King of the Mountain

58 - Team Tournament Time

58: Team Tournament Time

I immediately head towards the meeting rooms and contact Yonder on the communication crystal.

“Yonder, I am back I am heading towards the meeting rooms, please have someone stand outside so I know which one. I need to get out of sight.”

“Aye Lad, Rydel will be in the hallway and congratulations on the win.”

I waved at Rydel when I saw him and then ducked into the meeting room.

“If you all will just give me a moment I need to process all of my winnings and Great Game messages and then we can talk about the Team Tournament.”

First place the points, and then I can think about that weird message about the Primal Element, and done.

Congratulations you have managed to bring all of your stats to 1,500 or above you have walked further on the path of the Gods. You are granted the title Mid God +20.

Ok I was a little off earlier. It seems that if you raise every stat by 500 points you get another “God Title”. That mean High God must be at 2,000 stat points. Status.

Name: Mark Anderson

Level: 914 - 41%

Unspent Attribute Points: 0

Str: 1,645

HP: 16,450

Int: 2,025 +250% MP

MP: 141,750

Wis: 2,025 +250% MP/Regen

HP/Regen: 1,000% per 15 min.

Agi: 1,645

MP/Regen: 1,000% per 15 min.

Con: 1,645 +250% HP/Regen

Luck: 1,645

Affinities: Earth - 100%

Water – 100%

Primal – 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

Resistances: Earth - 100%

Water - 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

Please show me the status of my Companions.

Name: Elvira Race: Elemental Air Dragon

Level: 240 - 40% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Esmerelda Race: Elemental Earth Dragon

Level: 242 - 77% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Azure Race: Elemental Water Dragon

Level: 241 - 4% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Sir Bruce Shadow Flaming Ember of Doom Race: Elemental Fire Dragon

Level: 244 - 21% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Walter Race: Incan Wak’a Spirit

Level 306 - 11% Status: Familiar of Mark Anderson

“Alright I think I am ready now, but first has anyone ever heard of the Path of the Gods or the Primal Element.?”

Hannah spoke up.

“I have never heard of the Primal Element, but there are legends on my planet about walking the Path of the Gods.”

“Can you tell me a brief description of the legend Hannah.”

“Sure, the basic premise of the Path of the Gods legend is that if you are able to reach a certain level of power you will be able to walk on the Path of the Gods. This is the route to be able to meet those who created everything.”

Melarue interjected next.

“I have not heard of that, but I do know that the Primal Element is a theoretical element that all other elements come from. It is postulated that if we could control it we would be able to control the energy that created the universes.”

Yonder asked.

“Why do you need to know these things lad?”

“Well according to the Great Game notices I have started walking the Path of the Gods. You can too, it only takes 500 stat points in every stat. I also combined all four elements into the blast that won the championship. That unlocked the Primal element. However, to do that you need 100% in all affinities and a high enough level to combine them.”

“You never stop surprising me lad. Dare I ask where you are actually at strength wise now.”

“Are you sure you want to know? Last time I told you just stared at me like a dead fish with your mouth open.”

“Yes lad, I truly want to know. It gives me confidence in what we are doing and a goal to shoot for.”

“Well then my companions have leveled up also. My dragons are around level 240 and my familiar Walter is just over level 300. As for myself, I picked up a couple of extra bets I do not think you were aware of and I just reached level 914 and have over 1,500 points in each stat.”

Yonder turned away from me and I could hear him muttering under his breath, I will not stare, I will not stare. After a few seconds he turned back around and addressed me.

“Lad do you even need our help anymore?”

“Honestly, I have no idea. I have never even seen a team tournament and do not know what is expected. However, each one of you has helped me and I would be honored for you to be on the team no matter what.”

“Thank you lad. We can help you plan for the tournament and give some ideas for strategy. You also cannot be in two places at once so we can either help with defense or offense, whichever you think is more appropriate.”

