me when I say we will start discussing this and find a solution as quick as possible.”

“Very well Randolph, I will give you the benefit of doubt and give you until the end of the week to present me with options. Until then I will be touring the Earth and resupplying for a very extended stay away. Call me when you have a solution.”

I stormed out of the meeting and tried to calm down. This whole thing was affecting me way out of proportion. However, I knew that I was right. I could feel it in my dragon bones. I gathered my crew and set out to tour the Earth and place large orders in each kingdom for supplies. With my infinite inventory I figured I should be able to get supplies for 500 years for 5 people if I spread the orders around the globe. If it was too much I could also teleport over to our allies planets and place orders there. Once the orders were placed I would spend some time with the family and set up things to run in my very extended absence.

The next week went by quickly. I will not need to travel to anywhere else. The industry of Earth has picked back up and I will be taking deliveries of supplies every month until I leave. I should achieve my goal of supplies for 5 people for 500 years easily, maybe with some to spare. It is also only going to cost me around 100,000 mithral coins. I knew that the prices on Dungeon World were inflated but wow this is a huge savings.

At the end of the week I was called back to meet with my council and representatives of the other big powers.

“Well what have you come up with?”

Randolph once again was the spokesman, “Sire I would like to apologize for our oversight, it was unintentional, but I think we have come up with several things that will solve the problem.”

“Just hearing that has calmed me down a bit Randolph, please continue.”

“Yes my lord, first we will make the teleport guards into your personal guards with just the added responsibility of protecting the teleport network. Their primary responsibility will be guard you and your children’s lairs around the world. In addition, any excess profit will be split 50% to you and 50% divided amongst the four big powers.”

“This alone absolves the mistake. I am not greedy. I just need to have my dragon bloodline appeased. I will split the profits if any evenly with all the powers. 20% to me and 20% to each of the big powers.”

“That is very gracious of you lord. Next we have a proposal that might interest you.”

“Since the problem has been solved, please continue.”

“Yes sire. Each of the big powers currently holds more land than they are using, but this will not always be the case. Many of our citizens have earned bloodlines or have at least extended their lifespans far beyond what was normal for Earth in the past. However, the birth rate has not gone down. If anything people are having more children now as there are more resources and large families working together have an advantage in the Great Game.”

“Ok I understand the situation.”

“What we would like to do is purchase a monster world for each big power and tie it into our planets teleport network for future expansion.”

“Ok, now you have lost me. What exactly is a monster world?”

“A monster world sire is a world that was brought into the Great Game but the local inhabitants did not survive the transition. Natural Disasters, wars, monster waves, and other things removed the dominant intelligent species from the planet. This means that only monsters and dungeons are left. The Great Game has several that available for purchase for a large amount of money.”

“How much money Randolph?”

“Each world costs between 5,000,000 and 7,500,000 mithral coins.”

“That does not seem too bad for an entire world. Do you need a loan?”

“No sire, you already left us enough resources to purchase our own planet and tie it into the network. The problem is that we have to establish our claim within one year by having secured a town site and building a village with a population of at least 1,000 individuals for the 5,000,000 price or defeating the top 5 dungeons.”

“I still do not see the problem.”

“Sire the monster worlds have monsters and dungeons much higher leveled than us currently. We are approaching the level needed to colonize, but it will take another 50-100 years for the Earth as a whole to be at the necessary level. You will be indisposed at that time and will not be able to help us out.”

“I am starting to understand. You want me to what hold an area while you build a fort or would you prefer me to clear the top 5 dungeons? By the way what level are these worlds at?”

“The Great Game advertisement will only say they are between the levels of 300 and 500 for the strongest monsters with a world average of 200. Since many of Earth’s warriors have been leveling up over the last few decades the average level of our soldiers is around 150 with some stand outs. We believe that we will be able to hold onto our fort and grow it if you can help us establish a foothold.”

“I see and what do I get out of this?”

“We were thinking that each power could chip in 10% of the cost for you to get your own world. That way you will have a truly secure place that no one will bother you at.”

“Randolph if I remember right there is an option in the Great Game store for a teleport block for anyone lower than my own level correct?”

I could see him smiling.

“Yes Sire.”

“Excellent I only have one more concern before we move forward. Could these new worlds be used as beach heads to assault Earth?”

“We were worried about that also sire. Our research through the Great Game shows that all territories claimed by a planet are covered under planetary perks. You do not have to buy them individually for each planet. The Mistress of the Sword has kept two perks back from her winnings just for such an emergency. If we start to be invaded on any world she can use them for two year’s immunity which should be long enough for us to build up our forces and contact our allies for help in repelling any attacks.”

“Well then all of my questions have been answered. I agree with all your proposals and will start on my own planet immediately while you gather your forces and resources for each of the planets you want.”

“Of course sire, we hope to see you soon.”

I teleported out of the meeting room and gathered up my companions. It was time to find this option under the Great Game. There it was, hidden under a tab labeled additional territories. No wonder I didn’t find it before. This should be perfect. It will satisfy my inner dragon and will assure me a place of my own no matter how long it takes me to finish up Dungeon World. I could even make it a sanctuary for my new dragon race and descendants.

I scroll through the various descriptions of planets until I run into one that captures my attention under higher level worlds.

Planet Tivon:

Due to the extremely high level of monsters on the planet it is discounted to 4,000,000 mithral coins.

Average Monster Level: 400

Maximum Boss Level: 550

Surface area is 32% Land and 68% Water

2 major continents in the tropical zone with the rest of the land scattered throughout the world oceans as islands in size ranging from less than 2 square kilometers up to 5 major islands of over 1.5 million square kilometers.

Perfect. Right mix of water and land and tons of places to explore. It could keep me busy for hundreds if not thousands of years just with exploration. I select purchase from the menu and receive a Great Game message.

You have one year to either conquer all five dungeons marked on your complimentary Tivon planetary map or to establish a colony of over 1,000 adults for 6 or more continuous months without replacements.

I message Jacob to have the supplies I ordered warehoused until I come back to pick them up. This is just in case I take longer than I suspect in a dungeon. There is nothing else left but to teleport to the main terminal of the network and select my new Planet of Tivon as my destination.

I arrived in a clearing that was beautiful but different. The plants surrounding me were green but with a distinct bluish tinge. The sky was definitely different and was a pale purple shade instead of blue. This is different. Every other planet I have been too has looked similar to Earth. I wonder why this one is different. Oh well I can ponder that after I establish my claim. I open my map and see that I was transported conveniently near the first dungeon blinking on it. Ok time to see what this place is like.

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