
Kigal-Note/Monsters/Arachnids: Glavras General Aquarect

Name: Glavras General Aquarect
Rank: D
Type: Spider
Lifespan: 60~70 Years
Attribute: Water
Traits: Arachnid, Glavras Monster


A spider monster that was first seen in the Dungeon: "The Water-Knot of Glavras". It leads a troop of Glavras Aquarect to defend the Dungeon, acting as sergeants and generals depending on their ranks.

They are also seen commanding other monsters of equal or lower racial rank in the Dungeon, and they only take commands from their higher-ranked brethren. 


The Glavras General Aquarect is a spider one size bigger than the regular Aquarect, with a small trunk in dark marine colors and dark blue legs. 


Average HP: E Average MP: D+ Average SP: E
Average STR: E Average VIT: E+ Average MAG: E
Average RES: D+ Average SPD: E+ Average DEX: E+
Average INT: C+ Rarity: B Danger Rank: E~C-

The General Aquarect is capable of everything the normal Aquarect can do, including water blasts and swarm tactics. They are also capable of generating medicines and/or poison, depending on the individual.

Their real strength comes from their leadership of the Aquarect swarms, which will drastically increase their Danger Rank, all depending on the size of the swarm the General is leading.

Garami's comment: So, it sits back and commanding forces, only for spraying blasts of water and ailments when you finally reach it? What a coward. I like it!

Gust's comment: You like it!? Oh, wait, this is practically describing Garami...

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