Kamen Rider, the Mission Must Be Fulfilled!

Page 9

These traces cannot be produced by stupid zombies on the road, especially when Zheng Yi found a van stuck in the storefront with the entire middle of the vehicle body sunken inward, the uneasiness was even more intense. up.

He knew that these guys were very powerful, but it was absolutely impossible for zombies to embed a van into a storefront like this, and judging from the drag marks on the ground, it was done in one go.

At least, ordinary zombies can't do it.

Zheng Yi, who has stumbled and cleared all the Resident Evil series, is in a complicated mood at this time. His worries are confirmed in such a close form, but he is not happy at all.

Because he really can't figure out how to deal with this situation if he is right, and it's not really helpless, but...

Touching his abdomen, Zheng Yi drooped his brows and eyes helplessly.

Poujima, who had been paying part of her attention to Zheng Yi, naturally noticed his actions, but the girl who had been able to understand most of Zheng Yi's intentions at this time, apart from being able to understand what Zheng Yi seemed to be worried about, didn't know much about it. Can understand the complex emotions on the complete boy's face.

After all, he frowned and smiled wryly, as if he was troubled by happiness.

A boy stroking his belly and making that look really does look weird.

Fortunately, Zheng Yi only showed a moment of entanglement, and then returned to a defensive posture. Although Busujima was curious, he didn't say much in his heart.

In this way, the team moved forward carefully under Zheng Yi's care, and some small twists and turns were inevitable in the process, but until everyone successfully left the commercial street and entered the avenue, the guys that Zheng Yi was worried about did not show up.

While Zheng Yi breathed a sigh of relief, the uneasiness in his heart expanded a little.

He is very clear that those traces indicate that there are unique individuals among the zombies, and these individuals are all in an unknown state now. Even if they have not encountered it now, it is hard to say whether they will encounter it in the next operation.If the situation really develops to that point, then it is time for him to make a decision.

——Because this [gift] on his waist was actually ready to be used at any time as early as the beginning of the battle at the school gate.

Chapter 13: Belt, what an inconvenience

After entering the avenue, everything gradually deviated from Zheng Yi's original idea.

He was mentally prepared for the scattered vehicles and scattered zombies along the way.Compared with the situation in the commercial street, the situation on the avenue is actually a little easier. Both the number and the density of zombies are much lower. In addition, because of the time problem, it has not entered the peak traffic period. Although there are abandoned vehicles on the entire avenue, But there are not many cases where the entire road can be fenced.

Obviously, these vehicles were not for the purpose of evacuation, but were driven on the avenue based on previous actions, and were attacked and forced to abandon here.

In other words, if the center of the outbreak of this mutation is far away from this area, so it has less impact on this area, and the warning orders and evacuation instructions that the government may issue have not yet been communicated to this area.

do you want...

It is the center of the mutation, which is nearby, so before the government issued the relevant evacuation order, most of the people here fell indoors.

To be honest, although I hope it is the former, the more I move along the road, the more convinced Zheng Yi is that the latter is more likely to be the case now.

——Because of the strange traces seen in the commercial street, Zheng Yi can find more here, and even some new traces have appeared. From this point of view, compared to believing that these traces came from an individual, Zheng Yi is more I wish they were the work of different individuals.

After all, in the current situation, when it is uncertain whether the other party has intelligence, the plural 1 is much easier to deal with than a single 10.

It's just that no matter what the result is, Zheng Yi doesn't think that the other party happened to wander here to cause these shocking traces of destruction.From the perspective of common sense, excluding the possibility that there might be something in the vicinity that attracts these special individuals, there is only a more appropriate judgment of [Because the mutation center is here, the probability of producing special individuals is higher].

So, which side is it?

...Even though which side, Zheng Yi doesn't think the road ahead will be easy.

Lower your knees, hold the wooden knife with your arms slightly bent, stick your back to the arm of the zombie from below, twist your wrist, turn your waist, take a half step forward with your left foot and then a step forward with your right foot, and cut into the zombie from a face-to-face posture On the right side of Zheng Yi's body, the entire right half of the male individual's body was suddenly exposed to Zheng Yi's sword circle.

Shaking the wrists and shoulders, the strength burst out from the contraction of the rhomboid muscles. Accompanied by the pedaling of the waist and feet, the dark red wooden knife traced a moon-like trajectory in midair, and slashed straight down. On the back of the zombie's neck.There was a crisp bone cracking sound, and the zombie was immediately driven by the force of the wooden knife, and fell to the ground without moving.

Jingshi Ryuki Taichi type Miaohua.


After shaking off the unknown liquid on the wooden knife, Zheng Yi took a deep breath and looked forward.