Yonder and the others then started to educate me on the tournament format. First all teams that were not ranked would go through a King of the Castle round to determine the final competitors. This was basically a larger version of the final rounds. Each team was assigned a tower. The towers were indestructible but the two entrances were not. There was a ground entrance and a roof entrance. The idea was the more towers you owned the better your chances were of making it into the final rounds.

So you had to defend each tower you had while trying to take over other team’s towers. The round would end when only 22 teams were left filling up the remaining spots. Most felt if you could get more than 4 towers you were almost guaranteed to advance. Although this also depended on the number of teams that enter each year. I quickly came up with a plan.

It was simple and to the point. I would take one person with me and steamroll through the nearest towers to our own. While everyone else defended our original tower. When we conquered the first tower the person with me would stay and defend it. I would then teleport back and grab another person and go conquer another tower. That person would stay and defend the new tower once it was conquered. We would continue this pattern until we held nine towers. Then I would continue on and just start wiping out other teams by myself until the round ended. If anyone was having trouble defending they just had to contact me and I could come back and either evacuate them or support them.

Before I left I asked them all to follow me back to my room so they could meet my companions before the first round. They all trooped behind me and just before we got to the hallway of rooms we were blocked by Loki and several others.

“I do not know how you pulled that off Mark, but there is no way anyone will let you win all three rounds.”

“It was easy to beat you Loki, I am just that much better than you. Speaking of which are you feeling a little inadequate right now as you lost so many levels after you tried to trick me?”

“You will never succeed in what you are trying. Too many people want to stop you.”

“Your sounding very cliché Loki. Now if you do not have anything else to say, please get out of the way.”

“I challenge you and your team.”

“Really now. This did not work out well for you last time. Are you sure?”

“Yes I am sure.”

“Alright, is this going to be a team bet or an individual bet and would you like me to write it or would you like to try and cheat me again with your Overwrite skill.”

“I have no idea what you are talking about, but I will let you send it to me if you doubt me.”

“Fine, play innocent, what are the stakes?”

“We will bet the maximum allowed that you will not win the team tournament.”

“So you are not even confident enough in your team to bet directly against us. Well whatever, we agree and would like to state for the record that we will accept all bets of the same nature with anyone else until the Great Game limits us.”

We marched over to the betting area in a large group and I sent over the bet to Loki.

Please state the nature of the bet, the participants, the stakes, and the tournament.

Mark Anderson’s team will win the Team Tournament, Mark Anderson’s team and Loki’s team, Maximum allowed levels of experience, Team Tournament.

Bet has been verified with your opponent for 500 levels.

Wow 500 levels. Wait that is only 50 levels each when split. Alright that seems better.

“Any other takers?”

Another group came forward.

“We will bet against you also. There is no way you will be a three time champion in the same year. Especially your rookie year. No one will allow it.”

I sent over another bet to the new guy.

You have reached the betting limit for the Team Tournament.

“Sorry everyone that is it. The Great Game said we have reached the betting limit for the Team Tournament.”

While I was here I went over and placed the maximum bets for each round for both myself and my companions for the team tournament. After all of us had finished placing our individual bets we kept moving to the personal rooms. I grabbed the first green lighted one and invited everyone in. Everyone have a seat and I will bring out the team mates you have not met yet. Once everyone was settled in I called out Walter and the Kids.

I introduced everybody around and let them talk to each other. Elvira was especially taken with Hannah. With one being an Air Elemental Dragonkin and one being the actual Air Elemental Dragon they got on famously. In fact, it seemed that each of my kids kind of latched on to one of the new group and kind of treated them like an aunt or uncle. Bruce paired up with Yonder. They both had a I am strong bash this leader kind of connection happening. Rydel paired up with Azure and the last topic I heard them talking about was sneaking around and playing pranks. I am going to have to keep an eye on that duo. Finally, Melarue paired up with Esmerelda. My little Earth dragon seemed to be fascinated that Melarue was a Projectile Weapons master. All in all, it was a good little bonding session and allowed everyone to get to know everyone else.

