King of the Mountain

15 - Death Of The Lich

Chapter 15:  Death of the Lich

I quickly scan the area.  How on earth is this even freaking possible?  I saw the beautiful mushroom cloud of death.  I mean the Lich’s body was vaporized.  The only way he could survive is if he had a clone or a DANGIT.  A phylactery, I forgot that Liches store their soul in a phylactery.  Stupid undead magic user, hiding his stupid soul, now I have to go and find it.  Where do Lich’s usually store their souls in the books?  Depending on the author it is either in a gem or some vase type container.  Ok, time to start breaking things.  HULK SMASH!  Man I have always wanted to say that and then start breaking stuff.

Wow this is surprisingly fun.  I think I like destruction, now if only I could find, well hello there my pretty.  What’s a nice scepter like you doing in a place like this?  Wait a second, this was the scepter that the Lich was holding.  It must have rolled over here after that beautiful big boom.  What is that twinkle, why it comes from the ruby at the end of the scepter?  Wouldn’t that make a dandy phylactery for a lich?  If I am right I move on to the next challenge, if I am wrong I am only out a ruby.  Listen to me now.  Only out a ruby.  A year ago I would have done just about anything to get my hands on a ruby like that to sell it for some cash.  How things change.

One solid whack from the old Warhammer and I am now a proud owner of cracked ruby that seems to be leaking tar.  Oh that disgusting, let’s just burn that grossness away.  As soon as the black substance was burned I received that notice I was waiting for.

“Congratulations on finishing part 3 of the Biltmore Estates Dungeon, defeat the Lich.  The dungeon has been modified.  All experience will be tallied and administered after exiting the dungeon.”

It said that last time too, the dungeon has been modified.  I hope it is just a level modification or perhaps more of a behavioral one for the NPC’s.  Since I did the dungeon out of order, I think a quick rest is in order then back to work.  I still need to clear the rooms all the way down to the basement and look for the villagers.  I think I will just continue on until I find a nice little room I can barricade myself into for a few hours of rest and recuperation.

A wonderful 6 hours of down time I am ready to go.  Another marathon session of clearing rooms one by one until I reach the basement, about 4 hours’ worth, and I finally reach the set of stairs that lead down into the bowels of Biltmore. Huh, bowels of Biltmore that’s kind of fun to say.  Bowels of Biltmore, Biltmore’s bowels, the beautiful bombastic benevolent bowels of Biltmore.  Stop it brain.  Man I have to wonder about myself sometimes.  Is this random crap in my head a coping mechanism or is it a sign of a problem I need to get medically checked out for.  I can’t go to a psychiatrist, they would lock me up for sure if I told them my story right now.  I guess I should schedule a full medical check-up before we lose technology, just to be on the safe side.  Enough wandering thoughts and future planning, let’s finish this dungeon.

As I open the door I can hear voices in the distance.  The stairs winding down are lit poorly with torches.  I use the flickering light and shadows to work myself closer.  I am curious as to the dialogue that might be going on and who it might be between.  The only thing I have heard speak with intelligence in this whole dungeon was the chanting Witch Doctor guy and the Lich.  I wonder who or what is talking now.

I get close enough to start hearing snippets of the conversation.  “Let us go”, “How could you do this to us”, “SHUT UP”.  Interesting it seems to be an interaction between the captive villagers and the jailer.  I carefully look around the last curve of the stairwell to scope out the scene.

In front of me I see a sight that could be taken straight from a movie plot or video game.  A fat shirtless man, with a whip, is walking the aisle between cells packed full of people.  Young, old, children, it looks like someone just grabbed an entire village and stuffed them into the prison cells.  Seeing as the villagers are relatively safe at the moment, I think I will just hide and continue to watch and listen for a time to see what I can learn.  I hope that any talking I might hear will give me some more insight into the overall “Great Game” or dungeon situation.

“William” one of the prisoners spoke.  “How could you betray us like this?”