It is less than one kilometer away from the starting point station. In fact, you can already see the appearance of the starting point station from here. As Hirano said before, because it is a newly established starting point station, it looks like it occupies a large area and the surrounding buildings are all relatively new.This also means that if the internal terrain is more complicated, the risk of corresponding actions will also increase.

But what disturbed Zheng Yi the most was not the area occupied by Shidian Station and everyone’s unfamiliarity with its internal structure.

"Has there been any changes?"

On the side, Du Dao also shook off the stains on the wooden knife, stepped over the quiet corpse at his feet, and came to Zheng Yi's side.

"Do not."

Shaking his head firmly, Zheng Yi touched his abdomen lightly, took a big deep breath, gritted his teeth, and gave a thumbs up smile to Bu Dao beside him.

"The plan is still the same, it's all here, just leave the rest to me, no problem."


However, this time the girl didn't respond to him with a gentle smile like before, Saeko stared at Zheng Yi's eyes quietly, as if she was looking for some secret treasure from those dark black eyes carefully and cherished.

Zheng Yi could clearly see himself reflected in Saeko's eyes.

"Well... I actually look pretty when I smile?"

"Well, you look good when you smile, Mr. Justice."

"It's Zheng Yi, not justice."

"I thought we were actually good enough to call each other nicknames?"

The boy was choked by the girl's words, stared at by those smiling eyes, facing the sparkling light in the girl's eyes, Zheng Yi unconsciously opened his eyes.

"... let's go, there is not much time."

His throat rolled, Zheng Yi moistened his somewhat dry throat, pulled his vocal cords and said in a soft tone close to a murmur.

Turning her head to look at the three people behind her, Bu Dao seemed to be thinking about something, but the process was very short, and she turned her head to follow Zheng Yi's back almost in the blink of an eye.Although the teaching director saw the girl's hesitation at that moment, as a middle-aged man with not much emotional experience, he really couldn't understand the girlish thoughts that flowed out of Saeko Busujima at that moment.

However, he could see that both Saeko Busujima and Zheng Yi seemed to realize something, but they didn't tell each other about it.And judging from the look back just now, Saeko Busujima may have sensed Zheng Yi's thoughts, but Zheng Yi didn't realize it.

Young people are really energetic, but vitality is not a bad thing.

I sighed in my heart that the progress between the young people was really fast. The dean guarded the end of the whole team meticulously. Although this not-so-short trek made him a little breathless, compared to Hirano who was already sweating on his forehead, Said that from time to time he needs to deal with some fish that slipped through the net, and he is only panting a little at this time, which can be regarded as not bad in physical strength.

Let's go and fight, until we actually arrive at the starting point, everyone has actually exhausted a lot of energy.Both Zheng Yi and Busujima, who bear the brunt of the avant-garde, took advantage of this gap to adjust their breathing.Although relying on various methods along the way to avoid direct combat and compressing physical exertion to a minimum, the accumulation of small amounts can still cause a lot of burden to the two of them.Fortunately, both of them seem to have experience in breathing and physical strength distribution, and their sufficient practical experience and superb skills ensure that no excess physical strength is wasted. So until now, the two of them are actually a little weak in muscles, and their mental and overall physical strength are considered good.

Standing in front of the starting point and observing, Zheng Yi got a good news and a bad news.

The good news is that because of the subway, the starting point of the bus station is built on the surface, which eliminates the trouble caused by the characteristics of underground facilities.

The bad news is—

"Everyone, before entering the starting point, I have something to tell you."

Withdrawing his palm from the site sign that was completely kneaded into balls, Zheng Yi passed the pool of dark green strange liquid on the ground, ignoring the faint choking smell in the air, and turned half sideways to look at everyone.

"There is one thing that needs to be changed regarding the course of action going forward."

While talking, Zheng Yi subconsciously looked at his abdomen, then raised his head with a wry smile.


I have finally entered this stage, and I can't bear it until I pave the way (no)

Chapter 14: Walk alone on top!

"If you encounter a difficult situation in the starting point later, I tell you not to hesitate when you evacuate, and leave here in two cars, and don't get entangled."

"Did you find anything? Something to do with these traces?"

The teaching director stood at the end of the line, and he actually found these strange traces along the way, but compared to Zheng Yi, who had the corresponding knowledge, he was only curious about these traces, but he couldn't do it like [special individual] contact in this situation.But as a middle-aged man with a high social status, his ability to perceive words and emotions is naturally not bad.Judging from Zheng Yi's words and deeds along the way and his demeanor at this time, the factors that can make this young man who is always at ease are so afraid are probably the things that caused these traces.

