King of the Mountain

49 - Family Bonding Time

Chapter 49: Family Bonding Time

The next day was nice. I teleported back to the staging area and had the group settle in for a 24 hour stay. We set up camp and I contacted my daughter Nicole.

“Hi Nicole, how is the training going? Are you being smart and staying safe?”

“Yes dad, everything is fine. Hey dad remember when I said that I wanted a pet?”

“I vaguely remember this conversation, I told you then that we did not have the space or funds. Our situation is different now. If you want a pet you can get one. Heck I have four dragons.”

“Well the thing is dad I already kind of got a couple.”

“That is great honey, it will teach you responsibility. What kind of pet did you get?”

“Well remember dad how I used to always want a dog of my own?”

“Yes sweetie I do. Did you get a dog? What kind did you get?”

“Well I got two pets. They are companions like you have.”

“That’s great what type of companions do you have?”

“I got two fluffy puppies from the last dungeon dive I went on. Their momma was killed and I just had to adopt them dad, they were so cute. The problem is that they are growing really fast.”

“Well it should be OK, we have plenty of money to feed them and tons of space for them to run around in. What are their names?”

“Well my little guy is named Alfred Fluffykins. I call him Alfie. My new girl, Alfie’s sister, is Lady Knight Norasta Deadly Snugglewumpus Fluffykins I call her Nora for short.”

“I love the names sweet pea, you definitely have your dad’s good naming sense.”

“Thanks dad.”

“Alright I have to go and get ready to finish up this dungeon tomorrow. Tell Randolph I said hi and to contact me if you or the kingdom is in trouble OK?

“Alright dad see you soon.”

That’s nice she has some companions now to help keep her company as I am out here trying to get ready for the competition. Two nice dogs, wait she never did tell me what type of dog they were. She also said they came from a dungeon. That little sneak. She is getting better at redirecting the conversation. I used to be able to catch that. There has to be something different about her pets for her not to tell me directly. It looks like I need to take a trip home after finishing up this dungeon to get to the bottom of this. It can’t be too bad or one of her minders would have contacted me.

The next morning I was awoken by the sound of my kids rushing into my room.

“Dad, dad can you hear us?”

“Of course I can hear you, daddy needs some more sleep go back to bed.”

“Dad get up you have to see this.”

My foggy morning brain finally started to wake up. Who the heck was talking to me? The only person who talked around me was Walter and he did not call me dad. I reluctantly turned over and looked at who had disturbed my slumber. In front of my bed were four teenage half-dragons. Each of them a different color so knowing which one was which was fairly easy. It looks like they did level past 100 over the last few days and gain both a transform ability and speech. Identify.

Name: Elvira Race: Elemental Air Dragon

Level: 103 - 41% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Esmerelda Race: Elemental Earth Dragon

Level: 106 - 27% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Azure Race: Elemental Water Dragon

Level: 105 - 34% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

Name: Sir Bruce Shadow Flaming Ember of Doom Race: Elemental Fire Dragon

Level: 108 - 11% Status: Companion/Pet of Mark Anderson

My little ones are starting to grow up. I wonder what level I managed to get to? Status.

Name: Mark Anderson

Master Tamer +2, Dragon Tamer +3, Dragon Master +4, Elemental Dragon King Bloodline +10, Evolver +2, Monster Slayer +1, Titan Slayer +3, Destroyer +5, Level Maniac +2, Survivor +1, No Limits +5, Undying +5, Transcendent +5, Top 100 +1, Demon Slayer +2, Underworld Terror +1

Titles: Quadelementalist +4, Lucky One +1 Master Thief +1, World Traveler +1, Wealthy +1, Dungeon Explorer +3, Unstoppable +2, Army of One +1, Arsonist +1, Manifest Destiny +3, Not Nailed Down +1, Army of One +1, Scourge of the Undead +1, Think Outside the Box +1, Beast Tamer +1, Lost & Found +1, Spider Bane +3, Evils Bane +1, Bigger They Are +1

Level: 143 -67%

Unspent Attribute Points: 220

Str: 240

HP: 2,400

Int: 380 +190% MP

MP: 22,040

Wis: 380 +190% MP/Regen

HP/Regen: 528% per 15 min.

Agi: 240

MP/Regen: 722% per 15 min.