A rough gravelly voice answered, “Listen old man, you all had the same screen and the same choice as me.  I saw which way the wind was blowing and decided to break free of my position in the Great Game.  I am no longer going to have to just accept my role in life.  Working for the Lich is a chance at power and if that means some or all of you have to suffer, so be it.”

“You know that you will never get away with this.”

“Who do you think is going to stop me?  My contract with the Lich is over as soon as the game goes live on the backwater planet.  At that point in time I can just join the regular population with a significant boost to my stats.”

Alright if that cliché line was not a flag for me to do something, then all of my game playing, book reading, and movie watching was for nothing.  I pull out my pistol and step around the corner.  I see the eyes of some of the prisoners widen when they realize I am not the Lich or one of his minions.  Quick Mark this is your chance, say something cool.  “Traitors don’t deserve to live.”  Nailed it.

The jailer William spins around at the sound of my voice and has the most dumbfounded expression on his face.  Awesome, who could ask for a better entrance and one liner?  Before William can even speak I put two bullets into his chest and watch him fall.  I approach cautiously and put another bullet into his head just to be sure.  My momma didn’t raise no fool, always double tap and make sure the bad guy stays down.

“Congratulations on finishing the Biltmore Estates Dungeon.  Calculating rewards.  As the first person on Earth to finish a dungeon you are granted the title, Dungeon Explorer +3, as you cleared the dungeon faster than any other party you are granted the title, Unstoppable +2, because you cleared the dungeon alone you are granted the title, Army of One +1, due to causing more than 100 gold coins of damage to buildings in a dungeon you are granted the title of, Arsonist +1.  As a ruler of your own domain you have fulfilled the unique hidden conditions of Biltmore Estates Dungeon.  You have the choice of adding Hidden Valley Village to your Kingdom of Appalachia.  Do you wish to add this village to your kingdom? Yes/No."

Ok this is a lot to take in.  First before I decide on the village let’s see if I can get some answers out of the villagers.  “Alright who is in charge here?”

“I am my lord my name is Edward, I am the head of Hidden Valley Village.”

“Ok Edward, here is the deal, I just received a notice from the “Great Game” that I could add Hidden Valley Village to my kingdom.  First off would you like to be part of my kingdom, and second who the hell are you people and where did you come from?  It is obvious you are real and not NPC’s or constructs of the “Great Game”.

“My lord I do not know what an NPC is but our village will pledge loyalty to you.  Our village is from the planet Arta, we do not know where we are now but have lived as part of the “Great Game” for generations.”

“One last question before I add you to my kingdom, why would you pledge loyalty to me?  You know nothing about me,” I say perplexed about his reaction.

“That is not true my lord.  We know that you are strong.  In all the stories we know of I have never heard of someone establishing a kingdom before the “Great Game” started.  We know you are fair because you gave us the choice of choosing to join you,” he said in a lofty manner.

“That seems to be well thought out.  I will definitely have some questions for you so let me add you to my kingdom and we can go from there.”  I selected yes from the menu.

“Hidden Valley Village is now a part of the Kingdom of Appalachia.  Notice since you were able to expand your kingdom and subjects before any others you have been granted the title, Manifest Destiny +3.”

Bonus!  This dungeon has more than paid for itself in titles and bonus stats alone.  “Alright Edward, some questions as we set everyone free,  I need to know how you got here and how I can get you back to my kingdom without causing any problems.”

“Those questions are easy to answer my Lord.  The village was given a choice to emigrate to a new game world.  The village as a whole discussed and voted to move.  The last kingdom we were in did little to protect us and was raising its taxes to the point we were not sure we could survive.  Usually emigration means the village and surroundings get transported entirely to the new world.  It is an advantage for the village because we know and have lived under the “Great Game” system.  Many villages have prospered greatly after moving.  Unfortunately this time one of our own, William, whom you dispatched must have been given a separate choice of betrayal and accepted.  While unusual this has happened in the past from what we have heard.  It is a way for new worlds to have access to unique dungeons and rewards .  From the stories that I have been told our village will appear in your world as soon as you exit the dungeon.  We just have to reach it.”

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