It was also decided that the order of attack would be Yonder, Bruce, Melarue, Esmerelda, Rydel, Azure, Hannah, and finally Elvira. Walter would stay at the original base and protect it. Everyone exchanged communication crystals and soon enough it was time to break this little party up. After the good byes I sent everyone to bed and then started contemplating the future. I was not really worried about winning the tournament. I believed in my team mates and my overwhelming level advantage. What I was really worried about was what happened after the tournament.

I was going to be a high enough level that I could reasonably stand up to anyone or anything. I should have enough World Perks after betting and winning the three tournaments that I could upgrade the Earth into an almost impenetrable fortress for at least the near future. I even had made some good friends and contacts for trade with other worlds. No what I was worried about was who was going to take over as Planetary Leader and what they might do in the future and also what was going to happen on this Dungeon World.

Everything seemed to be indicating that this Dungeon World was intricately connected to the creators or administrators of the Great Game. Soon enough I might meet them and I had no idea how I would react to them or how they might react to me. From the stories most people who went to the Dungeon World did not come back. I do not know if this is because of low levels and danger or is it just the whim of the Great Game creators. I did know that I was going to have to go and find out.

Morning came soon enough. I recalled my companions into storage and waited to be transferred into the King of the Castle round. As the teleport shimmer faded out I found myself surrounded by my four new friends in a large stone circular room. This must be the central part of the tower we have to defend. I quickly call out my companions and just as I do there was a general message from the Great Game.

Welcome to the King of the Castle elimination round. You have a maximum of 24 hours to reduce the 211 teams down to 22 teams. At the end of 24 hours the 22 teams with the most towers under their control will be awarded spots in the Team Tournament. Please remember that a tower will only be considered “conquered” after a team member has spent 30 continuous minutes inside of it.

Fantastic. I started barking orders.

“Walter, please start upgrading the defenses of the tower by setting our standard traps and putting layers of stone in front of the ground entrance. We will enter and leave each tower from the top entrances. If you cannot fly someone who can will move you if we need reinforcements. Yonder you are with me, everyone else sit tight and wait your turn.”

I climbed to the top of the tower with Yonder and looked around surveying the terrain. It looks like rolling hills mixed with plains. There seems to be towers scattered fairly evenly throughout the area. Each one is no closer than 500 meters from the next and no farther than 1 kilometer. We seemed to luck out and be very close to an edge of the playing field. There were only 2 towers to the West of us.

“Yonder I think that we should take the towers to the west first and then a couple North and then two South. Finally, we take two to the East that are leading into the center. After that we can regroup and see which direction seems the best to continue conquering. I know we have 24 hours, but I bet we can knock enough teams out of the competition that we should be done much sooner than that. What do you think?”

“That sounds like a good strategy lad. Shall we begin?”

“I would like to wait just a couple of minutes so we can see which direction each of the other teams are heading in if any. If we can catch some of them in the open, I can strafe them with my spells and breath weapon and eliminate a few groups whole sale. By the way, do you think I should continue to show a false status or should I let people quake in fear as they read my true level.”

“I would probably keep it hidden throughout this round and then change it when we enter the true tournament to worry the other teams.”

“Sounds good. Let’s give the other teams five more minutes to move and then we are going to attack something no matter what.”

Over the next five minutes I saw many teams start to send people out to try and conquer other towers. I never saw more than five in a group. Several towers did not send anyone out. They must have decided to turtle up and just defend for now. It does not matter it will not help them. It seemed the closer you were to the center the more likely it was for you to leave to conquers. As you came to the edge more and more groups were playing defensive. Right before I was about to leave with Yonder I saw one of our two picked targets send out the largest party I had seen yet.

They must be trying for a blitzkrieg. It seemed very similar to my idea. Too bad it was going to back fire on them. A team of 7 had left one of our picked targets and was headed to the other of our picked targets. Well this would help simplify things a bit.

“Ok Yonder, can you jump down this 50 meters or do I need to carry you?”