Con: 240 +120% HP/Regen

Luck: 240

Affinities: Earth - 100%

Water – 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

Wow I crossed level 140. We must have been attacked by more monsters than I thought over the last few days. Then again with near constant attacks of monsters close to level 125 I am kind of surprised the kids did not go higher. Hmm, I wonder if their growth slows down after level 100? Maybe they have to reach a certain age to speed it back up. That would make some sense. As sentient beings it would be ridiculous to have them gain overwhelming power without the life experiences to back it up. I am sure they will keep leveling, just at a slower pace. I wonder if that means that Walter and I will level faster now that the majority of the group experience should just be going to us? Easy enough to check I guess.

“Walter come here please.”

“Yes Master.”


Name: Walter Race: Incan Wak’a Spirit

Level 142 - 12% Status: Familiar of Mark Anderson

How did he catch up to me? I mean I know he should be higher leveled than the kids, but with my head start and everybody experiencing the same thing he should be a lot lower leveled than me. Something weird is going on.

“Walter do you know why your level is so high?”

“No master, but isn’t this good now I can serve you better.”

“Yes this is good Walter, don’t feel bad. I am just curious and I do not like mysteries that I cannot solve.”

“OK master.”

Who would be able to help me, right Anna minister of dungeons or Baron minister of magic. I think I will contact Baron first. Familiars seem to be more of a magician thing in the stories so he might know. Let’s see where is his, there is his communication crystal. I have got to see if I can get some sort of master crystal that acts more like a cell phone instead of having to switch these out for each person.

“Baron are you available for a quick consultation?”

“Yes my king, how may I help you?”

“My familiar Walter just leveled up and is only a level behind me. Do you know why he would level up so fast? I figured I would keep my initial lead on him for a while.”

“That is an easy answer my lord. Familiars are an extension of you as a contracted spirit. The majority of experience would be going to Walter until he reaches the level behind you. Now that he has caught up to you he will never equal or pass your level since he is tied to you as a servant. This is how the Great Game arranges things so any familiar can quickly become useful to its contracted master. If they had to level normally it may take a low level familiar years if not decades to catch up. You were quite lucky in finding a powerful familiar who was close to you in level. The catch up time was quite short. Is there anything else you need to know my lord?”

“Nope, thanks for the explanation Baron. It was just bugging me not knowing.”

“Very well my lord, have a good day. Signing off.”

I let Walter know the situation. With Walter and myself sharing the majority of the experience for a while I might be able to level up even quicker through the end of this dungeon. I may have to spend some time in the next zone just power leveling before we try and move on the final boss. Yep that sounds like the best and safest plan. Before we head back in though I will place my unused points and see if the kids can teach me how to fly better in the hybrid form. Status.

Name: Mark Anderson

Master Tamer +2, Dragon Tamer +3, Dragon Master +4, Elemental Dragon King Bloodline +10, Evolver +2, Monster Slayer +1, Titan Slayer +3, Destroyer +5, Level Maniac +2, Survivor +1, No Limits +5, Undying +5, Transcendent +5, Top 100 +1, Demon Slayer +2, Underworld Terror +1

Titles: Quadelementalist +4, Lucky One +1 Master Thief +1, World Traveler +1, Wealthy +1, Dungeon Explorer +3, Unstoppable +2, Army of One +1, Arsonist +1, Manifest Destiny +3, Not Nailed Down +1, Army of One +1, Scourge of the Undead +1, Think Outside the Box +1, Beast Tamer +1, Lost & Found +1, Spider Bane +3, Evils Bane +1, Bigger They Are +1

Level: 143 -67%

Unspent Attribute Points: 0

Str: 260

HP: 2,600

Int: 450 +220% MP

MP: 29,700

Wis: 450 +220% MP/Regen

HP/Regen: 598% per 15 min.

Agi: 260

MP/Regen: 990% per 15 min.

Con: 260 +130% HP/Regen

Luck: 260

Affinities: Earth - 100%

Water – 100%

Fire – 100%

Air – 100%

Once again a fantastic rise in my abilities. However, I have no comparison on Earth. Am I average for a Planetary leader, or below average? I really need to be at the best I can be for my first Great Game competition. I need to intimidate or wow the others so they will want to trade with Earth and not conquer it. I have a feeling that the first competition will be the easiest one as no one will have seen me and there will be no record of my fighting styles or strategies. I have to make the best of this.