Without trying to hide it, Zheng Yi nodded in agreement with the dean's conjecture. With the wooden knife in his hand, he pointed to the dark green liquid on the ground that had corroded a large hole in the cement street, and motioned everyone to focus on these traces.

"To put it simply, it's like there are ordinary people, soldiers, fighters, etc., and it seems that individuals who are more suitable for fighting and fighting have been derived from them. These traces are a kind of evidence. Although it is not clear that these special individuals What is the level of his ability, but judging from these traces, it is not an object that the few of us can win by force, so I hope that if we encounter this special individual in the starting point station later, everyone will You can follow my command and evacuate immediately."

Having said that, Zheng Yi paused for a moment, his eyes swept over everyone's faces.

"Can you comply?"

Feeling the determination and determination in the young man's eyes face to face, both Hirano and the teaching director couldn't help but look serious. This heavy and solid sad atmosphere made the two men, one big and one small, unconsciously have a feeling for Zheng Yi. Sympathy.

It was a brave emotional interaction as if a man entrusted his affairs behind him. The boy in front of him was holding a wooden knife, and his face still had that bright smile that rarely changed. , the boy's affection for everyone is always full of warm kindness like this.

After just getting to know each other for less than an hour, Hirano seriously put this boy of his own level in the position of a senior and a guide. The pure yearning and longing can be seen from the boy's expression.

The dean didn't express the obvious emotions that Hirano did, but this robust and steady middle-aged man exchanged glances with Zheng Yi with a straight look.For a boy who is younger than his own daughter, this nearly 50-year-old man sees him from the perspective of his peers.From this half-grown boy, he can see not only the shyness, shyness and throbbing of a young man, but also the responsibility, consciousness and stability of a man.

From an elder's point of view, he has sympathy for Zheng Yi.

From a man's point of view, he has admiration for Zheng Yi.

Unanimously, the two men nodded emphatically at Zheng Yi.Without too many verbal boasting and guarantees, three men of different ages made an unspoken agreement.

The reaction of the school doctor Ju Chuan was a bit strange. She always seemed a little lost in the sky when Zheng Yi was speaking, and she kept staring at Zheng Yi's face until Zheng Yi looked at her with a smile, then nodded quietly, indicating that she would Follow Zheng Yi's instructions.This also made Zheng Yi heave a sigh of relief. Among the four people, the second person he worried about was the school doctor Ju Chuan. Both Hirano and the dean were relatively calm types. As long as they made it clear while covering up something, it would be easier to persuade these two people to evacuate. Easy.On the contrary, it was the type of school doctor Ju Chuan who didn't know how to communicate. Fortunately, the other party was unexpectedly sensible, and Zheng Yi didn't spend too much time talking.


Some helplessly looking at Saeko Busujima, in Zheng Yi's consideration, this strong and independent girl can be said to be the most difficult person to persuade in the whole team.In Zheng Yi's opinion, convincing the other party to abandon their companions and escape danger is no less difficult than proposing directly to the other party. Although the exchange time was only an hour, the girl's distinctive personality has been imprinted on Zheng Yi's body in her own way. cognition.

"I understand."

However, to Zheng Yi's surprise, Busujima just showed him a gentle smile, calmly accepted Zheng Yi's entrustment, and did not show any fierce opposition as expected.

Did you not realize what was hidden in this plan?

No, the other party is not a girl who is so stupid.

Did you understand my intention?

The two looked at each other for a moment, Zheng Yi could only see the calmness and jade as clear as the surface of the lake from those magnificent violet eyes, and there was nothing deeper hidden in those eyes.

Well, that's fine.

Taking a long breath, Zheng Yi waved to everyone, set up his wooden knife and walked at the forefront of the team again.

"Let's go, time is running out, stay vigilant."

This scene has been staged more than ten times during this march. Everyone stood their positions skillfully, and the whole team quietly filed in and walked into the starting point station.

After crossing the entrance, everyone relied on the signs at the entrance to quickly determine the location of the vehicle, the exit, and the staff lounge.I don't know if it was because there was no time to start the train when the mutation happened, or for other reasons, there was not even a single zombie in the entire starting point, and the team's actions went smoothly.Even until everyone came to the staff room and took the risk of breaking the glass window to enter it and take the key, they did not encounter a single attack.

But this not only did not relax Zheng Yi's expression, but made him frown even more while his back was turned to everyone.

——He also found those strange signs of destruction in the starting point station.

"Well, let me see..."

Muttering and fiddling with the keys in his hand, school doctor Ju Chuan stood in front of a bus with a yellow body.The teaching director next to him had already taken the corresponding key, opened the door of another bus and got on the car.

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