“Jumping down is easy lad. It is the climbing back up part that is harder.”

“Well then jump down and run towards the tower that is being attacked, but do not get too close to the impact zone of the blast that is coming.”

Without another word I leaped off our tower and started to fly towards the attacking group. I gathered my mana and fused it into the primal blast that I did before. This time however I kept the mana down to 500 for each part of the spell instead of 5,000. I launched the blast and saw several of the seven attackers dodge. Or at least they thought they were dodging. The resulting blast was awe inspiring. It caught every one of the attackers inside it and created my favorite shape, a mushroom cloud.

If the 500 mana version of that spell was that cool I really need to watch a recording of what happened when I used 5,000 mana it must have been epic. All seven of the attackers survived the explosion, but they did not look good. Next up was a standard lightning breath attack. After watching them twitch for a second I landed next to Yonder who had caught up. We proceeded to put the remaining couple living beings out of their misery.

Step one was complete. I grabbed Yonder by the arms and with a surprised squeak, which I am totally going to tease him about later, I flew us up to the top of the tower that was about to be attacked. I wanted to strike a full strength tower first to gauge how hard this was going to be. We landed on top and noticed that the entrance was closed.

“They must be hiding inside after seeing what you did lad. We are going to have to pry them out.”

“Easy enough to do Yonder. Here is my idea. You pound on that door until it collapses. As soon as it collapses you jump off the tower to safety.”

“What do I need to be safe from lad?”

“Well why you are pounding on the door, I am going to be pumping mana into an extremely large fireball which I will launch into the opening as soon as the trap door collapses. The results should be spectacular.”

“Fine son, let’s see what happens.”

We proceeded to follow my plan. Yonder pounding on the door slowly weakening it and I slowly poured mana into a very large fireball. I need to make it large enough to sweep through the whole tower. It should deal enough damage to stun if not kill everyone inside it. I think I will try 10,000 mana. It is larger than the big explosion I made in the singles tournament, but should not be as strong because I am only using the fire element. As soon as the trap door collapsed Yonder, who seemed to be getting a little nervous about the size of the fireball jumped of the tower. Several arrows and bolts just missing him as they rose upward from inside the tower.

I compressed the fireball enough that it should fit through the door and then let it fly. I jumped and glided away gracefully until the resulting shockwave knocked me out of the sky. Well that was not my intended soft landing. I turned around to see what looked to be a giant 50 meter tall blowtorch shooting fire into the sky. That just looks so cool. I may have overdone it a bit, but you know what? I am conscious and no one on my team got hurt. I started walking over to Yonder.

“How much mana did you put into that thing boy?”

“Around 10,000 mana why?”

“Well I have never seen an explosion quite that big. You are definitely entertaining to have as a friend. I also forgot how ridiculously large your mana pool must be. I have never shot anything with a fireball larger than about 750 mana.”

“It does look great doesn’t it. I may have overdone it a little, but I would rather be safe than sorry. I do have to say thought that this is the largest one I have remained conscious to see.”

Yonder looked at me a little strange after that statement, but eventually just shook his head chalking it up to Mark being Mark. When the flames died down I flew Yonder back up to the top of the tower and entered carefully. There was no need. Everything inside the tower was gone.

“Yonder, do I need to help you repair the defenses?”

“Nay lad, after ½ an hour the Great Game will recognize this tower as conquered and replace everything including the doors and defenses.”

“Well that is convenient. I guess I will head back and get Bruce and take on the next tower.”

“Ok lad, call me if you need help.”

“Sure thing Yonder, see you soon.”

I proceeded to make my way back to our original tower to get Bruce for the next attack. Bruce ran out onto the roof and looked very excited.

“Dad that was awesome! Can we do it again?”

“That is the plan my boy, but I thought you might want to practice and strafe a couple of groups with your breath weapon first.”

“Oh dad that would be fun. Are you going to join in?”

“Nope this is all you son. Dad will just watch and protect you from ambushes.”

“Cool let’s go then.”

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