With my kiddos growing up and achieving a Draconian form and speech I decided to take another day off and invited my daughter to the area so I could check on her and spend the day with my family. The kids could also train me better in how to use my draconian form which I admittedly was horrible at. Nicole teleported in with a pair of guards which I was glad to see.

“Daddy, It is great to see you!”

“Hi pumpkin, no more putting it off let me see the new additions to the family.”

“Ok dad here are my fluffy puppies.”

What appeared next to my daughter were NOT puppies. They were 6 foot tall Cerberuses, Cerberii, what the heck is the plural for Cerberus? Focus Mark, be positive for your daughter and then grill her.

“Darling they look lovely, but I am not sure I would call them puppies.”

“But Daddy they are my little fluffy angels. Besides I was told that they are going to get bigger, so they are technically still puppies.”

These things are going to get bigger? Identify.

Name: Alfred Fluffykins Race: Giant Cerberus

Level 22 - 11% Status: Pet/Companion of Nicole Anderson

Name: Lady Knight Norasta Deadly Snugglewumpus Fluffykins Race: Giant Cerberus

Level 23 - 8% Status: Pet/Companion of Nicole Anderson

“Hold that thought sweetie.”

I search through the communication crystals and there it is.

“Anna, can you spare a couple of minutes.”

“Yes my king, how can I help you.”

“I just met Nicole’s puppies. How big does a Giant Cerberus grow?”

The giggling that came through the line before here answer let me know that my council had already probably discussed my reaction to this revelation and were going to tease me about it later. I need to remain cool and positive so I do not give them any ammunition to use.

“Well sire, the largest Giant Cerberus I know of was over level 100 and was only 15 feet tall at the shoulder. However, I have heard stories of them reaching a height of 20 feet or more.”

“That is bigger than the dragons I fought.”

“Yes sire, they may be bigger than the dragons, but dragons are still on top of the food chain due to their flight ability and scaly armor. With similar level monsters I would bet on the dragon every time.”

“Is there anything else I should know about them, Anna?”

“Just that as they get older they tend to take on the elemental affinities if any of their pack leaders or owners.”

“So what your saying is that eventually my daughter is going to have two loyal guard cerberus that will be able to use water and air elemental magic.”

“Yes Sire.”

“That’s fantastic.”

I could almost feel her confusion through the link. I bet they thought I would freak out about this. However, any way you look at this, extremely loyal and deadly protectors are just what you want for your children in this new world of ours.

“That’s all I need Anna, thanks. Signing off.”

“Well Nicole, I found out your puppies are going to get bigger as they level and soon they might be able to pick up your elemental affinities. So make sure to train them well and use magic in front of them constantly.”

“You’re not mad daddy.”

“Nope I think this is a great addition to our family. Speaking of which I do not know if you noticed but there has been a little change in ours.”

I could see Nicole look around and when she spotted the four dragonkin her eyes went wide. My little darlings shyly waved their hands at her. How cute, they were acting so shy in front of their big sister.

“Hello Nicole.”, my little ones chanted in unison.

“This is awesome! I always wanted brothers and sisters when I was little and now I have four.”

This is going as good as I hoped. Nicole quickly ran over and gave each of the dragons a big hug and welcomed them into the family. The rest of the day was just entertainment for everyone else and training for me. I would climb the tower in the center of the outpost change into my dragonkin form and then jump off. Wherever I “landed” the family would come and find me after they finished laughing and give me advice on what to do differently. Flying is much more complicated than one thinks. Angle of wings, amount of flapping, posture, among other things were very important. Since I started out as human the instincts that my kids were born with I had to learn the hard way.

By the end of the day my gliding was vastly improved, my flight was better but not good. I could probably escape into the air in an emergency situation, but it would not be pretty. Finally, my new extended family had completely bonded. Sadly, this day had to come to an end. I promised Nicole that as soon as she reached certain milestones that I would personally take her through some dungeons. One dungeon at level 50, two dungeons at level 60, three dungeons at level 75, and five dungeons of her choice at level 100. She now had goals to reach and promised she would be safe and use her guards and new fluffykins. I actually believed her this time, because I knew she would not want anything to happen to her new companions.

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